On the "Enemy mecha" tip I think you guys may be forgetting all the mock-ups they had of the 1/100 Regult to go with their 1/100 line-up at last year's comic-con. If HG is going to make an enemy mecha a $14.99 Regult to go with that line seems an easy guess to me. Heck, the next wave will probably be a GBP armor, a Regult, and a VF-1S Focker (because he needs to be in every wave apparently. Yeah, I'm kidding about the Focker.
Have they even hinted at a big comic-con announcement? I'll be at comic-con and I planned on thoroughly checking out their scene but I figured this year had STALL written all over it. Heck, their big Anime Expo news was a synchro cannon Beta... something we saw pictures of over a year ago.