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Everything posted by jenius

  1. So HG is aware the work they do isn't better than fan fiction? Awesome.
  2. Why would you choose 1/60 scale? Wouldn't 1/48 be a better choice since it would roughly go with Toynami's Alpha/Beta (or the CMs Legioss).
  3. Ooooooooookay... but the lips don't move right? What purpose would that serve?
  4. I don't care about the optional leg pieces but I also wish the neck cover was integrated. I look forward to owning the toy and finding out why that would have been so hard to pull off and why the toy MUST have a big gap on the front of the chest. What's the Macross universe reason for the Kai having two different faces?
  5. Max is probably more popular and/or there are less of him in stock. If 60% isn't enough of a discount then maybe you just don't find the toy all that compelling and maybe that's a sign you should pass. I was tempted to buy both but then I realized I didn't care about either and I'm happy with my Gamlin (which I think has a cooler color scheme anyway).
  6. Word on the street is: no bells and whistles for the sound booster to be sold separately but Yamato thinks it's a pretty big step forward from Bandai's offering (at twice the size, one would hope).
  7. Last time I checked their website looked like it hadn't been updated in a really long time so I took their link down from my site's recommended stores. I contacted a friend who told me they were definitely still in business but it seems like they are focused on things other than their web store right now. - EDIT - I should have said that the guy who used to run the web store focuses now on other things, I have no idea where the company as a whole's focus is. I assume they have someone else running the web store.
  8. because toys are supposed to be made of glossy plastic
  9. That doesn't make a whole lot of sense unless you just want to OWN a 'street legal' division of some sort. Why bother with smog equipment and I'm assuming 91 Octane fuel for the small pittance of not having to trailer an automobile?
  10. If I owned my own race track... that car would be fun but who else would it appeal to? Sunday drivers who like to tear around hilly back roads? Maybe... but a one person car seems like an idiot's motorcycle.
  11. Well, let's just assume that magically shrinking plastic is a reasonable hypothesis; would you think that all plastic would magically shrink? Why would your plastic magically shrink but not mine? I'm not discounting that there are problems with the DX toys... I just think jumping to the conclusion that the plastic is shrinking seems like a big jump. Going to the Yamato V2 example. The shoulders on my V2 toy cracked. The shoulders on other V2 toys also cracked. People don't say "Don't buy V2 valks because the plastic is incredibly fragile." No, the more common theory is that it has something to do with the metal rod used in production. Maybe on the DX toys there's some other variable beside the plastic that causes some joints to fail. I don't think you've done enough research to deduce that it must be shrinking plastic that caused your toys to get floppy.
  12. Considering how popular the toy is there aren't nearly enough complaints to indict the plastic.
  13. Mine didn't have that happen. Is mine made of different plastic or must there be at least one other variable?
  14. I haven't noticed any diminishing in volume plastic on my DX toys. I think someone would have to do a bit more research before deducing the plastic is changing size... seems like there are more likely problems like flash on some peoples toys joints helped make those joints stiff and once the flash wore off the joint was left loose.
  15. I would think the barrier for English subtitles has less to do with the expense of the subtitles and more to do with the distribution of the product. Since Bandai wouldn't be able to distribute the BDs to HG's territory (even if the BDs work in that territory) the incentive to do English subtitles is dramatically reduced. Bandai would only be able to sell these BDs to the same distributors they already do so they don't see a dramatic increase in market. If they could get Macross Frontier into Best Buy you would see an English subtitle version. If you would still have to go through HLJ (or a Japanese DVD/book store) or some similar store then sales aren't going to shift up much.
  16. I think you need to replace "fan" with "completist" in that sentence. The average fan wouldn't bother and would probably be happy not to have to pay for the extras.
  17. If you can find it at a steep discount it's an alright toy.
  18. jenius

    safe to order?

    Glow in the dark exclusives!!! Amen on the exchange rate. I don't even bother looking at Japanese stores right now.
  19. jenius

    safe to order?

    You sir must have never eaten a banana! I'm not trying to derail this conversation but you shouldn't go calling people 'ignorant' when the experts disagree with you. I see no reason to be at all scared of ordering toys from Japan.
  20. My friend in Japan was very skeptical that Yamato was going to hit a June release date well before their current disasters (which is fine by me... so many other things going on right now). I think, like the V2 VF-1, I will be very impressed by this toy but find a few things I wish they did differently.
  21. Okay, mine was defaulting to "help Files" so if I didn't change that it looked for my search there. I just checked and like you said, it's now 'forums'. My search also found a ton of results.
  22. Here's what I found, the search function defaults to members (or something other than forum posts) instead of posts. There are different tabs and after it says "no results" in the original section, you have to click the forums icon and you'll get the results you expected.
  23. MSNBC has an interesting story on hoarders. Apparently someone in China informed the people on their East Coast that Iodized Salt will protect the thyroid so now they're having runs on iodized salt. Of course, that's not correct, and the radiation isn't at all coming their way... just goes to show you how scared people are about radiation and why Nuclear power never has many proponents. I am kind of a pro nuke guy but there's no denying the strength of people's fears of it.
  24. With the use of super dimensional mecha I'm sure this disaster will be resolved in no time.
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