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Everything posted by jenius

  1. What I really got banned for was pointing out that Kevin was wrong. Whatever, that place is a den of misinformation at the moment and it's a whole lot less frustrating trying to set them straight than just ignoring the whole scene. I just checked the thread of my banning, Kevin seems to now be implying that I, a master seargent and not nearly enough free time to pull off that rank while loggin in under other names, had multiple accounts and since I didn't quote Tommy word for word exactly as it was spoken at Comic-con I was "putting words in his mouth." Yeah, right, somebody should put up the unedited film from Comic-con so everyone can hear Tommy say loudly and clearly that Shadow Rising will remain in pre-production while they wait to see what kind of roads WB opens up for the Robotech franchise. The man said it there and so it should be something we can say to all Robotech fans... but I think Kevin is still reeling from getting yelled at for calling the extended pre-production a "hiatus". If you ever decide to stand up to all the crap, I think your eventual banning will be good for you. You can only argue in circles with people who feel it is their duty to lie to the members of that forum for so long before you're wasting a ton of time and energy that can be sent on your own projects. It's a shame that nothing will happen to prove how wrong everyone is about the rights issues over there (especially if the movie never happens). If the movie does happens Memo will make up excuses for why the Macross elements were abandoned way before he'll admit he was wrong. That's the kind of people you have to argue with there... not really a worthwhile venture.
  2. I'm fairly certain that's been translated before somewhere. It's a diagram of the longer range militaries joining with Mars Base for an assault but I forget the nuances.
  3. Whoa, watch your tongue! I'm currently enjoying a ban from robotech.com for two reasons: 1) I repeated what Tommy says at conventions (and even Memo heard what I heard and world knows we never agree) and 2) things I said here that Kevin McKeever didn't like. You keep telling the truth and slamming Kevin and you're going to have one less place you can hang out online.
  4. I have a box of these coming, I'll be sure to share my experience.
  5. I knew someone would do that damaged diorama eventually. Amazing, simply amazing!
  6. jenius


    on the question about yellowing, the 1/48 I have that is yellowing was purchased second hand. In my posession it's be in a cool dark environment with little sunlight (mostly in storage). I have a few other 1/48s that show no signs of yellowing yet including a Hikaru 1J and LV1. The V1 1/60s yellowed pretty bad pretty quick, obviously no problems yet on the V2.
  7. It's just poor writing. Let's face it, HG is pretty much just a staff of fans. Some fans have computer skills, those become the web guys. Some fans have an art background, they become the creative guys. Some fans were just sycophants.. and they're still just sycophants. Honest question here, besides creating Shadow Chronicles, had anyone at HG ever written anything of note before?
  8. It's not just clear, it's rainbow coated like the canopies of the Yamato VF-1 toys (or so I hear). The idea was to really give it the fold effect. I believe I have one on order and will be doing a full review... after it's released and actually in my position... after I have moved
  9. I'm okay with boob play in anime but the female character designs in Shadow Chronicles were actually distracting on my first watching of that movie. It really did look like they took the same body and put different outfits on it to make different people. This wouldn't have been so noticeable if the one body they cut and pasted wasn't that of a banging porn star.
  10. Seriously, that red shirt has to work the poles as soon as she's off duty. The folks at the cafeteria must always wonder why she pays with glitter covered ones that smell like coconut.
  11. jenius


    My 1/48 VF-1S has a yellowing chest plate Yamato toys vary from greatness to full on suckitude. I'm glad I drastically reduced the pilots whose planes I would purchase a long time ago. I'm guessing this global recession is going to really nail the toy hobby eventually and interesting things will come of it (besides toys we really want being cancelled).
  12. Yeah, I might have gotten one but it ends up being the $190 MSRP plus a $50 finder fee plus $50 to ship it to the US and nearly $300 is just too rich for a 1/48.
  13. Well I just got temp banned from Robotech.com.... because of things I've said here! For the record, Tommy totally did say what I wrote. I quoted from memory though and offered to let Kevin give me the exact quote but instead he freaked out and banned me. Apparently saying something is "Untrue fanboy speculation" is also worlds different from saying "ignorant fanboy." That's it for me bringing Robotech.com drama to Macrossworld though (for obvious reasons ).
  14. Still moving. The only way you'll hopefully be able to tell is that you'll be seeing reviews on my website for older toys... I'll still be posting their and on forums though.
  15. Yamato is not going to be interested in Mospeada after Beagle's recent failure. Even Mega House didn't find it worth the effort to finish their line. CMs really has Mospeada covered and having had those three companies alone saturated the tiny Mospeada market. Dump on top of that the Aoshima debacle (being made better with a high quality Tread release) and there's just not much of a draw for any other toy company to throw their hat in that ring. Mospeada was big enough for one dominant toy company to make good use of the license but it wasn't nearly popular enough for the landslide we got. So sad.
  16. I kinda have to wonder if the mods at HG aren't intentionally misleading the forum members there. I wonder if Kevin and Tommy kinda gave 'em a pep talk and said "Listen, fans will probably ditch our brand if they hear we can't keep using the Macross designs so please try to keep people believing we can." I mean, I was never one before to believe that HG was that slimy but they did steal one of my pics for their convention tour and a few of their mods are acting so ignorant it seems like it has to be forced. I wonder if they're really on to something. I wonder if Robotech's fandom would dry up in a huge way if people thought there was no hope of ever seeing a Zentraedi officer pod fight and Invid Royal Command Unit or something like that. EDIT - I slipped in the stealing of my pic more for humorous reasons as it's kind of non-sequitor and I just like pointing it out
  17. Do i get to say "I told you so!"?
  18. I love the custom box for the 1D, the texture on the paint of the toy itself looks a little odd though. Maybe it's just a lighting thing.
  19. I probably won't be able to respond until right before the event... I'm pretty busy with my own move, plus my girlfriend's move, and my brother just bought a house so I'm sure I'll be helping him move. Ugh.. throw keeping up with my website and what is becoming a golf obsession on top of all that and I don't have a lot of free time.
  20. I own an Audi... one trip to the mechanic can easily cost several months' worth of toy purchases (and I purchase quite a few toys). Still, it's completely reasonable to choose one thing to throw your money at or another, I don't think any of us can argue that toy collecting is really a fiscally responsible hobby.
  21. I think there's an interesting conversation to be had about what a Robotech movie based on The Macross Saga could be. I don't feel at all that it would have to be a failure and I'm absolutely convinced that it's the perception that it would be a failure that gets all the RT fans whipped up into a furor. Well, it's that and the overwhelming disappointment they feel when they're told that the movie wouldn't be at all a faithful representation of the cartoon. I guess it that's a one-two punch that hurts: "I want the Robotech Movie to be just like The Macross Saga." > "Uh, actually it's going to be a complete re-imagining." "What? That's lame.... well it better have the Zentraedi, Roy Fokker, and Minmay in it still!" > "Uh, actually, it can't... not without some seriously big re-imagining and renaming." "Screw you! You're wrong! I won't listen to reason! RABBLE RABBLE RABBLE!"
  22. I don't think you can release a toy as large as a 1/60 YF-19 and have swappable landing gears and call it PT and not tick off a lot of collectors. A much smaller toy can probably get away with it but at some point expectations grow with the size.
  23. WHERE IS MIRIA??? I want Miria, in her wedding dress, itching for me to make a woman of her.
  24. Like I said, I can't swear to it. I believe the rumblings surfaced back when Robotech.com first came to be. Those were rough years for Robotech and any websites that might have been shut down might also have been acting as a portal for import or doing other obviously bad things like offering downloads. They do seem a bit more easy going these days so you're probably safe with doing the standard legal disclaimer bit. Just the same, it'd suck to invest a lot of time and effort on stuff that really ought to be on Robotech.com just to have your efforts taken down for any reason.
  25. I can't swear to it but I seem to remember rumblings of HG shutting down Robotech fan sites for various reasons. That was one of the reasons I dedicated my website to just the toys. If you're not in the HG inner circle you may find yourself facing unwarranted resistance.
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