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Everything posted by jenius

  1. I have the Beagle versions of the toy but I keep an eye out on the Toynami ones. I prefer the Toynami box for sure so if I can ever find them cheap I'll buy those too.
  2. LOL, perhaps you should ask in the appropriate thread! but i'm not telling
  3. Well, all the talk about whether or not Toynami was going to make good use of their licenses, enemy mecha, etc. was relevant here. That's how it all got started.
  4. My girlfriend Robotech on Hulu and sent me some mocking text messages this morning. I'm holding off on my news because I don't feel it's prudent to share it yet. Comic-con is only a week away so I might as well give it some time and see if there are any last minute changes or official announcements. I'd rather not walk up to a booth wearing my ANYMOON.COM T-shirt and have someone (on some incredibly off chance) recognize me as the guy who spilled some beans and chase me away before I take some pictures of the booth .
  5. That's not entirely fair.... This is the internet I could say that toynami was creating a full scale sdf_1 and someone would claim 'i totally saw that coming.' I think the news is juicy but ymmv.
  6. I should be over my hangover by 2pm... but still can't commit to anything. Would like to go... don't know that I've ever been to SF's J-town despite my many evenings in the city.
  7. Where the hell do you people buy your toys? Get the Toynami version, it's less than $200. The Beagle Stick was even on sale at HLJ for less than $200 shipped at one point. I don't think anyone ever paid $300 for one of these toys.
  8. I just got some juicy Robotech merchandising info. I'll ask Toynami about it at Comic-con if they haven't let the cat out of the bag by then. Regardless, I'll be posting a blog about it the first night of the event whether it's rumor or if they confirm it
  9. It's an off white
  10. Just in... about two months ago... You need to visit lots of other threads.
  11. PTM, BSG style is referring to the Battlestar Galactica music that was referenced in some earlier Youtube links. Starts slow then picks up in a big way.
  12. I have a review of that metallic CMs Fuke going up on my site later today.
  13. On the "Enemy mecha" tip I think you guys may be forgetting all the mock-ups they had of the 1/100 Regult to go with their 1/100 line-up at last year's comic-con. If HG is going to make an enemy mecha a $14.99 Regult to go with that line seems an easy guess to me. Heck, the next wave will probably be a GBP armor, a Regult, and a VF-1S Focker (because he needs to be in every wave apparently. Yeah, I'm kidding about the Focker. Have they even hinted at a big comic-con announcement? I'll be at comic-con and I planned on thoroughly checking out their scene but I figured this year had STALL written all over it. Heck, their big Anime Expo news was a synchro cannon Beta... something we saw pictures of over a year ago.
  14. Huh? What's wrong with them selling a non-canon VF-1 toy? What about the YF-1R, was there something wrong with that too? Is it the fact that they sell things as both Robotech and Macross that has you concerned? I'm confused. It'll be funny if Battletech is some day larger than Robotech in its following. Heck, it's gotta be close already right? Didn't battletech have a cartoon?
  15. Is that a David Carradine joke? Ouch.
  16. mmmmmm half-aged girls... Does that make sense? Let's see, I'm 30... mmmm 15 year old girls.... Hey, if we're talking about Ranka that's about right isn't it? Maybe it's a fitting name after all. Still... feels kinda creepy.
  17. Seto you are too involved with the RT.com boards. I read a thread where you bashed a moron who seemed to have no understanding of several simple concepts for three pages (Macross7). You sound like you have a lot going on, don't waste so much time on imbeciles. Sometimes I'm tempted to say things on that board just to watch you fly off the handle... in fact, I'm pretty sure I've done that to you there. You can tell I have too much time when I drop in the stories section and say "Man, Leonard was a moron." With the fights you're picking I keep getting the feeling you're a man with way too much time on his hands.
  18. Yeah Darrin, I agree, looks like a silly oversight.
  19. Well done... in the beginning I was expecting a BSG type tempo change to the music (slow stuff in the intro and then a "huh!" followed by fast paced music with lots of action shots). I think that would have worked also but this worked out fine on its own.
  20. They're white in both shows so it's kinda up to Yamato how they want to differentiate but most people associate the gray with the TV version because of Takatoku (and then Bandai).
  21. Remember it as blurry, tiny, and poorly animated... it's much better than actually seeing pictures of it... that thing is hideous.
  22. I'm in NorCal and I've been seeing it to. I'm not patient enough to wait for an actual error though, I just close the page when I see it's taking a long time to load.
  23. Easy to say when you have no idea what crazy price tag they'd slap on it.
  24. That kid has the coolest dad ever.
  25. DYRL paint schemes are pretty boring, I'm hoping the Frontier ones don't follow.
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