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Everything posted by jenius

  1. No problem Edwin. I don't have the model kit so I wasn't aware that on the model kit the head was collapsible. That sounds pretty cool. I certainly didn't notice that feature on my toy... but I didn't even know to look for it so hopefully I didn't just miss it!
  2. I believe he wanted to know WHERE you got a blue Alpha. EDIT - Ravenhawk, I'm almost certain Ray is following Stig. I think someone mispoke or typed something errantly when they suggested Yellow would be after Stig. Ray is already in prototype form... there's been no mock ups of Yellow yet.
  3. I'm home on my lunch break, and I'm looking at photos of both the Alto and Ozma chests, and they look identical to me other than paint schemes. Are you mistaking the two dark paint spots on the Ozma for sensor bumps? Maybe I'm just looking at the wrong spot? Can someone confirm? Are the Alto and Ozma toys the exact same things with different paint and heads or is there an actual difference between the two?
  4. Do you have a link to that? The cover of that mag is so small and it looks like a regular Tomahawk to me. A weathered OD Tomahawk sounds too dark...
  5. I got mine through Overdrive, think I spent $103 each plus EMS shipping which was probably another $50. I think anyone who might be tempted to spend more than that ought to wait... these aren't niche products, I'm sure more will be available and the price will get reasonable again. Plus, the Yen is too strong right now.
  6. Thanks Edwin for pointing that out, I'll have to make a correction when I'm home on my lunch break . For everybody else, I know it doesn't really add a whole lot new but I'm glad you liked it. LeChuck, I was hoping people could determine the size from the picture with the Yamato VF-1 toy. Scale is approximately correct unless you collapse the ankles in which case it's way too small in battroid (but I think it looks way better with the ankles collapsed). Cent, the toy is actually enjoyable to transform, I think that's what I couldn't quite figure out how to say last night when writing up the design section. That offsets a lot of the faults... there are no heart attack points or items you really have to struggle with.
  7. Yes, yes it should be. I think that's my big clue that I haven't been sleeping enough lately. Website corrected... I better crash. Thanks for catching that.
  8. Please visit my site and read my review As always, feedback is greatly appreciated... especially if you notice any flub-ups or something I missed.
  9. I thought we were about to have a unique thread for each destroid. Anyway, Defender weathering edition is available for order next week. I'm just reiterating that because last time I almost missed the tomahawk weathering window so people, you don't have much time to make up your mind. Retail looks like it's nearly $140 at today's rates plus shipping (to whoever gets it for you), plus a finders fee, plus shipping to the US. EDIT - Obviously, if you're not in the US, your exchange rate and final shipping will vary.
  10. Here was my effort, hopefully it's what was requested:
  11. Um, Atreyu, TV Max 1A is confirmed, check back a page.
  12. Why are you people talking about BBTS in this thread. Did you not get the memo about BBTS not selling Yamato Macross toys any more due to the Toynami/Bandai deal? Rest assured, you won't be raped... because they can't even sell it to you.
  13. From what i understand it's another Yamato website exclusive, for Yamato club members, available for order January 23rd.
  14. News to me but it's almost certainly the LV2 with GBP2 sold together.
  15. There are also many examples of series being written together. Doing the adaptation took considerably more work so there had to be a perceived benefit to it.
  16. Sorry, hope that last response didn't sound snotty, the ace couple are a sure fire bet. I think Yamatos schedule looks pretty open past the VF-1D and VF-1S Max so I'd guess that couple is around that horizon.
  17. Do you even have to ask if a 1J Max is going to come out? What was the last VF-1 series you saw that didn't have a Max 1J in it? So, that said, one hasn't been announced yet so you're probably looking at later in 2009 than sooner.
  18. Thank you, it seemed transformed right but I needed to confirm. The ankle extensions were slid back into the leg deliberately for that picture so i'm feeling good. Thanks for the input. One more night of fiddling with the thing and then a night or two of editing pictures and writing and I should have a pretty thorough review up.
  19. Pulled out my 1J to do comparison pics with the DX last night. Knocking on wood, my 1J is still minty.
  20. It'd be really easy to address if it ever did develop into a more serious problem. If you wear that tab down just put a thin layer of clear tape over it. You'll increase the diameter of the tab by the thickness of the tape and give it the additional friction to stick in there.
  21. Thanks for the input, here's a real quick rough pic that might help you see any mistakes. I appreciate the help. (The shoulders I'm meh on as they kinda move every time I pose the arm). No photo or lighting effects this time: EDIT - when I said more neck than I expected, I was probably a bit far behind the times and still remembering those prototype shots which seemed to have practically no neck.
  22. Hey guys, with the exception of the ankles which I know I depressed a bit, does my Ozma look transformed properly? I don't want to have a review full of mistransformed toys (nor do I want to review something I don't fully understand) and I haven't been following this thread as well as I should. What really worried me is that the toy had more neck than I anticipated which makes me wonder if maybe I haven't put something in the right spot.
  23. I also have a non FP VF-11B with perfect hips... but I've seen enough destroyed and mangled ones to know I'm very lucky.
  24. Buy an old beat up Gakken 1/35 then start customizing!! Add the torso swivel one member did here and a proper paint job.
  25. I could probably handle that for ya. Next time I have stuff out for a shoot I'll take care of that.
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