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Everything posted by jenius

  1. Is it too soon to start clamoring for a V2 YF-19 toy?
  2. I'll weigh in... making it a 2 door is no solution... it helps but kinda in the same way a grocery bag over the face helps.
  3. I wouldn't quite make the argument that, if this were a toy, it should be as cheap as a destroid. There would be two toys (Zentraedi soldier AND the Regult... although I suppose the soldier could be sold separately). Really though these are bigger than Destroids and the whole cockpit area is a level of detail and complexity that I'd say exceeds the Destroids. So, I'd be willing to pay more for a Regult than a Destroid... but certainly not 5 times more for an unpainted unassembled model. I also disagree with the logic that Yamato doesn't have the capacity to build this as a toy (but Bandai does). I would agree that they are choosing to go the model route because there is essentially NO risk there and they appear to be under much tighter budgetary restraints these days. They are making a decision to go this route, Joe Schmoe wouldn't have had a decision to make... resin would be his only option. I'm a little bit bummed I won't be getting a sweet Regult toy but I understand the economics of Yamato's choice and if that's what they feel is prudent then oh well... maybe Bandai will give us Hi-Metal baddies (LONG SHOT).
  4. The difference between Yamato releasing it as a kit and Joe Schmoe releasing it as a kit is that Joe Schmoe has not the capacity to release it as a toy. Obviously we'd be thrilled if some Joe Schmoe did this and sing his praise, if he then said "I could have done this as a cheaper toy and made thousands more of them" a lot of the singing would stop.
  5. For all you unclear of sizes... it should be about the same size as the Takatoku in this pic:
  6. anymoon.com I did a post on this toy, you won't have too dig far I'm sure. -
  7. If the Macross Quarter toy can be less than $200 and have gun turrets and all that jazz then I have a VERY hard time believing the more popular SDF-1 toy would NEED to exceed the $200 price point.
  8. It might help everyone to remember that the Matchbox SDF-1 is 1/3000... the Yamato should be about the same size. I believe I have some pics in my Macross Quarter review on anymoon.com which might give you a better feel for it.
  9. Did you then suggest 'Roy'?
  10. It would make very little sense for Yamato to include the Sound Booster. Plenty of people would rather not buy it and save some money. \
  11. LOL, that "small" size huh? 1/3000 is still pretty massive as far as toys go. I agree, $250 would be too much but it's not because of the size.
  12. It's just a mold test guys... the colors mean nothing (I believe Graham pointed that out in the Hi-metal thread). how has that not gotten a billion juvenile responses already? Excellent word choice -
  13. That looks like a very early prototype... EDIT - it does look like a very good likeness to the line art.
  14. Seriously, is that just spill over of the Koenig ad or is there a Monster product coming out?
  15. After last year's big news was "Warner Bros has the rights to merchandising for a live action movie" which was something that completely went without saying it was pretty clear that HG had run out of things to talk about. If Carl hadn't died this year probably would have been an exact re-run. EDIT - another thing that's always fun to consider is who immediately follow the RT panel. Often times at SDCC the room is crowded because the NEXT event is worth being at. I believe it was 2 years ago the panel preceded like a Twilight conversation or something so the room was flooded.
  16. I love me some terrible movies (it's my guilty pleasure). So, to make sure I thoroughly understand how terrible this movie is, I've started watching the series.
  17. My Kai has one shoulder that likes to release from the leg and protrude about a milimeter from the surface and requires me fidgeting with the angle of the leg to get it to stay down (and even then it's easily dislodged). I noticed on Bandai's pics they almost always have the shoulders not tucked completely into the legs so I'm guessing that's just the way it is. It should only be off the leg by a hair though. Not sure about your calf dilemma but it may be exascerbating your shoulder dilemma.
  18. Excellent... now I know who to blame if it is... muah haha. [sarcasm] OMG If this doesn't have individually removeable missiles on the super parts I am so not going to buy this partsforming piece of crap. [/sarcasm]
  19. It may not be next in the queue but I suspect you'll get your wish eventually.
  20. He might be blasting down on that outcropping or freeing his hammer from it.
  21. I think you need to write an email to Kawamori about the crappy GERWALK mode since it has sucked on all VF-19 toys and sucks on the VF-19 in general... I love making fun of that mode on that model... wing-roots in the armpit... just plain silly.
  22. you can see pics of it out of the box at anymoon.com (man I am a plugging machine right now).
  23. Is it possible the hips are just too stiff for you? I don't recall articulation being much of an issue with the Kai... if I weren't at work I'd go to anymoon.com and watch my youtube review to see if I could identify the issue. Oh that was a shameless bit of pluggery right there wasn't it
  24. Perfect, now we need "Macross Plus Zero"! It can open with a scene of a VF-4 kicking rear.
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