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Everything posted by jenius

  1. Very nice customs! Yamato should include a Gnu figure with every premium toy they sell... and in my magical fantasy world, not charge me any more for doing so
  2. The head should also split from the radar array. So new main guns, new head, new shoulders, and obviously the Daedalus and Prometheus. FYI - giving this thing a Prometheus and Daedalus with a TV paint scheme was the rumor I mentioned earlier
  3. I know I'm forever late to this party but I finally got a post up about the VF-19Kai stand (includes video review):
  4. If it's optimized for battroid then I'm hoping there's a way to get that chest down better... maybe they just aren't doing it because it's a resin prototype. It's good to see Yamato bringing everything back out to a show as I'm looking forward to all of these releases... even the Zent uniform
  5. Yes... they're pointing out that the tiny bits that would break super easily are going to be made out of rubbery PVC so you don't have to worry about them.
  6. I think no fast packs is probably a good thing... you don't have to have them shipped twice and don't have to buy them if you don't want them (if it was a regular release I'd like to see them bundled). The good news about getting all three at the same time is you can probably pay a smaller finders fee and less for shipping. I'm thrilled I don't collect DYRL specific paint schemes
  7. 580 GTX is out... looks like you can find it for $500 at Newegg. Sounds like a sweet card, more powerful, cooler, and much quieter than the 480GTX... but also more expensive than two AMD 6870s with AMD's new high end card right around the corner. My guess is AMD's next release won't be quite as powerful as the 580GTX but won't be too far off and will be $100 cheaper... still very eager to see. BTW - I have been monitor shopping for a while and the monitor market sucks. LG is supposed to be releasing a sweet IPS screen in late December but I can't believe how few monitors include display port. I might keep my dinky monitor for another year and hope HP or Dell can release a smaller IPS monitor (24" max) with improved response time and no tinting issues.
  8. I was looking to buy a computer recently but decided to take my time and buy all the parts and put it together myself. I'm just waiting on AMD at this point to see what the 6900 series video cards look like. I hear they're due out this month. If they are more enticing to me than the 6870 I may upgrade which might have an affect on what power supply I go with.. Here's my current build wish list . This is going to be a gaming rig that will also be used for photo editing. I won't be overclocking initially but I'm leaving the door open to doing so later (and adding a second video card for crossfire) as ways to keep the computer super fast. I also won't be using Eyefinity initially but am leaving that door open also.- Cooler Master 690II Advanced Gigabyte X58A-UD5 OCZ Platinum 1600 DR3 6GB Intel I7 950 Cooler Master Hyper 212 Plus CPU Cooler Crucial C300 128GB Hard drive (for games and OS) SATAII 1TB Hard drive DVD Read/Write (probably Lite-on) Internal Memory Card reader (probably Sony) HP LA2405wg Monitor (1900x1200 with DisplayPort) Still considering: Corsair Silent Pro 750W PSU (may get the 1000W Rosewill lightning if the next wave of graphics cards look power hungry AND if I get a side panel for my 690II) AMD 6870
  9. Sadly, too rich for my blood, but I hope it happens so I have pics to oogle over as others complete them.
  10. The lack of interest is related to (compounded by) the economy. The barometer for interest would be the expected sales figures. In an environment of a strengthening Yen export heavy businesses get more conservative so expected sales figures are immediately reduced. So, you would say expected sales were X, now they're 80% of X, and Y is the minimum number of sales to warrant mass release, the chances of X exceeding Y are slimmer. When you add in how limited the Macross audience already is then yep, lots of exclusives. Naughty girl statuettes > than Macross in terms of profitability any day.
  11. It's not even the Internet, I think I stoked both rumors out of my abundance of gloom. In my defense though, my gloom comes on breezes from the Far East... via the Internet. It's all just rumors but I've heard Yamato is hurting and prospects of the Hi-Metal line expanding to MacPlus are slim. These rumors always heat up when the Yen kicks butt. EDIT - PUD, I'm pretty sure ff95 is imputing in the extra costs foreigners would have to pay to get the item shipped twice and have to pay a service charge to someone for getting the exclusive.
  12. With the $ being what it is right now everything is like 20% more expensive than it was two years ago . Bad economy = more exclusives... from both Bandai and Yamato (and just about everyone else). I honestly wouldn't be the least bit surprised if Yamato shutters its doors before the VF-19Kai is released... then when Bandai is the only show left we'll really get to hear the wail of fans trying to get exclusives. Obviously I hope I'm wrong.
  13. Maybe next year anymoon.com can switch from an epic toy website to a build of a 1/32 Legioss...
  14. Other than clear plastic being used for the window, that's probably how you should WANT the bridge to look. If they include little frail bits of hard plastic instead of gummy PVC we'll all end up breaking things off.
  15. It gets prettier every time I look at the pics.
  16. I'm kind of a huge Legioss fan. I remember before I ever signed up as a member coming to this site and eyeballing the early pics.
  17. I wish GM were doing something like that instead of Lingenfelter... I also think they could have done a bit better with that front fascia although I'm sure their design choices had performance more in mind.
  18. picture quote on the same page? 1 demerit!
  19. Who cares about all that... it can actually HOVER! ZOMG BUY!!!!!
  20. Also, New Jersey was a key location in the movie Bukaroo Banzai. Somebody asked for a pic? This is the best I could do. If it's not exactly what you wanted, I apologize but I'm probably not going to be doing any re-shooting 'cause I made a mess pulling a bunch of toys out and then I had to put them all away.
  21. I'm playing with my 19Kai with the sound booster and display stands and pulled out my Hi-Metal 1J for some group shots. I wouldn't say I handle my toys a ton but they're definitely both stiff still.
  22. Isn't the 1/60 V2 Hikaru VF-1J a magazine exclusive? I'm pretty sure it was and I'm pretty sure it does have shoulder problems (although no one handles the weathering versions so probably nobody has seen one break). The VF-1S Focker V2 1/60 weathered is a newer release (I think) so it should be fine. No word on a Hikaru+GBP weathering toy but it'd be pretty cool and it seems like the weatherings are a good way for Yamato to make some scratch.
  23. I thought the only thing the retool did was make it so that you could apply Luca's armor to Ozma's or Alto's valks. You also can't just "fix" broken. You could... if you lived in Japan I suppose. Meanwhile I had several people on anymoon.com asking me where in the world they could get replacement V2 shoulders because whatever they tried, they could not just fix the V2's shoulders. Sure, Graham came through for a lot of people but that's hardly something Yamato deserves praise for. That was Yamato's third generation toy and many people have ones that are still missing one or both arms without any way of fixing them (which I'm sure we could blame on HG but Bandai has that same obstacle). Broken is a hell of a lot more damning in my book than "I wish the crotch angled out better" or "I wish some accessories that may not have been made if sales had sucked were originally designed to be incorporated into the toy even though there's a good chance I'll never buy said accessories." TONS of people bought the original VF-25 toys, much less purchased the Tamashii web exclusive parts or the GBP giftset so it's not like the problems with the accessories affect everyone who bought the original. When my Yamato's break they break to uselessness. My armless VF-0 playing next to my armless VF-1 reminds us all of the horrors of war but do little to make me feel good about the money spent. The floppy VF-25 in armor though still holds it pose just fine and looks good on the shelf but I wouldn't want to touch it for I know the frustration it will be. Great toy? No. Better than an amrless toy? Yes... and that's the worst example and that's including the fact it does have broken hinges which as of yet don't seem to be ruining it. EDIT - Yes, you could argue that somebody with tools and some elbow grease could fix a toy using a bit of spare metal... but you could also argue a customizer could make a new pilot sculpt and paint it. The hypothetical about the 25% less just seems like a pipedream. Yamato would have to make money from having funded an anime so that cost probably gets washed (or worse). Yamato's track record also disputes any hypothetical about you having any where near as many toys as Bandai has managed with the success Bandai has had. Bandai has way more resources and spreads their toys through different price levels. Yamato hovers right around the "Oh man, I'm gonna have to save all year for that toy" mark and since the economic downturn barely seems to have the mustard to make any new toys at all. I have no doubt we would have gotten twice as good a toy from Yamato for twice the price ($180ish?) but I also have no doubt that toy would sell very slowly in the economy that Bandai did well in (and I'd still be staring at that toy's shoulders every time I moved the arms). I think your hypothetical involves a Yamato with Bandai's resources and in my hypothetical I'm still pinning Yamato where they've been for the last year +.
  24. I think you're reading my posts a bit too literally. You can replace the word "argument" with "debate" as we are discussing two different opinions on a hypothetical situation. You have every right to NOT like the VF-27... it's just awkward to say it doesn't represent a solid effort by Bandai because, for whatever reason, you personally aren't a fan. It'd be like saying "George Lucas has never made a good film and before anyone says I'm wrong, I hate Star Wars." It's your opinion, and you're entitled to it, but you kinda have to expect some people are just going to raise their eyebrow in response. The DX-25 could definitely be a MUCH better toy. I think we're all certain that no matter who makes the next VF-25 toy (should we ever get one) that it will improve upon the many flaws of the DX-25. In fact, the DX-27 actually is kind of like a second gen 25 and it's already clear that big strides forward were made. I think that's the case with pretty much all similar Macross toys. All these toys are based on the same design so it's not like there are huge areas to be unique. So each generation of toy (within similar scale and budgets) ought to be a bit better than the last and obviously it's a lot easier to make a VF-1 at this point and nail it then a toy that was never made before. Of course, it also matters how we define "better" and if sales are an indication I think it would have been very difficult for a toy with a higher price point to have performed better in the market than the DX-25 did and I find it unlikely Yamato would have been any where close to the DX-25's MSRP. We also can't say "Bandai doesn't care about R&D and Yamato does" when Yamato has shipped us turds in boxes and told us it was the next big thing. Sometimes companies try real hard and just come up a little short. That's all just my opinion so you can feel free to disagree with me and insist you're right... don't take my defending my position as a vendetta... on these boards more people probably agree with you than me. EDIT- I think you're blowing some of the DX-25's minor issues (which certainly add up) a bit out of proportion. Yes, it's a mediocre toy with a lame GERWALK mode. True, you can't get the crotch aggressively angled in Battroid. Rubbing it does make paint come off. The only time I've seen them break though is when people use the GBP armor so I kind of consider that more a flaw of the GBP and the Herculean effort it takes to get the armor to fit into the wing root. Yes, this is also lame because the toy doesn't seem like it included enough forethought about how the armor would attach. Obviously, this toy is no rock star and I am certainly not arguing that there's no way Yamato could have made a better toy had they been the first to the market with a VF-25 toy. What I'm arguing is that Yamato would have produced a better toy (by MW/adult collector standards) that would have been more expensive, sold worse, might have had potentially game-ending durability issues, and that Yamato would not have had the resources to follow it up in the manner that Bandai was able to by choosing a lower price-point and a more toy-like emphasis. You could be the proud owner of an amazing looking VF-25 toy with no arms kicking yourself for not waiting for next year's release of the same toy with some minor durability improvements AND super parts instead of comparing your DX-25 to the improved DX-27 after having skipped the Tornado, GBP, and Super Variants displayed next to Michael, Luca, and Grace in front of your Quarter with the Konig off to the side and the Robot Spirits line off to the other (and those crappy VF100 permanently stuck in a drawer somewhere).
  25. Yes, the DX VF-25 toys do have issues for sure... ESPECIALLY the armored Ozma. The armored Ozma is kind of a calamity. Yamato's track record on very first releases though is ridiculously piss poor. They've had a few all stars but they've also had SEVERAL releases with full on limb breakage which exceeds anything Bandai has done wrong as far as the DX line is concerned. Sure, there were a couple people who did get a limb to come off a 25 toy but every instance was a case of a broken screw... not the toy breaking. Even when Yamato has revisited designs they've found new ways to make them fragile... that's just kinda special... and the price would again be far more than Bandai charged.
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