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Everything posted by jenius

  1. It's been a long time since the show came out... I watched them as they aired, I don't think you can really fault me for not remembering every battle.
  2. I think that's the "daedalus attack" maneuver that the instructions and box reference, doors that open up with Cheyenne's to shoot up the inside of an enemy vessel. I think one of the big Vajra gets killed by this at one point in the show.
  3. No, it probably makes it worth less as demand for it, since it was the only viable non-1J option, will decrease.
  4. I think I preordered a Tornado Pack VF-25F but I have very little expectation that it will feature any improvements.
  5. Finally got my review up on anymoon.com -
  6. But Jenius (I'm implying you write), what about Yamato's V2 VF-1 toy? A 1/60 VF-1 toy would be 21.33CM tall which is just about right for Yamato's VF-1 toy if we ignore the lasers on the head. It should be 23.7CM long in fighter mode and the Yamato is again nearly perfectly spot on at 24CM.
  7. Fun with math... da da da: VF-27 is 14.43Meters tall in battroid. Divide that by 60 then multiply by 100 (to get to centimeters). If I'm doing my math right that's 24.05CM tall... and my measurement of the Bandai toy has it at 26.5CM tall... so it's slightly too big. However, it's about 24 CM exactly to the crown of the head... so it's essentially spot on at 1/60 if that's how height was derived. Let's try fighter. It's supposed to be 18.8 meters long, that converts to 31.33CM at 1/60 scale and my rough measurement has to toy at 32CM... so pretty darn close to a perfect 1/60 again.
  8. From my review of the DX27 I'm posting tonight: Like others have noted, both can be 1/60 but the VF-25/27 are larger than a VF-1 if they existed in real life so the toy is larger than a VF-1 toy. Above picture is just for a rough comparison of size.
  9. I watched this movie for the first time last week. Certain things sucked clearly immediately and many more sucked later as I began to think through the plot. I hope the next movie features a better developed villain, no transformers that appear to be human (WTF?), a plot that gradually and logically flows, and fights where I can make out which Decepticon is rumbling with which autobot.
  10. The brick legs is to offset the weight of the alpha in combined fighter mode. I have some issues with the sculpt, and i think the cockpit/chest solution was just lazy, but it's definitely a well built toy and that's the only one of Toynami's products I would say that about. $80 is a fantastic price, I would love to pick up the green and red if I can find them for that kind of price.
  11. it would have made the scenes where he was towing mecha a bit more believable, that's for sure.
  12. Maybe it wouldn't have to be a snap on. Maybe Yamato could rearrange the cockpit so you just pull it out and flip it over.
  13. Yep, the feet DO look worse on the black background, on the white background they look just a tiny bit thin, not very noticeable in that first pic.
  14. I find the Bandai toys to have much easier transformations than the Yamato toys. The VF-25 toys only give me a minor head ache when I'm trying to position that plate the neck sits on perfectly in battroid mode. What I really hate is the fear that something will break. For that reason I really like the smaller scale toys... if they break I won't feel quite that same dread as I do with the big guys.
  15. What was the old joke? Anakin didn't have big enough hands to be Vader? Or was it a Spiderman joke? EDIT - from the looks of it they've made the feet thinner so that you can angle them in or out in battroid mode. If that's really how it works I'd say it's pretty clever.
  16. Side covers on a 1/100 toy sound annoying to me. I know "then don't use them" comes to mind but I think sales of this toy might be hurt if it comes with lots of stray parts. Heck, people bashed the Toynami 1/100 for all its extra parts... even though many of them were a stand and the parts related to that stand.
  17. The only Tread that does not make an appearance in Mospeada is a red Tread. The Green Tread is present in the first battle, the blue throughout the series, and the dark tread is witnessed exploding as the group arrives at the Invid victory near Reflex Point in like the third to the last episode. I've been looking to complete my Beta collection for a while and would definitely like to buy the Shadow Beta... I'd pass on a Shadow Chronicles version.
  18. it looks like it comes together a lot tighter than the Toynami... I've got high hopes for this little guy.
  19. Just got mine today... I think I want to take this out and play with it more than the VF-27 I got today also but it seems like more people want me to hurry up and get the VF-27 up on the site.
  20. Guys. it's just boxes that fit into peg holes... anyone with the talent to "recast" can probably just sculpt their own and not bother with trying to make perfect imitations of someone else's boxes that fit into pegs.
  21. I wouldn't write-off the stand's ability to handle guns just yet, it's a really simple matter to make swap out parts... heck the part there looks like it might flip over for some reason.
  22. I think the license only allows 20 per production run so I don't think the price will drop if that's the only way they're allowed to make them. I've heard that Beagle has split up (total rumor, not sure if that's true) so I don't think Beagle will opt to pick them up for a full production run. Toynami might grab them to try to make an appendix to the MPC line but since it died after only two that seems doubtful.
  23. Wow, that's a lot of Mospeada stuff, very nice!
  24. Yes, it's a Yamato website exclusive and it comes with "missile firing effect". Is there a commonly available stand alone GBP product? No. If there are plans for a commonly available stand alone GBP product that isn't some sort of exclusive Yamato has not made them public.
  25. I saw some hoobaloo over whether this belonged in the Macross toys section, it should be noted that the label says Robotech Battlepod and then underneath "Regult" so I think it should be considered a cross-bannered toy that belongs equally in either.
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