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Everything posted by jenius

  1. Playing the NES Castlevania series is a memory that sticks with me well after all these years. I can't remember which one it was but I had an older cousin come visit just as I reached Dracula and I became uber anti-social until I beat him. I can't remember which Final Fantasy game on the NES also sucked up a bunch of my hours. No baseball fan should have been without Baseball Stars (and Baseball Stars II). Then I became a Genesis fanboy with Phantasy Star II. Man... those were much simpler times.
  2. I'm pretty sure Yamato expected demand to be very low for TV Kakizaki and so they didn't make very many of him. If his after market price keeps going up we'll probably see a reissue.
  3. I think I did a decent job of this on anymoon.com. Look at my LowVis VF-1S post or maybe the VT-1 post.
  4. The only way you'd be able to do that is to take apart your brand new toy... it's not something you can tell by eyeballing it.
  5. This isn't much of a compliment but we all have to admit that Tommy's work is a hell of a lot better than many of the original Robotech comics... every now and then I see eBay listings for old comics and I actually laugh at how terrible they look.
  6. My guess is that Bandai will do all the ones that Takatoku originally did, except maybe the CF 1A "misa" variant. What I'm more curious about is the super parts. Having the Max be released sans super parts is a bad start.
  7. Started what? Are we arguing?
  8. Find the old thread and start the fight back up again... I'm pretty sure the argument was between Hurin and some member who probably quit Macrossworld after being berated for thinking the WAVE toy should be poseable. I think you're going to need to come prepared with information like the range each joint can move and the speed at which each joint can be moved... the fight was going in some pretty crazy directions last I checked (all of which were entertaining)... not my fight but I do invite you to make it your own. Start a new thread and call out the "non-articulation-ist" crowd and argue that future SDF-1 toys be super-poseable. Or, keep posting in the Regult thread information about the SDF-1's joints... that's entertaining too.
  9. I thought Max only got his VF-1J after the rain of death... his VF-1A would be the more iconic valk but that paint scheme doesn't sell well.
  10. They're within the confines of the armpit so I don't find them distracting right now. I think the picture without the wing makes it look worse.
  11. I think you should have been a part of the SDF-1 thread that was being referenced as I don't think you're understanding the conversation... in fact you're sort of feeding into it. It went something like: "The SDF-1 should have knees!" "Why, they couldn't bend!" "They could bend!" "To what degree could they bend?" "They could bend a lot, look at this pic!" "that pic is just poor animation from a poor angle!" "RAAAGE!!!!!" So, I think the people who argued for very limited movement might re-think their argument in light of the Quarter's fancy moves. For the record, I don't remember even being involved in that conversation... it was just fun to watch some members get really heated about it. I don't think it's really here nor there as far as the Regult goes... I think we all agree that thing ought to be pretty nimble.
  12. Wow, are we going way back to the WAVE SDF-1 not having knee joints? The guy's argument really boiled down to the fact the WAVE was over-priced for a toy with such a simple transformation and essentially no articulation. I think the Bandai Macross Quarter toy essentially proved him right. With Macross being a tiny bit revisionist by nature, I think we could probably extrapolate from the Quarter's fancy moves that the SDF-1 had a bit more articulation than most of us think (and potentially would prefer).
  13. I'm of the impression the only thing you can't attach to the very first issue of the VF-25 toys is Luca's radar dome. I only have a first edition and I have dressed it up in the super parts no problem.
  14. Do you by any chance have access to a pretty much straight forward line art of a VF-1 in battroid mode? I want to compare the VF-1 battroid to toys being released but the only line art I could find was at an angle looking down at the battroid and it's essentially in an impossible to obtain pose.
  15. Hurin, I'm trying to see if I'm understanding you. What you're saying is that you would like it if they all gathered in the church, enjoyed their moment of realization, and then as they exited the church their consciousnesses from the island depart for the afterlife leaving their physical bodies which then go back to who they were before their "reawakening"? That would address my questions earlier of what the world would think happened in that church if that world continues to go on (so that Ben could be with Alex and David with redhead). It creates lots of new issues on its own though and brings back the problems of Miles' ageless father not to mention how Christian would play into that. One strike, I would think, against the nuke creating the alt timeline is the number of people who would be dead in the alt timeline. A second strike I would think is the depiction of the island as sunk which seems much more akin to what was happening at the end of the show rather than a big explosion (although a nuke could have blasted that secret heart up and caused the same effect I suppose). Moving on: When Christian popped up, I thought it would be a funny twist if it was really MIB and it was kind of a sweet he got off the island but in such a way as to not cause a catastrophe since he was now just an ordinary soul and not some monster stuck in between realms. Desmond's plot line doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me right now. On the island he seemed aware of what was happening in the alt-time line... but if the alt time line is the hereafter that's pretty quirky... then again what he was saying did have that ring of "it's alright, we're all gonna be in heaven soon." OMG, Desmond is a Cylon!
  16. Here's another oddity... going into the light "is worse than death" unless you're Desmond or Jack? I'm guessing Desmond is excluded because the light has some electro-magnetic quality that for some reason Desmond is immune too (perhaps from his time in the hatch). Shouldn't Jack have become a smoke monster? If not a smoke monster, shouldn't he have some how been worse off than being allowed to wander a while before dying in the bamboo forest?
  17. Just watched it. My first impression is one that others have echoed, alt LA is not an actual location but a spiritual gathering place (purgatory-esque but a theologian would argue vehemently against that with the main commonality being that it's a point before heaven). The good news is that it being an alt location makes Eloise and Miles' fathers odd abilities in this alt universe easily dismissed. The stained glass window in the church represented all the major religions which was an interesting eye catch before we started getting told the answers. I agree with whoever said the alt universe was essentially a fan-wank although generally I think the fans wanted "and they lived happily ever after" rather than "and they all joined each other to move on from a plane of meandering souls to heaven." I wonder why Miles, Richard, and Milpitas weren't present? I assume they weren't there as to not confuse viewers into thinking the plane had crashed but since there was no "now" that doesn't make a ton of sense. I guess the argument might be that those three characters had more significant experiences off the island, or with different people on the island, so they might have gathered with others (same with Ekko I suppose). I'm guessing David elected to hold off so he could spend some time with the redhead since they never got to do that in their actual existence. Since David and Ben stuck around, that must mean the alt universe would keep going, so the next episode of Lost would open in the Alt universe with Anna Lucia arriving at a church where the original cast would be all found dead and the scene would be declared a cult suicide I suppose . Also, Wasn't Penny absent from the group? That makes sense in some regard since the island wasn't a memory to her... but does that mean she was just a place-holder spirit in that alt reality? Could an argument be made that the alt universe really is more like purgatory than I'm giving it credit for and since Ben and Anna Lucia did commit far more sins they MUST spend more time in the alt universe before moving on? That doesn't seem right though, it seemed like Ben was sticking around to be Alex's dad... LOL, or maybe kill Penny. In the end I feel a lot toward Lost like I did toward BSG. It was an awesome show, with some really intense episodes, but in the end I wished they had had a direction earlier on so it didn't feel like some avenues went no where (I'm looking at you Starbuck). Maybe I just need a Lostpedia book or something to tie all the kernels of info I got together to make everything a bit more cohesive but I have the impression that where we ended up is not something that was dreamed up until season 3. EDIT - is it just me or was the episode where Jack found his son at the recital now seem like it had a bunch of wasted time in it. If his son is utterly unimportant, why do we really care if he was bonding with him. I guess you could do some deep studies on that, in the fantasy spirit world Jack is trying to insert himself as a father figure but subconsciously he knows that's never been him... but still, with the show rushing to a conclusion it really seems like that time could have been better spent.
  18. I don't know if this has been touched on already so forgive me if it has. Could HG do the following? 1) Send C&Ds to all companies selling Macross properties within the US. 2) Find a wholesaler in Japan and purchase the Macross items HG forbids other US retailers to sell 3) Become the sole US company importing and selling Macross goods in the US? It's not quite the same as receiving their rights payments (since it requires work beyond just receiving a check) but it's still better than nothing. If this were wrong to do, they could certainly start an affiliated company and make a very similar arrangment. This company would pay HG a fee for each Macross item sold (say, 1%) and thus get exclusive rights to sell Macross merchandise in the US. This way HG could still get some money from all the super sweet Macross merchandise out there and the Macross manufacturers wouldn't be screwed by their agreements with BW to not re-license their wares through HG. Heck, this could even be a new business model. If stores like BBTS still wanted to sell Macross items they could be allowed to, provided THEY paid the licensing right to HG since the manufacturers are forbidden from doing so.
  19. Wow... a bit of a mark-up on that.
  20. You're correct. Rods move the legs, the legs attach, the rods detach. The legs are not thrown into place. I don't recall the animation really bothering with showing things in that much detail.
  21. I don't know if I ever tried and my toy is in storage, maybe someone else can help you out.
  22. Uh... why wouldn't you be able to call the Yamato a "perfect transformation" toy? I think some of you believe there is a concrete definition of "perfect transformation" and it's not at all the same thing as what the term meant when it was originally used. There's clearly a difference between "perfect transformation" and "perfect for you transformation."
  23. You might not need to swap parts on the Bandai either. It does have fist that retract into the arms, you don't NEED to use the landing gear or the gun, so the only question is the heatshield. The Takatoku is a perfect transformable toy without a heatshield (and it can't stow the gun in fighter) so if this thing can transform with the canopy shouldn't it be considered a perfect transformation too? There are degrees to the level of 'perfection' a toy's transformation achieves. My guess is the only part you'll absolutely need to swap is that heatshield, I'm guessing it has a groove for the chest that the canopy doesn't.
  24. It's late... I think I'm seeing things. Never mind me.
  25. You can see the fist pretty well in this picture of the pilot-less type: The fist has two pegs on either side that fit into slots in the gun. I don't think the gun will fit the hand without those pegs (or, if you can get it on that fist, the gun will move around all nimbly bimbly like a cat hopping from tree to tree).
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