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Everything posted by jenius

  1. If you don't reference things you're not allowed to discuss in the TOU then robotech.com will let you say whatever you want and not delete your post. Unfortunately, you can't discuss products not sold at rt.com or officially licensed by HG so if your complaint was "this VF-1 is balls, Yamato makes way better Macross products." you'll probably see your post deleted. If you just said "this vf-1 is balls" your post will stay.
  2. It's a repaint of Rook's MPC Alpha and they've already reviewed the MPC Alphas. If you were hoping they made improvements, they didn't. You won't see any of the Aoshima improvements either. Sorry. -
  3. I think someone really needs to get a tape measure out and solve this whole "out of scale" thing. It's just as possible that whatever Yamato toy Graham used for reference (i forget which one) is too large by one centimeter and the VF-25 is too small by one centimeter. You also should measure it in two modes, it may simply be small in fighter but the right size in battroid.... you see that sort of thing with EVERY Legioss/Alpha toy ever made.
  4. HG wanted a Tommy Yune style face.
  5. That won't be an issue, to get beyond the back plate you'll just have to pick the toy up, move the foot inward toward its center, push the hip back past the plate, and then pose.
  6. C'mon guys, VF-1 toys always sell. Sure, we may all be sick of them, but the VF-1 is probably what makes Yamato the most money and allows us to get all those other VFs we want.
  7. Ugh, people, you're confusing "perfect transformation" with "perfect design." The inability to hold a knife or a gun has NOTHING to do with the transformation process. Don't get me wrong, it's a totally valid complaint, it just doesn't have anything to do with transformation. Saying a Yamato isn't perfect transformation because of the guards for the intakes is also wrong because you could just always leave the guards in. Sure, you'd be concealing something, but you could do it. A 1/55 Chunky is perfect transformation but it doesn't even have a heat shield or intake covers, is that preferable? The hand swapping might be a valid argument against "perfect transformation" but I imagine you could also leave the chop suey hands on if you really wanted (and in the long run it's probably way better they went the hand swapping route instead of trying to incorporate all sort of articulation into something so small). So, this is pretty clearly a perfect transformation toy and pretty clearly NOT a perfectly designed toy.
  8. Anyone have experience using the Windows Restore option with Vista? I have an HP and when I try to restore to factory default the system shows me the shutting down window and then the screen goes black and the computer stays on. Nothing else happens. I have an after market video card I've installed but I wouldn't think that'd matter since the computer screen is going blank apparently before anything happens. I let that go for 20 hours on the off chance it was working but I'm fairly certain at this point the computer was waiting on input from me that never came because I didn't see it. Anyway, any help would be appreciated... my computer isn't crippled or anything but I'd like to start clean.
  9. If a Yamato head laser breaks it's normally because it fell from a display stand, a shelf, or what have you. Not because you were handling it roughly... but because it wasn't in your hands. I witnessed a VF-1A LV fall from my shelf and snap its head laser... it was very sad.
  10. The one good thing about bendy head lasers... you'll never break them. that's been a very common complaint about VF toys over the years... especially S variants.
  11. I don't think you're going to be bowled over by the detail on the back of the Toynami Beta. It's not unfinished by any means... I just don't see you finding something there that's going to make you want to display your toy ass end first.
  12. LOL, I don't know if they've always done this but I remember my RT.com ordered Beta came with a RT.com return address in the box. I thought to myself "wow, they really expect us to have to ship this right back to them?" Maybe they handled a sample of Maia's Alpha and expected the worst.
  13. Is Japan about to have a Gold Week or something? I suspect I'm going to have to go through an agonizing wait for these...
  14. I need to rewatch that episode where the crew first finds the Tread... I could have sworn the cockpit looks very similar to how it does on the Toynami Beta. I thought they nailed it in bomber mode but maybe my memory is faulty. If it was smaller I don't think the bomber would look nearly as good.
  15. If you look at my close-ups from my Hikaru 1J several pages back, the burr side of the pin is on opposite sides and i think we concluded previously that the burr side of the pin facing whatever direction wasn't the problem because people with broken shoulders had them pointing in various directions... there was no common bond. My 1J and 1S are both perfectly fine still but I haven't handled them too much... too many other new toys have been coming out.
  16. It ended up being a moot point, I got a bunch of DVDs for Xmas and this was amongst them.
  17. What from that thread says that this is out in Japan? I was expecting to see people playing with them with lots of cool new pics!
  18. It's still way early for that... many people haven't even gotten their's yet. Then there will be the engineering phase. I still like my idea for doing it, like thus: 1) Have a solid piece of plastic that connects to the hinge and forms the back part of the cockpit. 2) In the center of this pieace of plastic, mount the cockpit (it will have to have its own rear as well) in such a way that you can spin it around. 3) Make the bottom of the new cockpit look like the chest you'd want to see on the Beta (obviously you'd have to make some compromises so the bottom of the cockpit didn't look too freakish. 4) When transforming, simply spin the cockpit around before folding it down. It'll still probably be rounder than the CMs but I think you could probably come up with a substatial improvement. I have no talent for modifying or modeling whatsoever, that just seems like a good way of doing it to me. I'm totally salivating over that Mospeada but DREADING transforming it for the first time. I get the feeling I'm going to have to dedicate an entire evening after work to putting it through a couple transformations.
  19. Crooked head is ridiculously prevalent... avoiding that is night impossible.
  20. Another positive Beta review... it's a shame that they're following it up with the Maia MPC Alpha. Someone on Robotech.com confirmed that it really is just a repaint of Rook's MPC so none of the Aoshima improvements AND they didn't even add the slot for the Destabilizer gun so you can't attach the gun in fighter mode... WHOOPS! I'm surprised the CollectionDX guys didn't even mention the fold down cockpit and give a little praise to CMs for how they handled that but maybe it seemed like a dead horse already.
  21. For those of you who don't have one preordered, I've definitely got them preordered and am looking forward to doing a nice big post or two like I just did with the Toynami Beta. There will be reviews... oh yes, there will be... (sadly, probably about a week after you've seen a ton of reviews from folks who didn't have to wait to get them shipped to the states).
  22. He left MW when his work got criticism in another thread and took down all his pictures.
  23. The price on HLJ changes every day with the currency conversion they give you. You should compare the yen price of this toy against the yen price of other toys otherwise you're really just complaining about the value of a dollar.
  24. I'm sorry, it was $102.99 not $109. http://www.over-drive-inc.com/store/produc...products_id=547 Of course it's long since sold out and the dollar was stronger then (nothing you could blame on Bandai).
  25. Uh, I got this thing for $109...
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