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Everything posted by jenius
The bummer about swappable wings is that, if the missiles are already connected on one set of the wings then we'll need yet another set of wings with Reaction Weapons attached if/when the Tamashii web exclusive super parts are annouced.
Thanks for the run down Exo. i'm still a little confused by the Others though. Basically it sounds like The Others are the invitees and the Dharma initiative wasn't really invited but originally was allowed to stay around because they weren't really interfering either. Seems odd if Jacob's duty is to keep the light safe that he'd allow a bunch of scientists to poke and probe his island. I get that The Others had their list of good and bad because Jacob was also seeking out people who were just naturally good but I don't get all the very bad things the others were doing... like kidnapping and murder. Isn't a Sawyer a candidate and didn't they blow his boat up and leave him in shark infested waters?
No Beagle Blow Superior... that blows superior...
jenius replied to EXO's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
I'm at work now so I can't really go to my site so you should probably double-check everything I'm saying here against anymoon.com's dedicated post as I'm working off memory right now. Getting the upgrade parts are nigh impossible. If you want to buy a whole new Legioss/Tread you can usually find the whole kit on eBay (and not bad price either, like $170 shipped to US). The synchro cannon does have pegs that fit into the shoulders in fighter mode. -
I don't remember the resolution to "the others." They were on the island already when Dharma showed up right? They showed up on the island during WWII and Widmore was with them? Is that pretty much all there is to them? Essentially now it seems like "the Others" were just pawns in a game MIB and Jacob were playing. What's up with Walt? Doesn't it seem like he should play a part in the end?
No Beagle Blow Superior... that blows superior...
jenius replied to EXO's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
The CMs fixed posed hands available as upgrade parts fix the normal Legioss toys. The Dark Legioss uses a 'pinch over fist' connection... you swap the hand for one made just for the gun, no issues with fit or flop. -
GERWALK looks useless unless there's some lock to keep the legs that way.
MSNBC has a little blurb on fan predictions for the Lost finale. Some are pretty standard, I'm sure things we've all considered, a couple seemed pretty cool to me. I liked one person's theory that the Kwon who was the candidate was neither Sun or Jin but rather their baby. It doesn't really make sense since Jacob said the candidates were people who were all already lost and obviously that little girl isn't... although I guess without her parents she may now be. Lots of theories focus around Jacob and MIB simply being replaced and the game continuing. Several people think Hurley is due to replace Jack in short order, I think that might stem primarily from Hurley's obviously not wanting the job in the last episode.
I agree, the base is the only thing that I'm waiting on. I'm sure it will be a let down but I've gotta at least see it before I make my choice.
It is definitely NOT 1/60. It looks to be approximately 1/100, very similar in size to Yamato's effort.
Even if Richard isn't the hardcore form of immortal, I remember after he failed to kill Jacob he handed MIB a stone(?) and there seemed to be the whole "you can do me no real harm" moment.
I don't believe Smokey killed Richard. The earlier scenes indicated that Richard was immortal and that Smokey would not kill him. I think what we saw was richard just being escorted, not so gently, far away. I also think the whole scene where Miles flipped out and Richard said "Oh yeah Ben, I buried your daughter here" is supposed to be what makes it easier to believe that Ben then would so rapidly change. The instant he saw Whidmore (Widmore?), just moments after being reminded of how that guy killed his daughter, it was easy for Ben to turn and be like "This mother f'er needs to die." The idea that alt Ben is now in a position to become an actual father-figure for Alex... by being with her mother was not something I expected.
I have a vague memory which may put MIB in the 70s action. Didn't Ben follow his dead mother out to the forest where he met Richard?
It would have been awesome if they said this was a 1/55 scale model... it would have left me more hope for a 1/60 scale toy some day.
Didn't the procreation thing become a problem after the 70s? Wasn't Ethan conceived and birthed on the island? Is that what you meant by the island influences not being as strong in the 70s because MIB was locked out of the Dharma area?
Some thoughts: At the time MIB was on the other island so maybe getting off that island seemed like an incredibly prudent thing to do. Taking more of his depleted people might have just made the flight more obvious and there's no real safety in numbers. Maybe he also thought that he'd be able to directly appeal to Desmond better or, since he had received his instructions from Jacob, that he was uniquely capable of accomplishing his mission more expeditiously if he could personally find Desmond and do whatever it is that needs to be done. Another thought, whatever happened to the rings of ash? Did they stop MIB?
I interpreted Ben's desperately wanting to speak to Locke alone as a hint that he was up to no good. I think he convinced the others not to run into the woods so that he could more easily sell them out. Richard struck me as the fool, he knew that Locke had seen the outrigger from Whidmore so there couldn't be a rational conversation between the two that ended well unless Richard was going to sell out Whidmore. I even wondered if Ben was giving Miles the radio so he too could be used as a chip to offer to MIB. Ben is a bit like James in that both do good and bad but are really just constantly watching their own behinds while trying to get a little something out of it for themselves. Ben is going to be looking to turn on MIB the first chance he gets and now that Whidmore's dead I don't see him trying to torture the dead man by continuing to make his daughter's life miserable (or even killing her or Des). I wouldn't be surprised if Jack's ultimate victory comes via yet another betrayal on Ben's behalf. The major obstacle of that theory is MIB knows exactly the type of scoundrel Ben is.
We'll just agree to disagree then. You say I agree with it now, I say I mentioned it in my very first post of this discussion. You say I was engaged in semantics the first time, I say the entire point was that it was all just a matter of semantics as to whether we should say "Jacob killed MIB and MIB was reborn as Smokey" or "Jacob was the one who triggered MIB's transformation" or however else you'd want to put it. I apologize for missing that last post. To give you something to look forward to, after the finale I'm sure I'm going to have a whole bunch of idiotic questions that I'm sure you'll be able to lambast me for.
Wow, so brave of you to wait until AFTER the next episode to chime in with that one. I'm sure you've been meaning to type it and you were so confident you should make fun of it but it just kept slipping your mind. Honestly, you're saying you can't think of anything more strange that has happened in Lost? Check it, it's humorous: I say: You say (later): Now, when you try to start that same argument AGAIN, and I point out we've been down that route AGAIN and you only slightly changed what I said the first time, you say that I'm the one being stubborn and shooting for another battle of semantics? No. I'm just not going down that path AGAIN.
Uxi c'mon, let's just drop that whole "is saying this guy's dead okay?" argument. It was a silly criticism in the first place, made sillier by an over-reaction, made even more silly by perpetual back-and-forth. I can only hope that petulant battle helped make it crystal clear to everyone what's going on with MIB and what questions still linger. I kinda doubt we'll see Richard again... he seems pretty pointless now. It's not like he can do the job Jacob intended for him any more and MIB doesn't need him.
Man, no time to read all that, but I am definitely still looking forward to that moment where Jacob realizes that MIB is now living on the island as Smokey. Yes, we did see him rip out of the tunnel as Smokey, and that could definitely be considered his rebirth, but it's the Jacob/Smokey interaction I'm waiting for. The reason the post you keep referring to is irrelevant to the argument is because the argument is about whether or not you should be arguing semantics, not whether or not I know everything about Lost. Since it was obvious even to you how silly your semantics "he's not dead!" argument was you instead are trying to make it about whether or not I am the Lost guru. I am not, never claimed to be, and come to this thread often looking for clarification on what's going on. So, your apology about trying to make that stupid semantics argument is still accepted. I'm just going to quote my entire assertion here for kicks: Re-read that. If that gets you so rankled you have to get yourself banned from an Interwebs forum then you have seriously thin skin.Now, had you been capable of having a mature conversation, based on what you wrote recently, you probably would just have said "Yeah, I should have quoted Azrael, I was simply pointing out that Smokey and MIB are one in the same, dead or undead. Smokey is not a separate individual assuming MIB's appearance." Instead you made a number of posts that made it seem even more like you were arguing semantics... and the only person you were quoting was me instead of the people you claim you were trying to help. It's hard to make a case that you're really trying to help people and not arguing semantics when the assertion that you're arguing semantics makes you jump off the deep end and argue tangentially about just about everything else EXCEPT whether your original post was a case of arguing semantics. Clearly you just like to argue and I obviously don't mind watching you work yourself up into a frenzy. I don't dislike you Hurin, you're just words on the Interwebs to me. I don't mind if you, or Exo, or anyone else is the one who helps clarify things. How about "Jacob and MIB can NO LONGER kill each other..." That's how I'd say it... seeing as Jacob turned MIB into a corpse. This would again get back to the whole semantics debate though since I would say we're essentially saying the same thing but instead you're choosing to make a fight over it. Pot, Kettle, "black." Show's on! I'm guessing this whole argument is about to seem that much sillier.
Hurin you insist that everything was in the dialog and that everything was perfectly clear and that your argument was all based on the dialog. Unfortunately, that’s not the case. You can’t claim it’s wrong to talk about death and rebirth when the show itself has dialog talking about death and rebirth. Not only that, the show talks about death and rebirth in EXACTLY the context you said it was inappropriate. You can’t say “They can’t kill each other because the dialog makes it clear they can’t harm each other” when they frequently harm each other AND Jacob ends the physical life of MIB. You can’t stand out and cry because the dialog “makes it so obvious” and then say “well the dialog isn’t clear, that could be said about anything” when it directly refutes what you’ve been saying. Does the MIB exist in some form still? Yes, but I acknowledged that in my very first post in this conversation (butterfly). I’m more than happy to talk about MIB’s rebirth with the understanding that it has nothing to do with our original argument over your problems with semantics. Heck, you’ve attacked my post a million times now.. you know, the post where I say “I don’t get it” and attack me for not getting it. I’m assuming you’ll give me that he was reborn as the Smoke Monster. I wouldn’t argue (and haven’t) that he was reborn as Christian or Ekko’s brother but I do feel there is significance in his now long-lived (pun?) adoption of Locke’s form. Could I be wrong? Absolutely. As I’ve pointed out, the show seems to be hinting that there’s significance in MIB’s relationship with Locke but if it all ends up being about motivating Ben I certainly wouldn’t color myself embarrassed. If it was just to motivate Ben it’s going to be really hard not to think up a million ways MIB couldn’t have killed Jacob in an easier fashion. Does being able to think up ways the story could have been resolved more logically make me a bad viewer? Heck, maybe, but that wasn’t the impression I got in college. You’re also absolutely right, as more of the show unfolds I will change my theories based on the new information provided. This entire debate right now, about MIB coming back to life, may all be rendered moot tonight as the story may change completely and I may abandon this theory for a new one. In fact, if anyone has a good memory about stuff that I’ve forgotten, I would change my theory right now based on this “new to me” information. It’s a mystery show… doing that is part of what makes it fun and what makes arguing semantics so silly. I can’t even remember what my original season 1 theory was (I think I was a “purgatory” person). I’m very curious how the writers can possibly wrap up the alt universe line with Desmond. It doesn’t seem like it can be an all unifying ending because some of the characters aren’t there any more. It’s not like Sayid is going to run into whats-her-bucket from season 1 and finally be able to put his brother’s wife behind him. The idea that Des is going to find everyone on the plane and force an interaction sounds a little… busy. A happy ending where everyone has some memories of their life on the island also sounds… awkward. In the more immediate future, I’m curious what happened to Christian’s corpse? Did I miss that or is that still missing somewhere? Also, there was a black guy who I believe was an other, shaved head, told Locke to go on a walk about, what ever happened to him? I can’t remember him dying. The alt universe does not appear to be the universe created by the bomb going off on the island (other than the sunken island in the beginning). Too many people we know to have been on the island when it was nuked are in the alt universe. Is it possible that the island in this universe sank by some other means? Maybe in the 80s? I got the impression from Ben’s chat with his dad that the ending of the island wasn’t some traumatic event but just something that didn’t pan out. No idea how Miles’ dad didn’t age but maybe that was just make-up failure… or maybe he learned the art of time travel while studying the island…. Nah, probably just make-up
My pictures aren't as fun as AcroRay's but my review for this product is up at anymoon.com. Here's a sample pic:
don't sweat it, I'm still ironing out some kinks on usage too.
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My fiance just made we watch last week's Lost, she had missed it while she was away in DC. Here's some stuff from the show that was beaten over my head so hard that only an idiot could possibly misinterpret it... (and I apologize for having paid such poor attention and having been such an idiot as to say it was alright for myself and others to say MIB had died). Jacob and MIB can't hurt each other... they can however hurt each other. "What's down there." "Life, death, and rebirth." Man... does that make it okay to say someone pushed down there would go in alive, die, and be reborn? "If I go down there, will I die?" "It's worse than death." Like maybe you die and are then stuck to exist forever as a tortured soul? Also note, the episode ends with Jacob saying goodbye emotionally... not typically something you do to someone who is alive and well. So now, I'm still curious, if the only reason MIB appears as Locke is to give Ben the motivation to kill Jacob, why has the show had "why Locke" dialog not answered with a simple "it was the only way to convince Ben?" I mean, I'm okay with it really being just to convince Ben but it seems like kind of bad writing to say "here are reasons why MIB picked Locke" and have that not be the really substantial reason why it happened.