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Everything posted by jenius

  1. Harmony Gold does not sell toys, Toynami does. I want to say they were like $19.99 though... Pretty sure I got two for less than $50 (after tax). EDIT - HG does not *currently* sell toys. Yes, they reissued the matchbox toys under their own name at one point. EDIT II - I've been thinking about this more... they must have been more than $19.99 but they couldn't have been more than $29.99. Maybe it was less than $60... everything was a blur.. quite the scene.
  2. It seems you're trolling me. If you've got a problem PM me about it. If you don't have a problem then maybe you should elaborate to make your direction a bit more clear.
  3. Phantasy Star 3: You wanted backgrounds during the fights? Well okay, now you have backgrounds (and all we had to do was eliminate the enemy animations to pull it off).
  4. I love the two sides of it. Go to RT.com for ridiculous complacence in the face of mediocrity, come her for the baseless hate and rampant pessimism. EDIT - Full disclosure, I eagerly participate in both sides to create my own middle ground.
  5. I saw this post and thought that someone must have done some necromancy on like a three year old thread...
  6. Yep, new gun, new scope for existing gun, new intakes, and the cradle was redesigned a hair to bring the two vehicles closer together (although it still didn't look all that great). Edit - my lips are sealed on the Gosu... it's too bad the economy took a dump, maybe some day it will be resurrected. Tommy should throw some Gosus into Shadow Rising...
  7. Poor enemy mecha... why are you so shunned? Sniffle.
  8. The Aoshima versions of all three major paint schemes are due out this month... not sure why they'd be more expensive than the Toynami releases.
  9. We discussed this a bunch in the Licensing thread. Check my site for lots of better pics... the toy is actually blue with black, gray, and gold highlights.
  10. No one even knows who owns the international rights to the film footage of DYRL? so it's fortunate ANY company is claiming to have merchandising rights for it. There are lots of ways it could have happened though... selling the toys might have been where someone thought all the money was so they wanted less money for the film rights than they did the merchandising rights. People balked at the expense of the merchandising rights and got just the film rights. Once they were split from each other the value of the merchandising rights would have dropped. Then when it became unclear who even had the film rights the merchandising rights were probably all but shelved until HG came along and said "Uh, we'll take those." Anyway, that's just a thought for one of the ways this theoretically could happen.
  11. Maybe they use two separate plants with different equipment?
  12. Saturn launch games were a pretty bad blunder... they were so bad they re-released them later once they actually learned how to program for their uber complicated system.
  13. You're being way too picky or you need to turn up the brightness of your monitor. The Toynami is navy blue with black, gray, and gold accents. You can definitely argue that it takes inspiration from Yamato's 25th anniversary scheme, and some other inspiration from Yamato's stealth scheme, but essentially what you're really saying is "any dark valk is a rip off now" and that doesn't really seem fair. All this complaining about the scheme seems silly to me. Is it out years after Yamato's efforts? Yes. Is it dark like Yamato's efforts? Yes. Is it blue like one of Hasegawa's efforts... well, kinda, but darker. There are hundreds of valid reasons to complain about Toynami's toys, whether or not this toy is original enough to make your panties wet wouldn't rank high on my reasons to bash them. I'm fairly confident with all the customs and everything else done with VF-1s just about any new non-canon scheme will have similarities to something someone released before. Seriously, there is almost NO orginality in Yamato's 25th anniversary scheme, it's a rip off of a thousand black with gold trim items before it and the stealth isn't that much more exciting. As to being slow to the party? Can you imagine how much more they would have been bashed if they released this toy concurrently with Yamato's and Hasegawa's darker efforts?
  14. Since they have sold several DYRL? toys now ranging from superposeables to the 1/100 line without any word of them being sued by anyone and with no indication that they're going to stop we're at that point where it's safe to assume they're working legitimately. Even if they originally didn't have legal right to the merchandising rights they've reached that point where whoever did own said rights would have had to have acted to protect their license by now.
  15. Nope, dead serious. That paint scheme doesn't look like anything produced by Yamato. In fact, I really wish Yamato had made that the 25th anniversary paint scheme, it's way better than that retro black and gold they put out. The toys come with all the same accessories as every other release, it would have been silly for them to remove some accessories because they never appeared in The Macross Saga. Maybe Toynami will release all non-canon schemes under the Robotech name and use the Macross name only for canon releases... it seems fitting.
  16. It is not at all a rip off of the Yamato... you will see. EDIT - picture added to back up the statement.
  17. HG claims merchandising rights for DYRL also so they can make strike parts. Their "stealth" scheme is also unique. Pics will be up on my site later tonight.
  18. I'm confused about those Mospeada figures, there are 10 pieces in a box but only 5 different figures? You're going to have to buy duplicates and you still might miss one? That's really a bad way of doing things. Why not just put together 10 characters by including Jim Austin, Batra, Sorji, Wolf, and Aisha?
  19. Are we about to have one.... site is getting slow....
  20. The hold up is not with Toynami but rather Bandai. BW told Bandai told cut that crap out and Bandai listened. Toynami has dropped all talk about Bandai Macross merchandise in the US recently. Is any of this clear cut and in writing? No so you can cling to hope but I think both companies are moving on.
  21. I think it'd be far more likely that WB would court BW so that they could keep the story of Macross more in tact and not have to alter it so radically. I would imagine that WB would want to use updated designs that look nothing like they did in the cartoons but the story of Minmay's bringing culture to a warrior race would remain very attractive.
  22. The riding suit has been complained about, I'm pretty sure I mentioned it in my review. It was improved for the Rand release, they added a coating to it to protect it a bit. If you're having a hard time getting the figure to stand on its own then you need to adjust the heels. There is articulation in the boot but it's probably pretty stiff right out of the package and at an angle not conducive to making the figure stand. Pick up the figure, play with the heels a bit to get them to a better angle, then put the figure down and continue to adjust the heels. I have pictures of Rand standing on one foot hopping on his bike in my review... once you get used to the heels you can do amazing things.
  23. The Beta is a great toy but it's not perfect. I still think the cockpit should have spun around before sliding then folding down so that the bottom of the cockpit was facing outward. Then they could have taken a couple liberties with the bottom of the cockpit to make it look more like part of the chest. It's definitely too bad they skipped the shoulder missile bays and it would have been nice if the legs sat flush with the yellow missile bay in bomber mode instead of having that gap on either side. All minor complaints though, it's definitely a nice toy.
  24. The Ghost version of the VF-0S (Not Shin's VF-0A with Ghost) is fixed but fixed differently from the latest release of the VF-0S. What the difference is, I have no idea. Ruskii is right, beyond that it's just a little piece of packaging plastic on the tailfins that indicates it was the newest release from what I recall from a thread here on MW.
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