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Everything posted by jenius

  1. Again, let's not make an epidemic out of one cold. The 1S had lots of breaks, since then we've seen one 1A break a shoulder and now one 1J. There's clearly a weakness here but there's no reason to think that all 1/60 2.0 shoulders are doomed.
  2. The old 1/35 Gakken is fun to transform. We just need a company to make an updated 1/35 and we'll all have that Legioss toy we're clamoring for. If they want to make a huge 1/35 Tread too so much the better! Yes, I'm aware this isn't going to happen.
  3. Yep, that's the picture I was talking about. The Aoshima is almost just as much diecast as the MPC, the only difference is the hips. The hips on the Aoshima are plastic, the hips on the MPC are metal.
  4. I had a 1/48 LowVis 1A drop to the ground in battroid... it broke its head laser I guess it was fine otherwise though.
  5. SDK, never underestimate the lure of more cheap and easy money. Think of it... website exclusive weathered TV VF-1s! I'd buy it.
  6. That's not the ONLY way to do it. Watch the CollectionDX review, it lookes like they just slide their Alpha on without a problem. I had to split the legs on my Alpha a bit to do it but it didn't cause and pitch/yaw issues. What's causing the tilt issue? Are the heels hitting the cockpit?
  7. I didn't get my DXs today. Bummed, I was hoping to spend this weekend reviewing them. Oh well, my review will go up some time next week. For some reason I'm still kinda excited about them even though I'm also already a little let down.
  8. It'd be funny to see how they thought that would work... Does the Tread launch it's "laser bombs" upward when in bomber mode? I'd guess they were just the doors for loading the bombs and they dropped downward but I think that array is nestled between two legs and a booster so the only place for anything to exit would be up.
  9. My website is pretty much just a laundry list of things I bought in 2008.
  10. Sam, that connecting bar is far superior to the junky diecast cradle CMs gave us. You just needed to come up with a plug in landing gear for the front and a second piece that could serve as rear landing gears. I love that you got the Alpha sitting where it ought to be instead of down below the Tread.
  11. Those are the items Roger linked to previously. It's the Green CMs Legioss/Tread set, previously a CMs website exclusive but now readily available, and a Johnathan Wolff figure that goes with the 1/18 Ride Armors (no Ride Armor included!). The Johnathan Wolff figure also comes with the 8 mini Ride Armors that CMs includes with the Iota Legioss/Tread set... apparently because they made more of those than the did Legioss/Treads so now they need to figure out another way to get rid of them!
  12. Not mislabeled, Toynami is the official Mega House distributor in the US. It's like how Matchbox used to bring Bandai Macross toys over and label them Matchbox Robotech toys.
  13. Did he happen to mention how many were made?
  14. Uh, Ruskii, that's part of how baby Dreads are made...
  15. I think Joel should be able to sell Macross Plus and MacZero toys from Yamato, I think he should have pushed back on that. Toynami and HG have no right to bully anyone when it comes to those franchises (MacF not being an issue since Toynami and Bandai apparently play nice). As to Yamato Macross toys, Yamato themselves fully admit that their toys are not intended to be sold in the US and Yamato refuses to service them here. Why does Yamato do that? Because Yamato understands their licensing agreements. HG is well within their rights to ask any large retailer to stop selling Macross toys not licensed by HG in the states.
  16. Just an interesting side note, I was searching around the Interwebs just now and came across some old Toynami Beta pics I'd long since forgotten about. One of them shows a prototype Shadow Chronicles version complete with top mounted synchro cannon (looks like it replaces the standard version's top mounted missiles). So, for those of you looking forward to a Shadow Beta to go with your Shadow Fighter, you might have your choice between a standard Shadow Beta and a Shadow Chronicles Beta.
  17. The rumor I heard was "expect lots more weathering in the future" regarding Yamato. That's what spurred my guess that we'd be seeing lots of new "weathering" variants.
  18. My guess, everything made that was a 1/48, and then everything done again, this time with weathering!
  19. If I'm not mistaken, one chick put him on lock down a while ago.
  20. Seems like the world would better be served if all used toys just needed to carry a warning, "Sucking this toy may be bad for your health."
  21. I don't think that ought to affect Macross at all... I think all Yamato products are 15 and up and there's no question that any products before then were safe from lead contamination.
  22. I haven't bothered asking Toynami because I don't think it's in their best interests to answer. Right now, with people assuming there are no more being produced, they get a better picture of what demand really is. If they announced they would make more some day then people would stop paying crazy prices for them and they wouldn't be able to see just exactly how out of control demand was getting. They also might be waiting until the releases for the red, green, and shadow are sold out so they can do another production run of all the Alphas at the same time.
  23. It's the first 3000 that are easily distinguishable as they have different color intakes. Not sure which I prefer... My post notes that I suspect we will see what happened with the VF-1S happening again. What I'm really trying to do is help out those people who are debating throwing $300 at a subpar toy to make their Beta complete. I suspect if they're patient they'll be able to buy that toy for $79.99 (or even $59.99) again at some point so hopefully I can help some people save some money. I was actually quite surprised Toynami didn't make some "gift sets" available when the Beta was released. Maybe they're going to let the Beta really make demand super strong before putting more Blue Alphas out. I doubt we'll ever see a full run on 15K Rooks... They screwed up and made way too many Ben Dixon VF-1 toys, hopefully they learned a lesson.
  24. Maybe Yamato's fix was just an ever so slightly smaller pin in the shoulder. Again, the breaks since the original VF-1S are far and few between so I wouldn't let the problems with the initial release deter you too much now.
  25. That much is obvious. What I'm getting at is that there is clearly demand for the blue MPC Alpha right now and if Toynami has the right to produce more of them then it would be silly for them not to make more toys.
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