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Everything posted by jenius

  1. yes, the chest on my dyrl variant is yellowing so I gues I need a new one
  2. To be fair to all the people who may have loved their V1 VF-25 toys, I'm sure there were lots of people when the V1 VF-1 toy came out (and Toynami's MPCs, and just about every toy out there) that were super enthused at the first version of a toy that was released. People are people, they have different expectations. Some people expected more and were super let down at the first version of just about any toy that comes out (with tons of exceptions I'm sure). Some people are super thrilled and think the first group has expectations outside of possibility. In the end, a new product comes out and the whole world gets to move on. What's really cool for all of us Macross fans has been that the second efforts by these companies (sometimes third efforts) have been really outstanding. Sadly, I don't have my VF-25 'renewal' yet so I just get to sit here twiddling my fingers and lookin' at the pretty pictures.
  3. Ha, I was just debating that same thing.
  4. Aw c'mon, you can't seriously stick to that argument. You should just laugh and move on. People were picking the Bandai chunky monkey and the Toynami MPC over the Yamato V1. I remember at least one member praising the 1/48 when it came out (was it Exo?) saying that they passed on all previous incarnations because THIS was the VF-1 toy they were waiting for. Again, you can completely unravel your statement by changing the order in which toy you're talking about. Both toys were totally surpassed by subsequent releases... and both toys had people pass and wait for subsequent releases, nothing strange there.
  5. LOL. The V1 VF-25 toy still looked good, good enough that many VF-25 fans bought it. Your argument kinda just fell flat on its face.
  6. Ironic that they took a page out of HG's "the issues with Macross' rights don't affect Robotech" playbook. Just like HG will never produce anything in the future that includes anything from Macross, neither will MW include anything that HG has claimed.
  7. Not a review yet, but perhaps a preamble to a build-up and then review? I'd love to see it.
  8. That can't be right can it? Wouldn't that make GERWALK incapable of moving forward?
  9. The rumor was that about half way through the production line Yamato made a change to how the shoulders were being assembled which largely solved the problem. So, that means about 50% of the Shin 0A toys are potential candidates for broken shoulders. Of that 50% it's hard to say how many will actually show problems but it seems to be fairly common, so I would guess that about 15%-25% of the total toys produced have serious issues. You can add that to the 3-10% that would have other manufacturing issues and you're not looking at very good percentages (although statistically there'd be some overlap). This excludes the known issues with the toys arms falling apart at the bicep swivel since I have no idea how prevalent that failure is. The shoulders can break regardless of handling although handling obviously will make it worse. The main issue appears to be that putting the shoulders on their ball joints caused stress to the plastic which meant that the plastic eventually cracks (if it didn't crack already at the time it was popped onto the ball joint). $220 isn't a bad price and the part of the shoulder that breaks is usually covered (for the most part) by the clip on shoulder plates. So, you could purchase the toy with the anticipation of having to fix it before long. You're paying about $70 bucks more (before shipping) than the new 0A unknown type goes for and you're getting a more heroic paint scheme plus a ghost. I don't know, for me, this would be a toss up. If I liked Shin's scheme that much more than the unknown soldier type and I was desperate for a 0A I'd probably roll the dice... especially if I didn't care about resale value or something like that.
  10. i'm bummed, I would have like to have had this shipped with my yf29 super parts.
  11. The problem with the vajra is they're an enemy with no personality. The zentraedi were fun to watch in the original show.
  12. shameless plug: go to anymoon.com and check out the reviews! but yeah, 30 years is a long time and toys have come a long way, the yamato is pretty and sturdy
  13. I'm very interested to see Cadillac's ATS car and how it develops and what that will mean for the CTS. If the ATS takes on the 3 series and the CTS takes on the 5 series I'll have to consider them. I was toying with the idea of buying a CTS for a while but I probably have another 2 years before I can consider buying a new car.
  14. I'm sure this has been posted before but I was just playing some music while I updated a review on anymoon and the Lost Prophets song Shinobi vs. Dragon Ninja came on. Out of the corner of my eye I could see the tiny CD cover art emblem in my media player and noticed that there was a drawing of a mech on there. Sure enough, there's a Super VF-1S on the cover with a second piece of close-up line art there as well. Neat.
  15. As to not end this on an uncivil note, I think our words were just barely missing each other. Here's one last effort: You're right, expecting a movie to be bad makes it less painful when it is bad, or more pleasant when it's not as bad as you expected. Had I enjoyed this film after having expected it to be the worst film ever (because it's better than the worst film ever), I still would have concluded that it was a really bad film. After all, we all have guilty pleasure movies for some reason we like... sometimes just because they are so bad... but we still know they're bad and recognize them as such. Alright, if I still haven't figured out what this discussion was about, I apologize but I'm hoping it's all sorted out.
  16. I'm not 'shocked' by it. You've taken my one comment about how I would have hoped this would be a better film and created an argument around it as if my hope it would be better meant necessarily that this film was going to HAVE to suck in my mind. The original post is a critique of the film supported by specific references to poorly handled parts. The fact that this film was very likely going to be poorly written and executed is not a remedy for the fact it's poorly written and executed. What does YOUR expectations have to do with anything? You're whole argument seems that you create a different barometer for movie criticisms based on your pre-conceived notions for how good a film is supposed to be. That really doesn't mean anything as far as my criticisms of this film go. I watched a film, it sucked, I made the observation and gave reasons why it sucked. I'm not saying it sucked because it did or didn't live up to expectations. I'm saying it sucked because it was poorly written and executed. You seem to be repeatedly arguing that it didn't suck because everyone should have expected it to be poorly written and executed and it lived up to that. I suspect what you really mean to say is that the film was actually enjoyable because it delivered scantily clad women and big explosions which are the only things the audience had a right to expect based on previous franchise history but that's the reason why the movie was successful at the box office, it's not a reflection on whether or not it's truly a quality film. I acknowledge the film did have both big explosions and scantily clad women, the two prerequisites established by the franchise, but that doesn't mean I should think it's good. I'm certain this film could have had big explosions and scantily clad women and still been a whole lot better with competent writers and editors on board. I'm guessing this is the conversation that really should have happened between me, you, or any other TF3 supporter: Me: This movie sucks, it's poorly written, way too long, and has a littany of other problems A TF3 supporter: Sure, this movie has problems, but it was enjoyable in that it lived up to the low expectations of its audience and had enough explosions to cover up most of its weaknesses. If all you had hoped for was some silly explosions and hot chicks then you wouldn't be so let down by how awful this film really is. Me: Even if that's all I had hoped for, I wouldn't be oblivious to this movie's many faults and would still call it a terrible film. If I somehow liked it I would call it a guilty pleasure because I would know it was terrible but for some reason it tickled me.
  17. jenius

    Joons VF-1A?

    I think that's a Bandai toy, possibly with an after market clip on shield (they're pretty common). You can see the clip for the shield by the head. I'm guessing the stuff on the shield is just leftover stickers from either a Joons or a Bandai toy.
  18. Fair enough, I'm probably a little sleep deprived and cranky. If this film scratched some itch that Michael Bay's films have given to some viewers and those people have turned these films into a guilty pleasure of sorts, that's fine. I just don't get the next step where I shouldn't think the film is terrible because some people have developed a taste for this brand of misery. I don't think I should have to compare this film to other bad films to get a different barometer because my expectation should have been that this film would be bad. Regardless of my expectation, this film was bad. I'm not saying that because I'm an old school transformers fan (i'm a light fan at best), I'm saying it because the writing and the editing were really bad.
  19. rumor was it got canned because it was a bandai toynami joint venture and big west pointed out their license disallowed such things. Bandai then anned their origins line because it wasn't as feasible without the toynami sales.
  20. wtf? This isn't a fool me once situation. This is me saying 'this movie is crap' and some people arguing that because we knew it would be crap we should consider it less than crap. No, just because we had every reason to expect crap doesn't mean we should be satisfied by crap. edit, I think the argument really isn't about whether or not this movie is crap but whether a person could still enjoy it knowing it's crap if they're just in the mood to watch 3 hours of whiny shia and explosions and that's what they want to see. Sure, if you want that, and you expect that, you will enjoy it... But that certainly doesn't make the people calling it crap wrong. I gave plenty of valid criticisms of the film. I don't think the film is crap because I had high hopes and it turned out to be terrible. I think the film is crap because it IS terrible.
  21. Your logic is flawed start to finish. You expected crap, got crap, and you're stoked 'cause it met your expectations. I hoped for something good, got crap, and your saying it's my fault for hoping for something good? In the end were both holding crap but you're smiling about it and saying i'm the fool. I dunno, guess we'll just agree to disagree.
  22. i'm sorry, that sounded snippy. I completely disagree with the idea that lowered expectations some how make bad films better.
  23. I think it's any of these three currently.
  24. "set expectations accordingly." That's the kind of talk that made it so there were no first place awards and instead everyone gets a trophy for participating. WORM BOT THIRSTY!
  25. I also got my HLJ notice but I'm not so optimistic I'll have it this week. Here's hoping for the best.
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