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Everything posted by jenius

  1. Probably my Takatoku SDF-1 with the little jets still on the sprue and all that goodness.
  2. If they redo the VF-25 for the 30th Anniversary (and I hope they do), I also hope they come up with all new fast packs. The current ones are floppy and limit mobility... not cool. It always amazes me how much companies have struggled with fast packs over the years... they really shouldn't be that hard and a couple well placed slots in a toy aren't going to destroy its appearance.
  3. I'm just going to go out on a limb here and say that if you hate the VF-25 DX toy, and you have always thought it was never even "okay", and you think the VF-27 toy still isn't that good, you should steer very clear of this DX-29 toy. You're not going to like it. Professors usually do that with stuff like bridges that collapse or something that breaks. The VF-25 toy allegedly can get loose over time... it's not quite the same arena. Even with some time my DX VF-25 Tornado toy is still holding up better than my YF-19 toy (and I think both are "okay"). Yet the VF100 line failed and the Robot Spirits line doesn't seem to have done much better. I asked my retailer friend in Japan how the DX was doing after it was released. He said there was a lot of enthusiasm for it and it was selling very well and while there were some complaints that wasn't hurting momentum. It boiled down to the hardcore fans wanting more and hoping Bandai would make some tweaks on later releases while the general public was "charmed." There are a lot of excellent criticisms raised on MacrossWorld and various other toy forums but it's important to remember fans like me who are going to put a picture of the toy up next to the line art and criticize it (and the fans like me who love seeing when other people do that) aren't the majority of the fandom. In that same vein, after the toy was released and man-handled by the general public the feedback from all sources can be reviewed and it's a heck of a lot easier to devise alterations to an actual product than it is to a design (especially if one of your chief concerns is making a toy that won't break). It's also a lot easier to take someone else's work and tweak it... it's the same reason that, when you were in college, it was better to have someone else proof-read your work. If you wrote it you were a lot less likely to catch your own mistakes. As we've seen with other companies... later releases are often huge improvements on previous iterations also. The VF-27 is a MUCH better toy but the changes to it are hardly revolutionary from the DX toy.
  4. That might not be a horrible idea provided the cannons had some sort of insert to keep them straight.
  5. EDIT 2 - that sounded odd and braggy so I deleted it. If you choose to believe that it didn't sell well and was a colossal failure that's cool.
  6. Not only did it not end abruptly, it saw several reissues and a few were very hot items. The Ozma with GBP goes for more than MSRP on the 'bay so it's becoming a collector's item. Now I'm not trying to say it's a great toy but I suspect ff95gj was referring to my comments that it sold well and that's clearly not a lie. The line did alright while the VF100 line flunked out before Luca was made. I know everyone likes to think Internet message board opinions are the best indicators of what people like but sometimes it's good to look at facts too. If something sells well it generally means that a few people like it.
  7. Well, if you go by MacrossWorld no one likes the Bandai DX VF-25 toy and every Yamato V2 is in desperate need of replacement shoulders. Perhaps one needs to look beyond this drop in the ocean for the whole story? Nah, F that, only what gets posted here matters.
  8. Ask yourself the following questions: 1) How many VFs before Mac7 had mouths? 2) How many VFs talk? In the Macross universe, where the military is building the valk, the mouth seems silly. I try to give Basara a pass since it's supposed to be some sort of civilian glam rock valk.
  9. Yep, a lot of the animation from the Southern Cross episode where they attack the Masters and take down their flagship was simply ported right into the movie. It all happens as kind of a "meanwhile... at another location... this is happening:" and then they flash back to Mark.
  10. I don't handle my VF-27 enough to be any indicator but it's been fine. I still think it's an excellent toy. A ton of people bought them and only a few people are complaining about issues so that might be something to consider in your choice on whether or not to jump in. EDIT - and if you were thinking of handling your toy a lot, and it did get loose, nine times out of ten there's an easy way to fix the looseness (like a tiny dab of clear nail polish or superglue).
  11. Ha... taking comments about how people would like to do things in the future as reasons to be angry... that's reasonable.
  12. I'm thinking that 911 may very well be owned by someone who has served in the military and could snap my neck if I called them a "dumb" anything.
  13. I think the people saying Robotech needs a reboot are more just mecha anime fans saying they would love to see a new and good mecha anime that proves successful in the US Market (and possibly gets HG to stop being such a Macross monkey). It's not necessarily about Robotech and it's certainly not because we want HG to be successful or believe their current creative staff has the ability to pull that off. When I imagine a reboot of Robotech it's complete with a competent staff at the helm. I wish WB had bought Robotech free and clear
  14. GnU Dou Macross appears to be dead. It was tough competition with Kaiyodo offering cheaper toys, sometimes more poseable, with more extras (including mini stands). The Gnu were definitely better built but they demanded a fairly stiff premium. If you have the MacPlus ones you should try to hunt down the super upgrade parts... it's amazing how such minor improvements really help those toys out. Yamato's VFC Gashapon series also seems to have suffered a similar fate which is too bad. The VF100 toys are pretty bad if you plan on transforming them. If you're not transforming them then the Robot Spirits VF-25 is a better battroid toy (a bit flimsier but more fun overall). Hi-Metal line is pure win so far... just a bit pricey... here's to hoping it sees lots more releases.
  15. I believe you are confusing the 1/100 scale model with this 1/60 DX toy.
  16. you're aware that just because something is a cartoon doesn't make it "science fiction" right? If Jaws were an alien maybe... but instead it's just horror. The Incredible Mr. Limpett might qualify... but then we should have a Don Knotts (not sure on the spelling) thread instead of a fish thread.
  17. I'll add to the confusion, does it have a twist at the knees or are these the same VF-25 legs?
  18. In that regard then it's the fourth. YF-24, VF-25, VF-27, YF-29. I don't consider it ridiculous since they're all firmly related to each other within the story. Somebody made an experimental YF-24, two groups then designed vehicles based on that prototype (the 25 and 27) and then another prototype was made based on what was learned from the two production vehicles.
  19. Total Recall, Running Man, Predator (kinda), Terminator... Arnold has sci-fi cred without a doubt.
  20. If anyone's tach shows 65MPH they have big problems. If both tachs show 6500RPM then one person is being overtaken because the other person is in a different gear and going a different speed.
  21. What the crap happened to this thread? If you're doing the kind of driving that is "fun" and you're not on a track then you're probably an idiot. If you think speeding doesn't have a clearcut legal definition then you're probably an idiot. If you think garrish paint schemes and zero back pressure exhaust that sounds like a horde of angry wasps makes your car faster then you're probably an idiot. There's nothing wrong with enjoying your time behind the wheel but there's a time and a place for going all out and that time and place has nothing in common with the areas where people are driving like zombies after a hard day of work just looking forward to getting home to see their wives and kids. Everyone is both above average and below average drivers depending on every other circumstance going on in their lives. If you think you're special and that "safe for conditions" speeds for you are way above everyone else's it's probably just proof that you haven't been driving long.
  22. With Thundercats getting some new love I would love to see Robotech get a reboot. If they just steal heavily from the old ExoSquad plot line they could easily tweak the Macross Saga enough to be an unrecognizable and legal quagmire free opening to the series.
  23. TV version should be safe.
  24. Isn't that why all the luxury brands have their performance versions? You can have your cake and eat it too!
  25. Ha, that looks fun. It does seem like the bridge might be a little bright though.
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