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Everything posted by jenius

  1. Maybe since they have no culture they resorted to physical confrontation much more quickly to resolve disputes leading to a number of facial injuries. Also, it might be a cool upgrade... like it gives the owner a targeting scope
  2. Spartan HDP kit on the way! Only 50,000Yen This is a joke... until it becomes the truth.
  3. Silly, the goal isn't to blow up their ship, the goal is to punch a hole in their hull, slip inside, and make them change to your side by singing to them. How are you going to do that with a light speed nuke? Next you're going to tell me that The Last Starfighter isn't scientifically accurate. Pfft... as if.
  4. Yep, it's my understanding that a key component of yellowing is the quality of its initial manufacture. All plastics yellow but poorly made plastics yellow faster.
  5. There have been some excellent threads on yellowing here on MW, maybe someone can dig them up for you. The advice above for avoiding it is sound but it also has to do with the quality of the plastic. Plastic degrades over time so plastic that isn't made just right will break down quicker and show yellowing. Temperature changes, sun light (or hot display lamps), and a host of other things help speed up the process. If you keep things in a dry, dark, cool environment you're doing your best but you'll find some toys are still going to yellow. The Bandai VF-25 toys look really different under different lights... if you're not sure it has yellowed it probably is just that you're looking at it under different lights. The Tornado definitely has a different shade of white than the first release (I actually prefered the white of the first release). Jury is definitely still out on how bad these toys are when it comes to yellowing but it's definitely safe to say they're not immune to it (as no toy is).
  6. You're probably smart to wait for the Tornado VF-25G but I suspect it's just a reissue of the exist toy, no real design improvements.
  7. PE = photo etch
  8. This is a little too easy, you can take a still frame from any animation and make fun of it for days... not every frame can be a winner. I think if I had drawn this particular frame though, I would have moved Scott's shoulders up a bit.
  9. This thread requires pictures.
  10. Hey guys, I just gave the CMs Legioss toys the mega review treatment (I try to keep busy while I wait for my new packages to arrive). Lots of new line art comparisons and video reviews and most the old pictures have been upgraded. Check out anymoon.com
  11. I don't want to Poo-poo the "Sidious or Plaegus is Anakin's father" theory too much 'cause I like it but that scene shows Sidious lying to Anakin so it's not very solid evidence. Remember later in the movie Anakin's like "Sweet, I'm evil, you implied I could save people from dying, let's do this!" and Sidious is like "Oh, about that... maybe we'll get there some day." He's just feeding Anakin old wive's tales to convince Anakin to join the dark side.
  12. Was that even implied though? I thought Lucas was just picking common historical tropes and wedging them into Star Wars... "Hmm, what haven't I wedged in yet? Oh yeah, virgin birth!" I even thought it was mentioned that a convergence of midichlorians (spew) could cause a virgin birth. The implication in both cases is that there was no darkside father to Anakin (although that's obviously a cooler story so I could see why people would prefer that).
  13. Is the TV version city in the leg too? If it's in the leg it doesn't seem like transformation should do that much damage to the city.
  14. I will not be the LEAST bit surprised if your guess is very close to accurate. The Yammy definitely looks good proportionally in comparison to the Hi-Metal... but I wouldn't say that Hi-Metal looks bad. The Yamato is going to be a completely different beast though, I expect very good things at a premium price (think triple the Bandai... or quintuple the Bandai after it went on sale).
  15. I think the V2's floating heads and leg shape actually make battroid look a bit more feminine. It looks stockier with the head in the correct position. I prefer the 1/48's battroid to the 1/60's even though the 1/60 does do a couple things a bit better.
  16. I'm confused, why do you think the Yammie is more accurate than the Hi-Metal? I feel the opposite. Floating battroid head that's too high and too short back pack. It's definitely larger scale, and it definitely has tighter seams (as it should with the larger scale), and it has integrated landing gears and heat shield. Both toys are phenomenal (provided your shoulders didn't break off your Yammie).
  17. I just watched the original Tron to get me hyped to watch Tron 2. I ended up deciding not to bother watching Tron 2. Some things that were great in the early 80s have not aged well.
  18. Aw crap... Now that Yamato has seen this we're bound for a "weathering version." I wonder how much that'll cost...
  19. HP Zr24w... I love mine and it does have full rotation on the stand. It's a bit pricey (IPS) and some reviewers detect a color shift. I love mine and can't see any color shift but I haven't been able to do a full calibration yet.
  20. They don't charge a premium price through Tamashii, they charge MSRP. This doesn't hurt their core audience all that much. It hurts us but since they're not legally able to pander to us anyway it's not big deal from their stand point.
  21. LOL, attachable parts are a PLUS? C'mon, let's get rid of Tampo painted on detail and go back to all stickers. It will stop the polyfoam from rubbing off the paint, make people less likely to scratch their toys, and assure that no one forgets to paint a part in the production process! It's a big silver lining thing i guess.
  22. Aw man... I have to install the little guns myself? That's even worse than including a giant sticker sheet
  23. Thanks Myk, so far I'm thrilled with it. About four or five months ago I was really scared to try and build my own computer but then I started studying up and had a lot of fun figuring things out. I should give credit to websites like cyberpowerpc and Ibuypower as they let you pretty much build your own computer on their sites which convinced me I should just buy the parts myself and put everything together to save some cash. The drive I bought can be found on newegg here. I believe the one you saw is 500GB version of the same. Seems several of the negative reviewers had their drives fail after a week or so which has me crossing my fingers. I'm currently in the process of dumping all my anymoon.com photos from a 500GB external hard drive to the new drive... hopefully in a week or two I can get back to working on the site again on my much better work station.
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