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Everything posted by jenius

  1. Your 1A is also the same or did you have one of the other types?
  2. Yahoo Japan Auctions.
  3. VF-11B
  4. Once upon a time I had 4 Detolfs crammed with stuff... and when the collection was way too big for that I tore everything down and threw it into storage. These days I keep a closet full of boxes so I can do comparison pics for the website but everything else is in storage so I can't really take full collection pics. Some day I'm hoping to get all my Mospeada stuff into a display of some sort and show some pics but that definitely won't be any time soon.
  5. Since it's Mospeada it goes in the Other Anime section, the Toy thread is Macross only zone.
  6. jenius

    Yamato Toy TV

    That patlabor may be one of the coolest toys I've ever seen.
  7. jenius


    No genius aircraft designer but I always thought separating the boosters provided stability, not maneuverability. If you want something maneuverable you push all the the thrust into one point (uh, in a non-space environment) and pray to God you can develop sufficient enough controls every where else to keep it stable. Speaking of stability, how about a vertical stabilizer?
  8. Overdrive isn't carrying the drone so I'll probably pass and hope to purchase it later down the road at a marked down price.
  9. wow, very nice work! Thanks -
  10. Mine all sat on their landing gears a tiny bit better than their MPC counterparts but any difference is very minimal. Most upward arched backs also involved slight problems with tolerances and those same issues wouldn't be any better with Aoshima.
  11. From what I understand from a hospital working friend of mine, the current swine flu is not genetically different enough to be a truly massive pandemic. The swine flu responds to standard flu treatments... the pandemic everyone is afraid will happen is a flu that does NOT respond to the standard flu treatments. There are still lots of mysteries surrounding the current baddy but I'd gratefully accept late shipments from anywhere if it was understood that that was a prudent measure... from the sounds of what they've discovered so far though it looks like we may get through this one. EDIT - new flus deserve a lot of attention... history tells us they can decimate world populations.
  12. I believe the Aoshima is due out in July. I've got an order in for a blue one so I can do a full post on any possible changes. There's a rumor that they might have changed something around the hip area but time will tell.
  13. No, it's not a VF-1A because it has two seats... but it has a 1A head in the cartoon. For the purposes of the animation they just magically made Max's VF-1A a two seater temporarily but it magically growing a second seat doesn't make sense so later it was decided that it should have been a VF-1D painted the same as Max's 1A. So, ever since the series ended, the magic two-seat VF-1A has been properly reclassified as a VF-1D with the same paint scheme as Max's VF-1A... the head shown in the animation is to be ignored.
  14. I would expect to hear a lot more about Toynami's 1/100 plans at the San Diego Comicon this July... I'd be surprised if we heard much before then, they're very slow with their 1/100 releases.
  15. I wouldn't be surprised if Yamato hasn't gotten Overdrive their shipment yet. I know they want it ASAP so they can get them out before the holidays so if you haven't heard from them yet it's probably because the Yamato truck driver hasn't knocked on their door. I'm waiting for Overdrive also.
  16. Whoa, seriously? Put your self in their shoes. You design something, you license it, you sell it, someone else tweaks it a bit, and then they sell many more of it. Now I know many Internet forum members like to say they're exceedingly noble and would think having their work pilfered was a compliment but in the real world that tends not to be how things are perceived. What if a year from now Yamato did want to revisit the fan jet and produce something else? Here Yamato had gone through the approval with Big West and made the appropriate concessions only to have other unlicensed people profit largely from their work... that doesn't tend to make business people happy. The question is, would they be making money from something that they had the rights to make but was being produced by someone else? If the answer is "no" then they're not happy. All that said, I get that Valk009 was essentially joking around (while putting out an idea many folks would be happy with).
  17. Graham is back in touch with Yamato but I'm basing the sponsorship notion purely off the banner ad.
  18. You realize MW is officially sponsored by Yamato right? I'm guessing they'd be very unhappy with that effort (not that I wouldn't love to see the outcome).
  19. In the animation it does have a 1A head though.
  20. I can think of at least one way of doing a "perfect transformation" heatshield on the VF-22 but it would definitely require some new tooling.
  21. If you can put Luca's radome on Alto then you have a second edition.
  22. If you have to ask "what does that have to do with what I said" then it probably wasn't said toward you.... my bad for not quoting Regult.
  23. If you haven't heard of a pile of broken V2 shoulders then you haven't been listening. The first edition Focker they released has an epic failure rate... although not quite as epic as their 50/50 VF-0 toys. The Bandai DX 25 is still a long ways from hitting double digits in failures and when it "breaks' it's a screw that is broken... not a crucial part of molded plastic or something like that. People can't help it if their toys are broken from the get go, or break immediately thereafter, but there is certainly a proclivity toward panic in all toy forums.
  24. Rumor I heard was that Yamato worked out a deal with Bandai for the VF-22 and they'd have to do the same for each future toy they plan on associating with M7... but that's just the rumor I heard. Interesting stuff to be sure.
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