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Everything posted by jenius

  1. They need to figure out less expensive ways to make the shows so it's easier to keep them going.
  2. Did Yeti sell his files?
  3. There was buzz about how it wouldn't be renewed before the finale aired so I would have been much more surprised if it did go on. I don't think I could have convinced my wife to give a second season a chance.
  4. I might be up for something like that. I was thinking I should get a booth with the vendors and sell all the Transformers I never got around to opening.
  5. All true... Except they're avoiding hot sellers and giving us the B and C tier paint schemes.
  6. Live action would make so much more sense if they were going to change the tone and make it much darker... they won't do that because, if they were, they would be wiser to not associate it with the fun cartoons. I think all the live action remakes of animation are a very interesting study as film makers wrangle with how the medium impacts the story telling. My kids LOVE the Train Your Dragon story so I'm certian to be watching this.
  7. I would guess that a DYRL VF-1A Hikaru will come with the circle for his super parts, probably just thrown in the bag with the instructions. They will then do a standard reissue of the super/strike parts. Of course, Bandai has thrown us some curveballs in the past, so we'll see. Why did we get AngelBirds and Hayao before Hikaru's 1A? Crazy.
  8. Is there currently no DX VF-1 toys on the horizon? I feel like they should always have us looking forward to something.
  9. I don't really recall Orguss 2 at all but the badging makes me think it's the main mech from that show.
  10. This year, I'm almost certain I'll be able to make it. Maybe I can even help in some capacity now that I'm fairly local.
  11. This should be what welcomes you at the local comic book store.
  12. I have a 10 year old and a 7 year old and they asked to see it so we all went. I was honestly, very impressed my 7 year old daughter hung through the whole thing. It's so visually interesting, that helps a lot. That said, it does end with like 45 minutes of pure violence and I was questioning my parenting afterward... though she said she liked it so that's cool. Next family movie will be Mario or something to reset
  13. Looks like it will be available for more than a month from the Tokyo store so hopefully that means it won't be so hard to come by.
  14. Do we know any release information about it?
  15. Wow, never seen that before!
  16. I was so excited when this arrived, I was really looking forward to doing a comparison to the newer 1/12 cockpit I had on the way. Another member here had moved and needed to downsize and offered to hook me up. Unfortunately, the trip to me was a very rough one and I'm not even sure perfect packaging would have resulted in a pristine display piece. Usually I don't allow my hobbies to make appearances at the office but, when this thing arrived at work, I was so excited to see it that I brought the boxes to a conference room. On my way I heard that dreaded 'jingle' that told me there were loose parts inside. There are two boxes, the very sturdy base, which came out unscathed was the first box I opened. The second box was the cockpit and when I opened it I saw the big crack down the center of the heat shield and hoped that meant the heat shield had busted up and took the brunt of the damage.... unfortunately, that wasn't the case. The pilot figure had been bounced so hard into the canopy that it broke the heat shield above it, messed up the canopy, and splintered the pilot and many parts of the cockpit. Yuck! I started formulating a plan. My thought was that I could salvage everything by making a "Farewell Big Brother" VF-1S cockpit. I would embrace the damage, toss the pilot figure and make a blood effect on the seat. I spoke to Palantirion about my plans. At the time, I knew him as another enthusiast, we shared some fun custom ideas, then we met up and he asked me to bring the cockpit so he could assess the damage. At the shop, he was looking at it and we discussed the type of damage a Queadluun Rau would do to a cockpit vs. the type of damage that FedEx (or UPS) would do to one... and they weren't very similar. To my great astonishment, he said "You know, I think you'd be better off restoring it." I looked at the crumpled cockpit canopy and thought that was akin to asking for a miracle. I think he saw how completely over-my-head the scope of this project was and took pity on me. "Let me see what I can do." Words he would spend the next multiple weeks regretting I'm sure! Enjoy this WIP journal folks! In my estimation, from my standpoint, it's documentation of the miracle that was worked. I'll do a video for anymoon so you can see just how amazing it came out. A little later, I'll do that comparison to the 1/12 scale cockpit.
  17. HMR has a lot more going on with joints which may be a plus in handling the toy. The Hi-Spec has some finer paint details in the vent areas and those straight fingers look a lot better in ... mode 2.
  18. jenius

    Arcadia VF-5000G

    I love ugly paint schemes... They should just add like 50 extra units to their production run of the other head and sell them both. I'm sure 50 people will be able to pony up for both.
  19. Right? They still haven't done anything interesting, just keep making the same over saturated types.
  20. Lol, I hadn't noticed, I thought it was a 1J KO.... Not a great idea to use that art!
  21. It looks like it... Part of the joys of being a knock off, you get to do what you want without paying anyone.
  22. I don't mind it, and I'll buy one, but anything from the show would have been much more preferable. I'd be more excited about an Alaska base VF-1.
  23. jenius

    Hi-Metal R

    uh... okay.
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