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Everything posted by jenius

  1. Whoa! How'd you get the arms to stay connected to the shoulders!?! That's a joke, very nice ugly poo (I really must be missing an inside joke somewhere).
  2. I'm on board, each new toy or repaint should get its own thread. Even if it's Hayao's DYRL VF-1A and it has one person saying "Look, it's green!" I also love the idea of the titles having things you could SEARCH for. I can think of some occasions where it'd be silly though. Would we have a separate thread for Max and Miria's VF-22 toys?
  3. I think CMs is done with Mospeada after the trading figures so I'd be a little surprised if we see more toys from them. If we were going to I'd guess that the Clear/Metallic versions of the dark ride armors would be next.
  4. Some day I'm going to bust all my CMs Mospeada toys out and do a diorama for you guys to try to inspire some jealousy I agree though, CMs toys are way expensive for what they were and while it's nice they pretty much completed all things Mospeada they never got closing to nailing everything just right.
  5. I handle my DXs pretty lightly busting them out for comparisons occasionally. For the most part I haven't had much of an issue with the paint. My Ozma DS is probably the most banged up since all those armor parts can cause issues with each installation (and with all the popping off many parts do there can be qutie a few installations).
  6. Gamlin was the messiah. He is killed, then is reborn with more understanding and even more power.
  7. The Robotech background music is PERFECT 80s music. I love it and it makes for good ringtones. Whenever I call my brother his phone plays the Zentraedi theme. The actual songs... not so much although Yellow's songs aren't too bad for cartoon songs (and the Mospeada songs never really excited me other than some occasional Mooootooooocycle freeakk! humor). Macross' bgm (in the original) is classier and works just fine and the songs are obviously top notch in comparison.
  8. I was Gaius Baltar, my girlfriend was Caprica Six. Sadly, we went to a party where not many people watched BSG.
  9. I own a Wave... I think it's pretty "meh" and certainly over-priced.
  10. Glad you like the site. I'm spending my day today watching football and taking pics of the EX Gear. I decided to pass on the "improved" CMs release. If I find it some day on sale somewhere I'll pick one up. Right now I don't know a single place offering it internationally.
  11. If they couldn't figure out a better way of fixing that in 1/48 scale then I'd agree with you... no thank you.
  12. That sounds like old news. CMs re-released their blue Legioss/Tread set. The re-release featured optional larger chest intakes, a second gun, and a new linking cradle that held the toys closer together. Most every major retailer I knew didn't even bother carrying it.
  13. Maybe I'd be interested if they put the heads in the right place in battroid.
  14. Hey Seto, are you sure you're banned from rt.com? I was just checking out the "stuff" section to see what RT fans might want more of on my website and I noticed that all my posts had their signatures removed and that no one could click on my profile link. Your account doesn't seem to have that issue. Maybe your ban is just temporary?
  15. For the $2300 i would consider this in the same category as store displays. Not really something collectors or fans should climb all over themselves to get... like those stupid Mega scale Toynami statues.
  16. Do transformers fans really call them "tranny toys?" That sounds just wrong on every level.
  17. Probably, when in doubt send an email although there might be several people in the same boat as you doing the same thing so even emails might have a delayed response.
  18. Toyota executive reads this thread... looks over at LFA.... d'oh!
  19. Ugh... please, let's not have people posting shallow economic reviews of issues of significant depth on a forum dedicated to cartoons. Also, Valkyrie Addict, you sound like a nut job. I think ya need to tone down that rhetoric a bit. The Toynami MPC was $79.99. That's roughly the price of the V2 VF-1. Is Yamato's price really that offensive to you? Hey, if it is, just make sure it's not your money they're using to pay for the groceries they feed their children with (or re-invest so that they can build more and better toys).
  20. Make no mistake though, Robotech allowed Macek to cash an AWFUL lot of real checks. Robotech WAS a runaway hit in the 80s. It's not remembered for being the runaway hit that it was because it was so brief. One season isn't quite enough to build a legacy but at the time it was HUGE, warts and all. We can say things like "My buddy says Macross was cool but the Masters sucked" but the whole thing got watched by LOTS of people. I also remember hating the Masters arch but I loved New Gen. Ya know, maybe it was watching the New Gen after the Masters that made it seem so much better to me. I'm gonna have to disagree with anyone who says SDCSC was good before Macek butchered it. Yes, it is BETTER in its original form but it's a LONG way from good. I do think HG deserves some credit if you're an SDCSC or Mospeada fan... in the pantheon of great mech shows those two would have vanished into obscurity long ago.
  21. So.... you could spend $2000 for the new ultra rare SDF-1 model they're making.... then next year you'll get to see Yamato release a nicer version for the same price with bonus extra pieces. Gotta love that business model.
  22. Graham can't talk to you right now, he's busy on the phone with his friends at Yamato trying to negotiate a discount for one for himself.
  23. Then I take it all back, worst of all worlds. It's an exclusive AND a finished product... at least they were nice enough to mark it down a little bit. Still, wish they just put it in a plain brown box and didn't assemble it and charged less. c'est le vie EDIT - I don't know what mark-up OD will charge, and what's reasonable is up to you, but I've used OD on a TON of exclusive items now and I can definitely vouch for them as being extremely trustworthy.
  24. You know, the flaws inherent in Robotech I think are a big part of its charm. 1) The show hooked you with its strongest arch, the Macross Saga, and it existed like a carrot there throughout the other sagas. You watched eagerly through Robotech Masters and The New Generation hoping for residual threads of coolness and references to the previous sagas. You saw the potential of Robotech and you hoped there'd be more of that potential surfacing throughout (and each arch does have its really good moments to satisfy occasionally). In this respect Robotech for me is a lot like golf. It only takes one really good swing or one really good hole to get me to want to play again. Your desire for it everyday to live up to the coolness you had seen previously and those occasional payoffs really sticks with kids who can't remember much of anything else from their childhood viewing. 2) Like that feeling of anticipation every day that the show would pay off as big as you knew it could came a LOT of let downs that also stuck with us fans. It's all the failures in it that people seem to have clung on to more than anything else. It was the fact people wanted Robotech soooo bad to be something more that really got under their skin. Look at all the debates on Robotech.com about all those BAD elements. Where was the SDF-2? Why doesn't Dana look the same? Why would M&M ditch Dana? Does Dana have a brother? Do the three mounds really make sense? Etc. etc. People would fixate on Robotech (after they were done seeing the show into many years after). Sure, those peaks of awesomeness made us love it when it was on but all the failures made us obssess about it later. "Oh man, only if I had had some say in how they wrote THIS aspect or THAT." "Oh man, if only they had bothered to pay for some unique animation to feel in THIS gap." etc. 3) The failure to get really kick ass toys also resonated with us early fans. We wanted Jetfire to be Rick's veritech. We wanted veritechs for everyone. For me, being brought into Robotech by my brother watching the VHS tapes, I didn't even have the joy of owning the 1/35 Alphas because they were long off shelves by the time I would have wanted one. I used to daydream about how a better Jetfire toy should be made. Heck, I even remember having dreams about being in Toys R' Us and finding old toys buried in the back. Yep, that's how much I wanted sweet Robotech toys growing up and I got just about zilch (I think I found some models at some Longs Drugs). In summary, much of what made Robotech great to me was how much it failed to deliver. If you get everything you want you consume it and move on. Sadly, HG's many failures have taken this premise too far. They had chances to start satiating that old hunger in fans and cash in big but instead they bloated us with mediocre.
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