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Everything posted by jenius

  1. I've been hearing very interesting rumors about this toy... but most the rumors can go either way so I won't start spilling dirt. I do have one on preorder though and am hoping to do a quicker review of this toy than I do most.
  2. Logos is close on the V2 VF-1 toys but not quite. The VF-1J Hikaru that came with the GBP was old stock so it's not safe. The VT-1, for whatever reason, also has the old shoulder hinges so it is also not safe.
  3. love the look... will there be a monkey and boy hiding in one of the trunks?
  4. HG has the rights to Macross outside of Japan. Since they made Robotech that's how they prefer to badge things but lately Macross has proven more marketable than Robotech so they're starting to release things as Macross products.
  5. Macross should take a dump on Robotech's chest now by doing essentially a parody of The Robotech Masters. Wow... I started thinking about how Macross would do that and as I typed it up I realized I was re-writing Macross II. Never mind... I think Macross has already been where I was going.
  6. If EXO's figure doesn't fit... you can blame EXO.
  7. I just got my sexy girly version of the Monster with a bunch of other toys... I'm going to be a very busy bee for a while.
  8. 1) DX Koenig is probably more like 1/120 scale than 1/100 and that's why it's not part of the Hi-Metal line but rather the Robot Spirits line 2) It's very silly to say "This company should make all the toys that aren't proven money makers since we already own the toys that are." If they're proven money-makers they're going to get made first. 3) Yamato and Bandai pull from the same statistics on toy sales and probably very similar market research to decide what gets made. If Bandai makes all the same toys as Yamato it's because that's what the market indicates people will buy, not because Bandai is copying Yamato.
  9. I find it a little hard to believe that the three could have any interactions what-so-ever if Guld had actually gone through with raping Myung but the first couple times I watched Mac+ I was pretty sure that's where they were going with it. I mean, doesn't Myung actually hook up with Guld at one point after they're reunited? (been a long time since I watched M+). We know that Guld is the type of guy to "blow a fuse" so I like to believe he walked in and saw the girl he liked with his best friend so he assaulted his best friend and basically did the "you're a slurm" thing to Myung and treated her like trash and tore her top off and left it at that.
  10. are the side view mirrors on all the Lotii cameras?
  11. I've always been fond of the mid-60s Corvettes (and even the first few StingRays). Sometimes I still day dream about buying a big block 69 Corvette or, when I'm feeling a bit more tasteful, a 64ish. I think what has happened to the Corvette is one of the automobile industry's more sad stories (although they sell like hell so the world disagrees with me). I wish the Corvette was smaller and lighter and made some effort to get back to its original lines... to me that car looks like it's never fully recovered from its 1984 makeover. Full disclosure - I owned an 80s Vette in the 90s.
  12. So, before Frontier came out who guessed the next Macross would: "Feature a man who looks like a woman, have a high school setting, and the bad guy will be space bugs!"
  13. I also love the mystery of the Protoculture. I don't think my idea that they tell the distant history of the Protoculture that got this ball rolling would ruin the mystery. As long as the show ends with the hint that some Protoculture survived and may still be out there then all the better. It's a double-whammy of excellence because you could include the ProtoDevlin (hopefully toning down their ridiculousness) and show the creation of the Supervision Army, Inspection whatevers, blah blah blahs. Heck, you could even then set up a future Macross installment by showing a UN workshop that is trying to create the ultimate weapon based on Vajra technology and we can see the parallels to Protoculture and their creation of the ProtoDevlin.
  14. It's been a long time since I've seen Macross7 but isn't the Varuta army the second-coming of the Supervision Army? I think we don't hear about the Supervision Army in its original form any more because the Zentraedi were going around stomping its remnants out of existence.
  15. I wish mine had been shipped already... I'd definitely have done a full review by now. Instead I'm working on consolidating old posts into mega reviews.
  16. They are definitely Gallardo-like but you have to remember that ever increasing safety standards are leading to heavier cars. By comparison, some of those are fairly light. Lamborghini's newest test project weighted in at 2500LBs and they did everything they could to make that light.
  17. Those Lotii look great!
  18. Ooh can we just start throwing out fun ideas? Here's what I'd like to see: The next Macross should show mankind at some absurdly advanced level. There can be Vajra interactions, superb new weapons, and political intrigue. There could be idols and huge concerts. There'd be friendly Zentran and Meltran interactions. Then, there'd be a war between these human factions with skirmishes. About 70% into the show you'd realize that you hadn't seen any English on any of the text and what you're actually witnessing is the fall of Protoculture. The last several episodes would be mecha pron involving massive war, including the advent and banishing of the Protodevlin, and the show would finally climax with the cast of Protoculture we were familiar with the whole show escaping on some sort of arch leaving the idea that they may have found a safe place out there somewhere. EDIT - I do realize that they might have to massage our understanding of the development of the Zentraedi a bit to make this work. Oh yeah, and of course the show has to involve the DYRL song in the final episode.
  19. I wonder if it's a different color also? A gray/blue scheme might be pretty tastey.
  20. 1) Toynami MPC VF-1 2) Toynami 1/100 VF-1 3) Yamato 1/60 V1 VF-1 4) Yamato 1/72 First Edition YF-19 5) Yamato 1/60 V1 VF-0 Edit - I dedicate this post to all the people who ruin online satisfaction surveys thinking "1 out of 5" is the best possible score because it has the number 1 in it.
  21. Sounds sooooooooo Robotech. That's not to say there isn't a precedent in Macross (Nome) but I kinda like that they don't do too much of that and instead have the music be what keeps popping up through generations.. it's kinda real. I think the Nome revival was Kawamori trying to make Macross Zero relevant since it was kind of awwkard and feels like a story he didn't have the time or resources to tell properly.
  22. Wow, all three of the DYRL VF-1A toys huh? They should sell them as a gift set (yes I know that would never happen).
  23. They give the impression that the turbines are pushing the car forward by stating that the force from the air is pushed out against the rear venier to create downforce. That makes it seem to me like a lot of air must be getting pushed out.
  24. Thanks for the video card input, valid points and I'm sure I probably wouldn't even notice any slight dip in processing power. Yeah, the power supply made me a little nervous and I guess the rule of thumb with power supplies shoudl be to never be a little nervous about them. I'm not going with the multiple video cards off the bat... I figure that will be my form of scalability. This time next year I may add a second card and hope to keep up with technology a little bit. Right now I think I'm actually leaning toward that Gateway. It has a few specs that are a little less desirable but I'm just not sure I trust Cyberpower.
  25. Yep, definitely a 1A DYRL Hikaru.
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