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Everything posted by jenius

  1. I do remember reading that somewhere. I believe Ray's bio also included mention of budding pyschic abilities (which I think was supposed to make him more in tune with his surroundings than the others). So it seemed there was supposed to be an intimation that the humans were becoming more Inbit like while the Inbit were becoming more human.
  2. I definitely can not make it, I will be in Los Angeles that weekend.
  3. Robotech re-wrote the scene. I haven't watched in a long time but I believe the animation shows sand blowing across the desert before Ray falls. In Robotech the sand was said to be "spores from the flower of life" and it's breathing the spores that give Rand his dream more than it is the dehydration.
  4. Watch the re-dubbing Macross talk on these boards, you're likely to be chased away with torches and pitchforks. HG doesn't have to worry too much about making a live action movie, all they did was sell the rights to a live action movie to Warner Brothers. Now it's up to Warner Brothers to assign producers who will try to find enough money to make the movie actually happen. They're also trying to draft up a script. At this point, it seems very little progress is being made. You can probably think of it as this: "Wow, the economy is going so well we can make money even using obscure niche market ideas! Check it out, I just spent some of my gobs of money on this old 80s cartoon's rights." > "Crap, the economy took a dump, toy lines for that old 80s cartoon are drying up, and I don't think I can make gobs of money with it any more." Meanwhile, Tommy has stated that Shadow Rising is staying in pre production until WB can make a splash with the Robotech name. This could mean that HG took a pretty big financial hit of their own and they just don't have the money to make a second film (Isn't HG a holding company of some sort?). Of course, it could also mean that Tommy is just really optimistic there will be a WB movie made... but if he's trusting word from movie studios I pity him.
  5. Argh, I was doing the male section and I got to Shin and was like "Man, that guy sucked" so I picked him. Then after I submitted my vote I saw the Basara option... argh, too late.
  6. I don't know if it's a hated anime but I watched it on Stars and thought it was alright (some bad animation): Vandread. It seems to have some very Macross themes to it. Beyond that, Votoms... friggin' great show but I think adults might appreciate it more than children as it is pretty bleak.
  7. I have the Aoshima Tread... I'll have something up on it hopefully sooner than later. There's no ways about it, quality of the Toynami/Aoshima Alpha/Legioss products is pretty bad overall but the Beta/Tread offerings are much better. The CMs was astronomically over-priced for what you got and while the quality is in a whole different league from Toynami's piddly efforts the overall design leaves a lot to be desired.
  8. If Robotech wasn't a story being told, and was a factual depiction of a real world series of events, then yes, future Robotech products would sensibly have very little to do with The Macross Saga. As Robotech is instead a fantasy world with The Macross Saga being by far its most popular product it would make no sense, could they do so, for them not to use some aspects of it in future shows. There should be fan winks around every corner, flashbacks, and all the stuff Macross sequels have done to remind the viewers they are watching sequels to Macross.
  9. I still can't get my annihilatrix working...
  10. You'll be amazed at how quickly you'll come to understand why they're marking things up so much. Once you calculate the costs of rent, overhead, staff, etc. it's pretty easy for the price you charge to escalate rapidly... especially when everyone is desperately seeking out overseas sellers directly online. That's not to say these people are reasonable with the astronomical price tag you saw, I'm just saying that you'll probably view things a bit more sympathetically.
  11. You're crossing streams again. It could not be in Shadow Chronicles because BW owns the intellectual property rights, not the merchandising rights. Like Seto pointed out, HG has sold Southern Cross merchandise before. I have no idea how the Southern Cross rights work though, never cared to look.
  12. This causes a lot of confusion because Tatsunoko didn't win "author's rights" as most people know them. Tatsunoko won "related rights" in regard to the actual production of the series, think of it more as "maker's rights" while SN/BW retained the intellectual property rights that would commonly be associated with an author. This is a blow to SN/BW though because, since Tatsunoko has these related rights Tatsunoko does have a right to the name. This is why Tatsunoko and HG get to continue to block Macross Plus and Macross Frontier merchandise (well, not "Block" but rather demand a cut of").
  13. Can Bandai just use Yamato's favorite excuse, "That's how Kawamori wanted it"?
  14. Occasionally I look for old trophy cases on Craigslist so that some day I can put out my Mospeada collection. That's going to have to wait until I buy a house though In the meantime it's good to see your collection Gilermo.
  15. That argument is definitely true of Robotech games and comics where the mechs can appear and do whatever they want but the Battletech/Mech Warrior series have nothing to do with Robotech or Macross so I wouldn't be surprised if that creates an issue. Also, and again, due to the legally hostile environment HG must be vigilant about asserting its rights lest it open itself to more litigation.
  16. Do you think HG HAS to sue to stop this? Here's my thinking: BW/SN own the intellectual property rights to the mech in question. Tatsunoko/HG own the merchandising rights for the mech in question. Therefore, so long as the mech in question is being used to support ROBOTECH then HG can pimp it however it wants. However, if HG were to say, ask for a cut for this mech showing up in a game that's not directly related to merchandising for ROBOTECH, HG then would be infringing on BW/SN's rights. That said, if HG does NOT sue to stop the game makers then they are not adequately defending their merchandising rights which opens them up to a whole different legal world of hurt on the BW/SN side.
  17. I think that's the Toynami curse. Toynami always floods the market with too much of their product so everyone waits for it to get dropped down in price to buy. I'd be lying if I said I didn't do that too. I always buy the first line of each new product the moment its released (Blue Alpha, Beta, etc) but on the repaints I always buy them like six months later at a drastically reduced price. With the Beagles I don't feel so bad, I bought each Beagle as it was released and then waited a long while before purchasing a Scott Toynami and still haven't bought a Rand Toynami. Toynami has to carry some of the blame for that kind of behavior. With the demise of the MPC Cyclone though I think you have to look at the double-whammy of the sudden Ride Armor competition that was happening and a global recession. That's tough to overcome even without some customers playing the "wait and try to get it for half price a year later" mentality.
  18. http://www.over-drive-inc.com/store/produc...products_id=949 The website isn't overdrive.com... see link above.
  19. I was going to say that it looked like an odd Legioss when I first looked at it. It needs some tweaks but it's still impressive work. If I ever have spare time again in my life I would love to be able to work on stuff like this.
  20. Don't take it too personally HappyPenguins, I'm convinced this is just idle hands over at HG. They've probably got Shadow Rising all figured out. Heck, by this point they probably even have the whole Shadow storyline mapped out and re-mapped out a dozen times. They probably have different versions planned for potential different budgets (both in series length and the sort of things they can show in each episode). Now they're at the point where they're waiting to see if WB will do something to let them use their high budget models. Since there really doesn't seem to be much progress with WB they're just kinda sitting around trying to herd the fanbase. If something appeared on the horizon they'd probably just let the detractors go since the next release would quiet everyone up. Since nothing is on the horizon they're micro-managing their fanbase and trying to eliminate dissent. Oh well HappyPenguins, welcome to the club. EDIT - I saw it quoted and couldn't live with my typos!
  21. So if I want to put Kevin on the spot some time can I do it through Space Station Liberty? I've never checked it out? Is it just an HG lovefest of like-minded people indulging in group masturbation or do they actually say anything worthwhile? PS - I emailed Kevin to find out if my ban is permanent. I'm assuming now it is permanent because it seems like he'd have to admit he was wrong if he lets me back on the boards. As he was wrong, and doesn't seem like the kind of guy who likes admitting that, I'm probably permanently on ice. I'm sure he hopes that I'll make some other screen name and try to log in so he can use that as the basis for my perma-ban but I'm not the type who'd bother with all that. What I am the type to do is keep repeating what Tommy said at Comic-con, that is that Shadow Rising is going to remain in pre-production in the hopes that WB will do something that will give HG more clout. Did they mention that on Space Station Liberty or did they come out with some new spin or say that Tommy was drunk and didn't mean what he said or something like that?
  22. Since I'm in the middle of my move right now I'm having problems keeping up with the website. When things get a bit settled down I'll update that post and put the un-altered picture in and give you credit. That seems to be the right thing to do to me. Sorry I didn't research a bit more and find the original right off the bat.
  23. Well, there's no guarantee that if you get your parts they will be any better. This is Yamato we're talking about. I just was thinking about putting my replacement VF-1S arms on my 1/60 Strike and I discovered that even one of the replacements is broken already before ever making it onto a toy. It did lead me to a new theory on why the cracks form but it still does boil down to a stupid fragile design. God I hope all my future 1/60s continue to do better. You SV-51 guys are in for a Loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong wait. Yamato is trying hard to ditch existing inventory right now. I have my doubts that they'll ever kick back up SV-51 production again. Not trying to knock you guys, I know how much it sucks, I'm just saying that you're probably going to find someone parting out a broken toy before Overdrive will be able to help you.
  24. The armor looks a little naked (could use some sort of markings) but otherwise she's a beaut
  25. Yep Carl, I added that caption about stealing the picture because I was taking them from robotechcollections.fr without really asking permission. I've spoken with the person so I was pretty sure it'd be fine but I figured to be safe I'd make it clear where I got the pictures from. Apparently that person wasn't so diligent about labeling where he got his pictures from... Ya want me to go ahead and replace that cropped version I stole from robotechcollections.fr with your original which gives you credit?
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