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Everything posted by jenius

  1. Maybe I missed something but it looks like both DYRL and SDF:M probably have the boosters, it's just the doors are always shown closed in DYRL and there's one instance where they're used in the TV show.
  2. A good place to look for display cases is craigslist. Sometimes retail stores go under and sell super sweet display cases for cheap. I've also seen high schools sell trophy cases.
  3. no white vf-1d with the trex double seat? Maybe that's next year's release.
  4. That's actually the Thunder Hammer custom parts. Ha - wow Kicker, you have two Thunder Hammers? A gray and a white? I take it the gray is done to look like the original model and the white is just waiting for some future custom?
  5. Not too long ago I was talking to a friend in Japan and on a whim I asked him if he access to some exclusives I had missed out on. He just so happened to have almost all of them, Gray Q-Rea, Family Mart VF100, and the GBP shooting missiles. So, now I have all of those things I saw one on ebay not too long ago, looks like it's starting to get awfully pricey to come by.
  6. Let me help bring this back on topic
  7. ha... Clearly you are not being overly sensitive...
  8. Man Eugimon... a little sensitive to comparisons? The correct answer is: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=34339&st=245 That's the collection display thread.
  9. I got a Palm Pre when it came out... thought it was a nice alternative to the Iphone... I wasn't ready for a phone without buttons yet. At the time, it did seem to have an edge on the IOS also. IOS5 looks like it will bury every plus WebOS had and have a bunch more strengths on top of that so, while I hate to see a competitor with a good product get beaten out of the market, I think WebOS is dead.
  10. I don't know if it's been mentioned here (probably) but that actor made an awesome Khol Drogo in the Game of Thrones.
  11. Regarding the chest gap... I think it could be helped. The Yamato is a vastly superior toy to the Hi-Metal but check out the gaps on the Hi-Metal toy.
  12. I bought it in the last sale and so did some others who post on anymoon.com, it's the updated version with good shoulders.
  13. More will almost certainly be available upon release, the question will be HOW MUCH will they be available for?
  14. offtopic: You know, i'm surprised they didn't make Dixon Lunk's last name. With rt's urge to make everyone related it seems a natural fit.
  15. ben is hayao in robotech
  16. There's a good range of motion moving the toe up but not very much for moving the toe down... but to move the toe down you could just click the front part of the foot closed one click.
  17. I'm a huge fan of the Hi-Metal toys. I think they're well worth MSRP. I'm really bummed to see the line die because with the newest VF-25 V2 toy costing 75% more than original with shipping and currency fluctuation, now seems like the perfect time to invest in a smaller scale line with a much lower MSRP. As far as Toynami goes, they weren't sophisticated enough to deliver good Robotech merchandise and they shot themselves in the foot with the brand and now can't make money with it. Since they can't make money with it there's no incentive to release the toys even if there is a minority still wanting their remaining products badly. I'd love to see the Glaug and the 1/100 VF-1 toys make it to release... but I know there aren't a whole lot of people like me.
  18. I hear that release date is 'optimistic'. Someone asked me if I wanted it and said they expected it out q1
  19. Sadly my motherboard (Rampage III Formula) only has two SATA III ports so if it's the port I'm hosed. There is good reason to suspect the port though as I originally had my SSD connected to this port and my computer wouldn't boot from it. Switched ports and everything was hunky dorey (I assumed that was just a quirk about port priority that most bigger computer buffs would know). Ran a quick diagnostic, no errors. So, the only possibility it sounds I have much control over is the cable. Do you happen to know if the SATA III cable is the same as SATA II? The only reason I question it is because my motherboard came with wires specifically labeled SATA III but that may just be marketing junk. I have lots of SATA cables to swap out if they're all the same.
  20. I don't know what "large" is but I have folders with hundreds of pictures in them and there's no instant re-sort of how things are listed. I do have a neat problem of my own though: I have an SSD as my primary boot drive and for the programs I want to fly open (photoshop for example). I have a SATA III Caviar Black 1TB drive for all my documents. Occasionally, without any warning or obvious reason, my computer stops detecting the Caviar Black. So, I'll be photo-editing, go to browse my photos, and I have to reboot the computer to find the drive. A reboot always resolves it. Any idea what might be causing this? It's been fairly consistent since installation. No odd sounds or errors.
  21. Curse my lack of cable! You can only watch on Cartoon Network if you have a cable provider and Youtube has some badly broken up bits and pieces (which I watched and looked good). When will this go on Hulu?
  22. I've heard preorders have been very good.
  23. Just concurring is all. MPC has some issues too in fighter. -
  24. Ha, you mean one of these looks closer to the line art than the other?
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