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Everything posted by jenius

  1. Here's how I would presume the whole BW suing Tatsunoko thing happened: 1) Yamato licenses the rights to make some Macross toy. License allows sublicensing without restrictions. 2) Yamato and Toycom start fabbing up toys with plans to release under Toycom banner pretty much everywhere 3) HG presents C&D to Toycom 4) Toycom goest to Yamato and says WTF? 5) Yamato goes to BW and says WTF? 6) BW goes to Tats and says WTF? 7) Tats says, "Yeah, we own the merchandising rights for Macross and gave them to HG, we get a cut of all Macross products domestically and HG gets a cut internationally." BW says "I sue youzz!" 9) Court says "Sorry BW, Tats does own merchandising rights and rights to the original animation for the original Macross series." 10) Tats says "HAHAHA, We own Macross!!!" 11) BW says "I sue youzz!!!" 12) Court says "BW gets IP rights since they designed the series before Tats involvement, Tats gets merchandising and film rights." 13) Tats says "That's cool." 14) BW says "Die in a plane crash." Then sets about writing every Macross license so that toy distribution to the states is never allowed.
  2. Cheesiest moment of the entire last episode, Richard, Hurley, and Isabella share their moment, then the camera pans away and Locke looks sinisterly at the camera.... WTF was that? I actually LOLed after what had been a pretty touching moment.
  3. Okay, so the boat Richard was on was lifted into the air, smashed a statue, and ended up in pretty decent shape in the middle of a jungle? That doesn't sound right. A wood boat flying out of the water and hitting a statue sounds like it should have been splintered into oblivion.
  4. They've shown interior cockpit detail with a little Hikaru pilot at the helm... it seems very unlikely they'll put a fogged canopy on the toy after going through that trouble.
  5. Yes, I'm curious if the alternate timeline just somehow funnels everyone back onto the island anyway or if it goes the other route and shows you that they all just lived normal lives... taking their knocks at times and having good moments at others. Of course the "gateway between hell and the rest of the world" explanation leaves plenty of holes... but now we have something.
  6. I think I see a hole in the forearm, and it looks like the slots on the backpack and legs that hold fighter mode tightly together could also double for super parts attachments. Swappable parts looks extremely similar to the Toynami toy.
  7. It will tower over the Robot Spirits VF-25 toys... there's a picture there that shows them together. It looks like it will be approximately the same size as a VF-25 toy otherwise... although I'd bet the cannons will make it taller in battroid.
  8. I think the main point that the toy doesn't really work in cruiser mode is a totally valid and fair criticism. It's true, you do have to leave it on the cradle from the stand to really get anything out of that mode which is lame. If I bought the thing thinking I could woosh it around in cruiser mode I'd have been super sad (and it sounds like that's what the reviewer did). Perhaps I was a bit easier on the toy because I blamed some of that weakness on Kawamori's design of cruiser mode which has the vehicle splayed totally out... it seems Bandai would have had to (and perhaps should have) included some joint supports that wouldn't have been anime accurate to help that mode out. I'm happy to see someone out there putting up a review that is disimilar to mine so people can see two sides to the coin. I still love my DX Quarter, the finish on mine is great, I think I spent like $175... and I've never even come close to hurting myself on it.
  9. If the crotch on a DX toy is loose that can be fixed with a piece of paper or any one of a number of simple household remedies. All you need to do is stiffen up a connection. If the shoulder explodes on Your Yammie you're stuck with an armless battroid.
  10. Bandai should just make that thing out of Vinyl!
  11. Damn those fast packs look hideous.
  12. head tucks in super tight... very nice. The hand content is way up over the VF-19K which is also nice. The feet look like they do collapse in on the lower left picture but they're definitely extend out in the fighter pictures so I'm not sure what's up with that. The feet definitely look like they have articulation which is AWESOME if it's true.
  13. That was really cool... I imagine that took a lot of time and effort.
  14. I vote this thread get renamed to include the forthcoming Blazer Valk. Did I see pop out missiles in the legs? Maybe not as sought after as landing gears but that's pretty sweet!
  15. Got my first Robot Spirits review up at anymoon.com. I had been trying to get it up earlier but other toys kept bumping it back. I should get the VF-25 review up somewhat soon but I think the VF-19Kai Hi Metal and Toynami Battlepod might bump it.
  16. I'm pretty sure mine just came in. Thanks Graham! I can't wait until I have some free time to perform my first shoulder replacement surgery.
  17. Sure, they're less of a minefield now, but they were fixed reissues done in exactly the same packaging of the crappy toys and the occasional person may still get burned by that. It will most likely be exactly the same scenario here.
  18. You don't own a real toy of a Regult or a Glaug yet and I would think those would be more popular than Vajra. Bandai did have plans for a Vajra model at one point though and all the models so far have become toys so who knows, maybe there's an outside chance. I wouldn't really bank on it though.
  19. You'll be walking a minefield... just like with the VF-0S toys. Preorder it from someone you know is currently sold out.
  20. I'm not worried about the feet... It's a 1/100 toy, if that's the worst of the compromises we're doing great.
  21. Vol 1 was a Voltron toy. It's volume 2 of their vinyl line.
  22. No worries, and I can also see where anyone skimming my review might have gotten the impression... hopefully I've just dabbed a bit more light on it before it becomes something even more grand through the Internet game of telephone.
  23. I'm not faulting anyone for thinking the other company is Yamato. But read what you quoted again. It's pretty clear that there are two companies discussed and a third party (the contractor). There's no relationship there between the two companies (Bandai and Yamato) other than the fact they both have used the same contractor. If Al dates Marie and breaks up with her, then Bruce dates Marie, it's not right to say that Al has dated Bruce. Just so we're all clear, I never meant to imply a Bandai/Yamato relationship. I think most people get that. These big companies outsource aspects of the toy creation. There's usually nothing stopping two big brand names you've heard of from getting help from the same individuals you probably haven't heard of.
  24. I don't think what was mentioned in my review should in any way be construed as collaboration between Yamato and Bandai. I believe both firms use contractors to assist in the development of new products. I was told that Bandai used a different contractor for the VF-27 than they did for the VF-25 and that this contractor had experience developing high-end Macross products for another company. The assumption then is that this is a contractor who has worked for Yamato. I do know that the contractor in question is not T-Rex. That's pretty much everything I know -
  25. When Kevin McKeever banned me from Robotech.com he mentioned some of the incendiary things I had posted here. He also then implied I had multiple accounts, said my banning was temporary, then deleted the account. I think anymoon.com gets more page views than robotech.com though so I'm not too sad Okay, maybe not.
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