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Everything posted by jenius

  1. Begin meltdown of Kara Thrace writing on my mark.... MARK!
  2. Nah... still stickin' with the Disha on this one.... she's the kind of hot that turns straight girls gay.
  3. Uh, every time they say "Protoculture"
  4. As to the Robotech fans not caring about anime, I'm sure most have seen a smattering of other shows. I think it boils down more to the westernization present in Robotech. Robotech took three shows, none of which were a war over resources, and turned them ALL into a war over resources. That's about as American as Apple Pie and Manifest Destiny. That's why some RT fans can watch the originals and STILL prefer Robotech. That's also why RT gets compared to American SciFi more often than anime in these discussions. EDIT - I guess the original Southern Cross is kind of a war over resources... but that's a whole ball of odd.
  5. I'm not sure how Terminator canon works but T3 explained how Skynet would work without humans. Humans at that point had created the first line of Terminators and the first aerial assault vehicles (well, I suppose any military drone existing today covers that). The military installation in T3 exists to show the audience that Skynet already has the means to begin its takeover. Skynet's omni-presence would also allow it to calculate where safe havens would be after the Russian counterstrike. So, Skynet launches the nukes after diverting its resources to some place safe, lets the Russians do its dirty work in the US, and then employs the existing Terminators to clean-up the remains. Unfortunately for Skynet, the humans survive in greater numbers and prove far more resourceful than calculated. Thus Skynet needs to evolve to step-up its termination routine evolving its terminators. EDIT - RE: Red2Alpha I couldn't help reading the last bit and remember Ripley from Aliens. Nuke 'em all from orbit... It's a good point, Skynet would simply use spy satellites to locate all human strongholds and then decimate them. The only way for humanity to survive would be to go underground... like the Matrix. The next question would be, what would Skynet do without humanity? If it's doing all of this out of an intense desire for self-preservation, what does it do when all threats are eliminated? Would it power everything down?
  6. If HLJ sells that one I might have to make that my first transformable toy with weathering (ignoring the LV1).
  7. Love it or hate it it's the iconic valk from a popular TV show with BY FAR the most air time in that show.
  8. Totoro is linking to these: or
  9. I have found that people who hadn't seen DYRL (because it wasn't available in the US) but then saw MacII when it saw a US release seem to have much better feelings toward MacII than others.
  10. You flipped the waist upside down to move the legs down... good thinking.
  11. One thing to note about the NEO-GEO, it was a huge source of delight for emulator fans back in the day. I remember it being relatively easy to find a NeoGeo emulator and just about all the ROMs. Good times.
  12. So, for all those who disagreed with me about an unassembled unpainted prototype sold through Yamato's site being cheaper: I accept your apologies.
  13. You almost have to assume that there's going to be a repaint in the future. This is an awfully big toy not to have some sort of double-dip planned. If I were really bothered by the bright colors I would definitely hold off and hope that at this point next year I'd have a "movie color" or something like that edition to drool over... and you might even have the benefit of Bandai correcting any mistakes they make on the first editon (as we have seen yamato do time and again).
  14. Kevin McKeever saying something about what MegaHouse is doing doesn't really mean much though. He probably read it on something you've posted online Save.
  15. IIRC, the Tornado Pack looks the way it does because it's meant to be the VF-25's atmospheric fastpack.... so no blocky gun or missile pods. Not sure that's totally true though because Bandai's 1/250 Tornado pack toy has giant missile pods below the wings.
  16. I don't care if toys from my cartoons look cartoony.
  17. I agree, I thought it was pretty odd when the Algae planet looked like such a good place to be in comparison to that decidedly unpleasant looking New Caprica (although certain parts of New Caprica also looked nice). You would also think the planet has a name in the scrolls of Pythia or something right? Beyond that, I could understand not bothering naming something that is doomed.
  18. From what I've seen, toy companies NEVER release "official" word of any line being killed off. It's much better to just never talk about them again. There's also no real proper venue for an official announcement. They simply omit the line from their future release schedules and that's about as official as it ever gets.
  19. This design has ONE thing in commong with the MacII fast packs... the boosters on the end of the wing... and that's not terribly original.
  20. Looks like an easy pass for me... I'm not going to buy more toys I already own with super parts. EDIT - LOL, I mean "at this scale I'm not going..."
  21. That's a good point, if you look at the knee in the CG, it's bright white. I assume that's where light is hitting the CG model... could be wrong though.
  22. Saul Tigh is such a lame character through the first couple seasons though. After he did that horrible job helming Galactica I seriously hated his character for a while. I also thought his arch later in the series with was just awkward. In the end he's a plenty INTERESTING character but definitely not the one I was tuning in for.
  23. Is that Spanish-language release the three chapters of Robotech with the availability to watch them as the original series? If so, that'd be pretty cool.
  24. LOL... right... that's totally reasonable. They should just make ONE of each toy and keep moving on. Riiiiiiiiiiiiight. Don't get me wrong, I think that'd be totally cool.... I just find it VERY unlikely.
  25. Vampire Hunter D's final battle between D and the Vampire... Okay, I don't remember if it was really good but growing up I thought it was awesome.
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