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Everything posted by jenius

  1. I have a projector and projector screen if it would come in handy. I still may also have the ability to get a conference room... not sure on that one.
  2. So xmas didn't quite go as I expected and I had to go out today and buy a hard drive to add to my system. My Asus Rampage III Formula has two SATA III ports. The first SATA III drive is hooked up to my boot drive, my crucial C300 SSD 128GB. I gotta disagree with Mikeszekely on whether or not SSDs are worth it. I see it mostly in how my programs open, the speeds are incredible compared to the old slug of a computer I had been using. Of course, that may make it worth it to me but obviously the price point is high so I could see why others would feel otherwise. Someday when SSDs are cheap they'll be everywhere. I went with a SATA III Western Digital Caviar Black for my main drive (1TB) and again, I'm loving the speed. I haven't done a ton of work on it yet but there's no question it's an improvement from my old rig. I was almost scared off by stories of them running hot and loud but I haven't had any issues yet (just knocked on desk). I can't hear my hard drive over my fans (and I wouldn't say my fans are very loud).
  3. Okay, I just bumped my nerd cred to the next level. For the first time in my life... I have overclocked a computer. I bumped my I7 3.06ghz up to 3.69ghz. I thought I'd see more dramatic changes than I did... not sure it's worth pushing it any further. Before oc'ing I scored a 7.5 on the Windows Experience measurement... now I'm up to a 7.6 so there's a little bump but who knows what those numbers mean any way right? So next I tried Lost Planet 2 (which I apparently got free with my Intel purchase) and my fps on Demo 2 went from 38.8FPS to 39.1FPS... hardly world-shattering. Yes, I know this game is better for Nvidia cards but it's the only thing I have just yet... the computer only has an SSD until Xmas passes so I'm taking it easy on the installations. On another note, I had no idea how much having an excellent video card (I have a Radeon 6950) really helps with photo work. Sure, I thought it'd make for some fantastic gaming experiences but I had no idea I'd see such improvement in Photoshop. Of course, my old card was 7 year old rubbish that I just borrowed from a dead computer to kill time while waiting for AMD.
  4. jenius

    Yamato 1/60 VF-X

    The shoulder pin problem WAS immediate... some of the Valks Yamato sent to reviewers had the pins break in transit or during the review. Even when I saw it in Japan, before it was released, I was told there was concern about the shoulders. Edit - The initial versions were labeled as pre-production and Yamato stated they were still working out some issues and the first release might not be 100% the same. So, when it was released we were all optimistic that the shoulder issues were resolved... they weren't. I think Yamato later claimed ignorance... EDIT II - why is this conversation happening in this thread instead of the "NEED NEW SHOULDERS!" thread? I'm sure the shoulders on these toys are fine now.
  5. It's pretty standard procedure for companies to have NDAs up until launch for a variety of reasons... there's absolutely nothing you should read into that.
  6. I am happy to say I can't relate on family members disapproving. My mom probably disapproves but she sees how much I enjoy the things so she doesn't say a peep. Recently when I sold off a bunch of my 1/48s I told my dad about the auctions on eBay and he said, "WHAT? Noooo what are you doing? These things are so cool!" He's early to mid 50s and has been nice enough to let me use some storage space at his house while I've bumped around from apartment to a small rental home. My wife is jealous of my toys. She sees them and says things like "I wish I had better hobbies." Very nice set up MacrossJunkie, that is very similar to what I have in mind. As I create my "nerdery" I will also be upgrading from some stale college-era furniture to some classier stuff.
  7. I told my wife that when we finally are able to purchase a house I'm going to convert one room into the "nerdery" where I will have a desk with three monitors for hardcore videogaming and a big display case full of toy goodness.
  8. You're moderately lucky. There were different pins used and inserted by different people. You got one where the correct pin was probably used and inserted by someone carefully.
  9. Yep, didn't mean to be a dick guys. You've both perfectly outlined what I was saying. The toy has some faults that people have pointed out (myself included). The toy also has some fans and the fact it sold as well as it did and doesn't have droves of people picking up pitchforks must mean that there are plenty of satisfied people out there. So, the OP needs to weigh BOTH sets of data and make a decision. Relying only on a few people pointing to the faults of the toys they own would be just as wrong as assuming because it sold so well and so few people are complaining that it must be great. I was just advising the OP to consider both things instead of the opinions of a few people who obviously aren't happy with the final product. Ultimately buying a cheap used toy is almost always the best way to go for someone who has some time to make their decision and can find a source who didn't thrash the toy (MW is usually very good for that).
  10. Aw, snide sensitivity is the best kind. It's okay, I never said your opinion wasn't valid.
  11. If you interpret my quick blurb as a means of dismissing all DX complaints you're being overly sensitive. People who are unhappy with something grumble for a long time. People who are happy about something tend to not even acknowledge that happiness in a public manner. So, something like a year after a toy was released who is going to be posting in a thread about it? A couple late comers and a few more people who are still grumbling. That's not saying the grumblers don't have a point, it's just an observation that the reaction to a question like "Is this a good product" a year after the fact is only going to have a few grumblers left to respond to it. In the end, I think my "buy a used one cheap and see what you think" advice is still rock solid.
  12. Sorry, I opted to have my Hi-Metal ship with my Yamato SDF-1 to save on some shipping so it's going to be a while before I have it in hand to toy around with.
  13. My stuff is so 2005 but this is my living room rig: Sharp Aquos 46" LCD HDTV JVC Receiver (one of the first with relatively glitch free HDMI switching) KEF surround sound 5.1 Oppo DVD player (which doubles as my CD player) a 2005 HP Media Center where I stream Pandora from and watch Netflix, Hulu, and use the media card to watch the local channels (I only pay for cable Internet these days).
  14. There's no guarantee at all of a V2 right. DX 25 toys pop up occasionally second hand at a steep discount here, you might want to try cutting your teeth on one of those rather than taking an MSRP plunge. Most the people who comment in these threads are DX haters so by asking the question here you should kinda already know the answer is going to be a "No." So, the consensus on MW will be to wait and you should consider that against the fact that the DX 25 line has sold very well so obviously somebody somewhere really likes it.
  15. I had a C4 and constantly fixing the flip around mechanisms on the headlights truly left a bad taste in my mouth for flip-up headlights in general. I'm glad this is something the auto industry has gotten away from.
  16. I think you're being cynical. There's an in universe YF-24 that was the basis for the VF-25 and VF-27. So, within the Mac universe it makes sense there'd be three extremely similar fighters. To my knowledge we don't know the basis of the YF-29 yet but it very easily could have been a situation where a story was created to accomodate a new mech design but the story calls for lots of commonality and so that's what Kawamori delivered. It doesn't mean that Bandai dictated it (as you pointed out, they felt free to retool themselves when they did the 27) or that Kawamori is feeling tapped out of Valkyrie schemes. Now, if we get the story and this YF-29 is a design from an entirely different company than the one that did the YF-24 then yeah... that'll seem pretty lame but I suspect it's just a revamped YF-24 based on what they've gleamed from the success of the VF-27.
  17. Since MSRP isn't determined yet they may still be weighing their options and they might still elect to include less (imagine the original YF-19 release). That said, what's the most expensive valk released to date? Maybe this is just going to be a few Yen more than that so no biggie... or maybe the SDF-1 is a hint of how whacky Macross prices are getting.
  18. Can't help with your question but I think you made an excellent choice. I just got the ZR24w and I'm in love. I also just finished my build and am using Windows7 for the first time and overall I think it's pretty dreamy.
  19. I find it highly unlikely this toy would be an exclusive. I just heard a rumor that the MSRP hasn't been determined yet but to expect it to be the most expensive valk to date (and that's before we even consider the better Yen:Dollar times). Maybe that means it will come packed with lots of goodies though.
  20. I haven't heard anything about the projected release date yet.
  21. Instantaneous image quote? tacky. I certainly hope the battroid mode is a bit more sophisticated.
  22. From what I understand... you better start saving.
  23. Mine is being shipped with my Yamato SDF-1 so I'll probably have to wait until January
  24. I just asked a friend in Japan. I'm sure TokyoHunter or someone similar will make it more readily available.
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