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Everything posted by jenius

  1. My kids are 7 and 10, neither play Mario but have played or at least watched it at some point. They thoroughly enjoyed it which is what matters since I went for them. I thought it was meh... I'm used to these family movies hitting me in the feels but this movie is aimed squarely at kids and doesn't do anything for adults beyond those quick nostalgia bombs. I will be doing awful renditions of "peaches" for some time.
  2. Pedro, did you ever find a solution for the pulsating sound? I have the exact same issue and its intermittently broken up by VERY LOUD static.
  3. I posted an in depth comparison of the SD Infinity and Tiny Session VF-25 toy. Check out the video here
  4. I wonder if these are reissues or just found stock.
  5. I think I can make out the trapezius missile bay doors... Fingers crossed.
  6. Looks like the prototype used for bomber mode pics has the wings installed on the wrong arms. The more exciting thing is that it looks like the boom to connects the toys is integrated into the Tread's pelvis. Hard to say what's happening with the landing gear. I don't see a knee swivel, good foot articulation, not sure what the head will be capable of... if anything.
  7. The problem with Rey (which was blown way out of proportion because she became symbolic of Disney's clumsy attempt at diversity) was that her character skipped the training montage in the first film. She was inexplicable and JJ didn't even do a good job with her mystery box. Had the movie opened with her being a padwan to some outcast Jedi who gets offed by Snoke while trying to make it to Luke's temple, she would have gotten so much more of the benefit of the doubt. Having Snoke kill a Jedi would have been great for his character too... but no... we got a girl who magically could do EVERYTHING even though she spent her life abandoned in the desert. All the different writers not seeming to be on the same page after that only made things tougher.
  8. If only episode 7 had been a condensed season 1&2 of the Mandalorian. I guess the fans would have been super angry that all the regulars weren't shoe-horned in and that Luke only appeared in the finale... but still, it would have made a lot more sense and been better universe building!
  9. The biggest draw to ordering from overseas is that most domestic retailers ship from Japan by boat and then ship to you so it adds about a three month delay.
  10. Gotta get a real big display cabinet...
  11. 100% agree... But they have the packaging for super bundles and armored parts make great exclusives and would allow them to make an Alto armor also... So I think the accountants would win.
  12. Correct, quoting the image got things muddled a bit.
  13. Bandai works in mysterious ways... we have a DX VF-1A Angelbirds but we don't have a DX VF-1A DYRL Hikaru. So, while I would think us lucky to get a full run of the main cast... sure, a cannon fodder might actually happen before Ozma. If all the reissues are super bundles... I wonder what that means for armored parts. I want my Ozma armored!
  14. I would have loved to see the Legioss deeper into the tread but on it's own, it's looking great. That ride armor also looks way better as a finished product, I'm sold (but I was always easy to convince).
  15. Does HG mean "High Grade"?
  16. Thanks, I was going to consult my Mospeada Design Works book when I got home.
  17. Looks good.
  18. Not a drone, it's a precursor to the Legioss, I forget the name of it.
  19. I think it's all the same color, just different lighting and camera. The promotional pics look a little overexposed whereas the video at the event leans the opposite direction.
  20. I'm starting to unpack my collection at my new place and came across these. If I haven't opened them yet, I doubt I ever will, so I'm going to sale them... but I have no idea what they're worth. Anyone know?
  21. Graydon is the perfect example that the writing was subpar. He could have been interesting as the betrothed... but never was. They didn't work that whole betrothed angle at all, it was immediately forgotten. It seemed like they were setting him up to turn against the team by giving hints to a dark past.... but that went no where. Then they let him languish in this puppy love state for a while which made zero sense since he was part of a team working to reunite the girl with her love. He could have been interesting as a fledgling magician... but he wasn't until like the last two episodes and then it was introduced with absolutely no lead up... like one day they were like "this guy sucks as a character, we should do something to make him interesting." Turning the bonereavers into sympathetic good guys was also... bizarre and handled so weakly... like "hey, let's drop a reveal, and then they're all friends" ignoring all the history and repercussions that go along with that. So yeah, count me in the group that says poor writing really hindered this show.
  22. Whoa.
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