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Everything posted by jenius

  1. It does look like the 19 uses significantly less partsforming. I hope that's the case.
  2. Now do a Mospeada one so we can all have a hearty laugh about Shadow Chronicle's CG.
  3. I admit, I was cooking dinner while watching the review so it's completely possible I missed a bit. From experience I know how that back pack can really screw things up with the super parts if not locked so I figured that must have been the problem. Apparently I just got a bit lucky and got one that's stiffer.
  4. What does that sentence mean? Are you saying that convention exclusives should never be non-canon? I'm not sure I follow what you were getting at.
  5. I'm pretty sure the balance issues he had in Super/Strike battroid mode were because the backpack needed to be pushed up to lock it in place. If you don't lock it in place it falls backward which doesn't really affect a non super valk (it just looks like the backpack dangles loose a bit) but causes serious balance issues with the extra parts.
  6. I feel like this is a Jeopardy answer waiting for someone to guess the right person... I'll continue it for the fun of the obscure reference... I made mountains of wealth on Italian marble which I also store in massive climate controlled warehouses located throughout Southern California. I used my incredible profits to help orchestrate an investment plan in partnership with Yamato that involves said shipments of Yamato toys directly to my warehouses which is why I can not take pictures of them... they are in shipping containers in my warehouse. Truthfully though, I flew to Japan and spent two weeks traveling the country. I wouldn't say that was all because of Macross though... it was a wonderful vacation though.
  7. This sounds very similar to DND's old complaints that his pilots were leaving their butt paint in the seats of his 1/48 valks.
  8. It's a beautiful pic, I just have one minor constructive criticism. The regult's positioning looks incorrect. It seems like it would have had to have just walked through a building to get where it's at and it looks like it intends to walk through another building. It seems like there needs to be an intersection where the Regult is walking or the regult should be walking up the street. Another solution might be to turn the left foot forward so it looks like it was walking up the street when it turned to look at something.
  9. I'm not saying I support it but another line of thought is that the McKinney books were more true to the story of Robotech and that the animation should not be taken as Gospel as Macek had to use other people's animation to make his story whereas the book writers did not. Had Macek not been encumbered by pictures showing other events or an inability to add scenes what he might have created could have been more of what was done in the books. Again, I'm not saying that's my take on it but it's an opinion I've read.
  10. Yep, it's 100% legit. It shipped back in the first quarter of 2009, right on time. Of course I'm being sarcastic. That info looks like a hybrid of the 2009 release schedule (produced by Toynami in early 2008) and actual MSRP of the Beagle/Toynami MPC. The original release schedule was for the Cyclones Toynami actually intended on making
  11. That's a pretty crazy mid-transformation pose.
  12. Why would you re-send an order? Save told you they only reply if an item comes in and seeing as the SV-51 is long out of production it seems doubtful that order would be filled any time soon.
  13. I also got both. I heard that there were pretty much the same number made by Toynami/Beagle so I wouldn't choose based on rarity. If you're okay with the head sculpt, I'd get the Toynami.
  14. Couldn't you just use the standard smaller neck rod at all times if you hate parts forming that much?
  15. Like the Alphas, all the Betas have slightly different paint schemes (I think).
  16. He's just a cross-dresser... and he does it as a clever disguise as to avoid detection. It's a bit far-fetched in reality but they were pretty straight forward with it in the show. He definitely had a human female love interest and then an alien female love interest. Homophobes have no reason to be uneasy with Yellow.
  17. Nothing at all (edit- from Toynami). Tommy mentioned that they were expecting one out but said he hadn't heard anything on a release date.
  18. Hey... maybe they could get the rights to the redesigns from MacrossII....
  19. I doubt Kevin will say anything. If he does he will say the typical "All rights to ROBOTECH!" line which only serves to confuse matters as those who don't see through it assume it means all facets of the Macross story. He might even address Seto directly to make it seem like he's correcting Seto when in reality he'd pretty much just be agreeing with him in a way that would confuse the snot out of the people who haven't been following any of this mess (and to be fair, very few people are probably even aware there is a rights issue).
  20. Tommy at Comic-con acted confused and said that as far as he knows Macross still has pending litigation and left it at that. Every time I hear them talk rights they talk about the rights to "all of Robotech" which is essentially an admission that they only have rights to those elements which are UNIQUELY Robotech.
  21. These days it's BW who refuses to play with HG. Not that I blame them after Tats' animation land grab and HG's demands years ago. To be fair, it's established everywhere now that HG IS entitled to merchandising rights to Macross and Battletech never was. HG is totally in the right to tell the BT folks to stop... I just don't think it makes business sense. That's the thing though, charging an ungodly amount that will never be paid by a developer who thought the designs were free isn't going to get either the developer or HG anywhere. If HG said "Do as you will, just give us a big friggin' ad" then that should do it. OR, what might be a much better way of doing things, make the Unseens paid for downloadable content and let HG just get a cut from the downloads rather than entire game sales.
  22. I think HG is seriously dumb if they don't try to get their Macross mecha into a Battletech game. Both franchises should work together to be relevant... they need all the help they can get. Just have one of the game's opening ads be an HG logo and have it say "A Thank You to HG for the use of several mecha from the hit anime ROBOTECH." Bam, some advertising for HG and Robotech and the Battletech fans get to play those old designs.
  23. There is a HUGE difference between "absolute blood bath" and "no no no, they made it so those characters just weren't on screen!" Max and Miriya not having names, not being on screen, and being in limbo is no where near as satisfying as seeing a blue-haired commander having "M. Sterling" written on his craft get blown away after an intense battle. So no, I don't consider just avoiding the issue to be way ahead of resolving it.
  24. Noooo... not at all like the MPCs. You pop pieces off the backpack and plug in backpack replacement pieces that then attached to the new parts. Everything else fits in via pegs, no magnets.
  25. As to the previous discussion on Protoculture, the only sensible thing for HG to do is to move as far away from Macross as rapidly as possible, including the hokey term protoculture... ya know, since it sounds like it has something to do with culture more than fuel. I have very different tastes from the average Robotech fan but I would have made Shadow Chronicles into an absolute blood bath. You know all those nameless soldiers who the Haydonites killed? That should have been Rick Hunter, Max, Miriya, Lisa, and just about every previous cast member the show ever focused on. Sure, leave a few old fan favorites out of it so they can pop up from time to time but everyone that has any licensing issues at all should have been slaughtered. I think the show should have also been created so it could have been a Mospeada 2 but that's another can of worms.
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