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Everything posted by jenius

  1. I have to argue semantics on this one. Version 2.0 implies (to me) a complete overhaul of the existing product like we saw with the 1/60 VF-1 partsformer to the current 1/60 VF-1. That's a huge leap forward. The 1/60 YF-19 doesn't need nearly that kind of leap forward, what it needs is the kind of tweaking you generally see in a "second edition." It's essentially the same toy but the manufacturer listens to the early adopters and makes some tweaks like adding more areas to lock, sturdier parts in areas prone to breaking, etc. A second edition YF-19 should have a smaller Isamu figure (from the 11B), a chest that locks in battroid mode, and some tweaks that make it come tightly back together in fighter mode.
  2. I'm on board with all of this... generally I think MW has a better proportion of civil and intelligent members than most other corners of the Interweb but it seems the BL and FS/T posts often make people forget their better judgment. If an item in the FS/T section is too expensive for you to buy and the seller doesn't mention taking offers than accept it's too expensive and move on, don't b*tch about the price. The BL got so crappy at one point I gave up on it. Comments like "Oh man, if someone did that to me I'd punchisize their face!" left too much comment spam for me to sort through.
  3. I can't check my personal email at the moment but I'm pretty sure Overdrive confirmed they'd be shipping the Ray Beagle tomorrow, it seems odd their site shows it in stock as of the 25th. I also am thinking that any day now a Japanese blogger will be lighting up the Interwebs with a blow out that will likely include the first reveal of the Toynami tweaks (if any) just like last time.
  4. I agree, the YF-19 doesn't hold together well enough. I'd come short of calling it a floppy mess (well, GERWALK is kind of a floppy mess) but I've definitely been frustrated plenty of times getting fighter mode to come back together well. I think it's still a really good toy, best YF-19 without a doubt, but not nearly as stellar as the YF-21. I own the YF-19 Fold set which helps me feel a bit better about it since it does seem like a more substantial toy with the super parts and booster but I'd probably take the VF-11B over the standalone YF-19 even if the VF-11B is pretty small in comparison. Don't expect to be seeing the YF-19 repaints on my site any time soon but I did preorder the VF-22.
  5. Congratulations and good luck to you. If I manage some free time I'll be sure to pick up a copy.
  6. I really should have been cleaning the place before I head off island hopping but instead I was working on a hearty review of the 11B Check it out by going here!
  7. The light source is behind the valk in that picture so it's just a white valk in the dark.
  8. I really don't think this should be called a LowVis... the yellow is a bit much for LV. I think we should call it Gray Edition Focker or perhaps VF-1S Graylord Focker.
  9. I'd probably be more excited about the double nuts (and maybe even the other one) if the color schemes had the trim and base colors reversed.
  10. Yep. PS - my full review will be going up sometime in the next few days. Lots of comparison pics... I think you guys'll like it.
  11. I'm probably going to buy a box and just keep one of each type of plane for comparison purposes. If people are interested in just one of any particular type I'll be sure to put up what I have available for sale here.
  12. That's too bad about the foot, mine popped in two but nothing was broke, it looks like they were supposed to put a dot of glue on one of the pegs but forgot to.
  13. www.xe.com EDIT - uh, $273??? That can't be right.... the thing retails for $30! EDIT 2 - When using XE.com, be sure to use the right country... I used the wrong country above with disastrous results.
  14. Someday, when I'm older and I have to sell off all my toys, I imagine setting up a little work bench and taking on modeling as a hobby. It's news like this that has me convinced that that is the road I will eventually go.
  15. You gotta figure that if they put the hip back where they had it on their first release then there is a reason for that... like stability, cost or less partsforming. Everything is a trade-off in the toy world.
  16. I'm afraid in battroid both will look very dull... need more pics
  17. Toynami's MPC collection does not include Shinobu. It's four volumes, Scott, Rand, Rook, and Yellow with an asterisk that indicates there may be Shadow Chronicles variants to follow. This doesn't mean 100% they won't wedge Sue in there but it seems far more likely she'd be tacked on to the end. The contradictory release information that has caused some vendors to stumble comes from Toynami's initial release order when they were making their own product (Scott, Rand, Yellow, Rook) and Beagle's announced release order (Stick, Ray, Houquet, Yellow). Some vendors chose to go off Toynami's list since Toynami was still the one distributing the toy to them. The orders were all announced long ago, I don't know I can dig up an article at the moment, but while the orders were announced long ago they were short on dates.
  18. Overdrive isn't really offering replacement parts. What Overdrive offers is to submit your request to Yamato for replacement parts. If Yamato hasn't responded in 4 months that pretty much tells you Yamato doesn't have the part you want which means you're currently in a circling pattern until more SV-51s get made. People are getting the arms and shoulders they need because those toys are still in production so Yamato responds to requests for those parts. EDIT - you get a payment request and start getting responses from Overdrive only when Yamato responds to your request by sending the parts.
  19. Not likely, they've announced the order already, no Shinobu in there. That doesn't mean we'll never see one, I would just be very surprised if they decided to squeeze her in since it wouldn't work with the Toynami volumes very well.
  20. Ah, I got you Troyness. Hey, if anyone wants a good panic, here are some other items to think about: 1) Lack of news on Bandai's VF100 line. Michael is due out in a few weeks... but? 2) Lack of news on Bandai's VF100 VF-19Kai. 3) Lack of news on Bandai's DX Quarter. 4) Lack of news on Bandai's DX Alto figure. 5) Lack of news on Yamato's Phalanx Destroid Alright, I'm sure there are more. It seems like Yamato has been the only company ramping up the PR machine. There should be more news as more hobby shows happen.
  21. Is this what you're talking about Troyness?
  22. Now that's defintiely not something you normally see.
  23. I find it highly unlikely that Beagle is having problems, they just showed Houquet a little while ago. Ray is just a reworked Stick, I suspect it will hit the shelves with little hooplah... I would expect Houquet to make more of a splash as we get closer to her release. Also, it's the dead season for toys, this time of year always tends to be quiet.
  24. Seriously, you can never judge the cockpits of any toy until you see the final product. In just about every single prototype the canopies start as painted blue plastic from Toynami's MPCs, Toynami's 1/100s, Bandai's DX line, Bandai's 1/100s, etc etc. And, while we're talking about constants of prototypes, you can never tell the amount of tampo printing or the final paint scheme either. These are all things that should not be complained about until you see the picture of the toy someone just purchased or a magazine article that specifically states "this is the final product."
  25. I spoke to Overdrive yesterday, they said they were confused how other shops were taking orders on the toy when they had been specifically told by Yamato NOT to take orders yet as Yamato was still figuring things out (including the paint scheme on one of the 19s). I think it's likely that Overdrive waited and then got their MSRP after most other online retailers simply assumed the MSRP would be similar to previous ones. In this case, it will probably burn Overdrive as I find it highly unlikely other retailers are going to hike their MSRP now.
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