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Everything posted by jenius

  1. if the problem is simply the nose is fatter then the neck than they should have designed a way for the nose to get thinner during transformation. Again, i:'m sure they considered it, saw it'd just add even more to the price, and skipped it. Sometimes compromises must be made... Doesn't mean I have to like them. I'm still a little baffled how i'm being criticized for expecting no big gap on the front of the battroid's chest after Yamato said their focus was battroid. I understandbalanced modes and like the look of fighter, but if a company makes an excuse for itself the excuse should stand up to scrutiny. In the end, I still love the toy, i'm just not deluding myself into believing all that scratch is getting me something flawless.
  2. I'm not the one who stated Yamato was focusing on battroid mode... Yamato was. If they said they were focusing on balance between modes I wouldn't have pointed it out (wouldn't have pointed out they SAID they were focusing on battroid mode that is... I still would have pointed out the big gap in the front).
  3. Um... really? Those are your examples of "better" YF-19s? Yikes. If it was just a matter of the 19's nose being a little bit thicker it seems like something could have been engineered to overcome this (especially at this price point). Besides, what's the use of focusing on battroid mode if you're going to throw it out at the end and put a big gap right in the center of the chest? I know I know, thou shalt not disparage Yamato on these boards. I'll go back to my hole.
  4. I don't see why fixing that gap would have created such a huge difficulty for Yamato. It's rather easy to fix in photoshop . Seriously though, it wasn't impossible, and they wouldn't have had to ruin fighter mode, but it probably would have required one or more moving parts and I'm guessing at that point they were like "This thing is already a billion parts and is going to be ridiculously expensive so let's call it a day."
  5. I love these toys but that giant hump in front of the chin is just killing it for me! How much better would that toy look if the chest sloped down in front of his chin instead of going essentially straight forward and then having a big gap?
  6. Oddly enough, that part is supposed to be white on Alto's... maybe they realized that too late and are correcting it on the Ozma? Although, if that were true, the part immediately beneath it should also be the same gray as the exterior.
  7. what's a good recent chogokin to compare it to?
  8. I didn't really dwell on it because it's a review of the toy and not a review of the VF-25. I did mention in the video review that I'm not the hugest fan of the 25 which might be part of why I prefer the 29 toy. From a non-toy perspective, I still prefer my mecha beefy and less insecty. That's no reason not to give kudos to the DX V2 though for pretty much nailing the line art.
  9. My review is finally posted. Phew... that one took a while to get through... Visit anymoon to read the review and see the video.
  10. Just an update here, I bought the VF-1J non grey goggle version from the last HLJ sale and it was a reissue with the clear canopy and the updated crotch.
  11. Back when the V2 VF-25 went up for preorder a friend in Japan told me that the word was that if it sold well (which it did) Bandai was going to go the Tamashii route on everything from Super to Tornado. This leads me to believe we'll be seeing all of these parts through Tamashii at some point. This doesn't mean we won't see bundles though... so that statement isn't worth a whole lot other than to say that it sounds like Bandai plans on doing all the accessories.
  12. it's not guarded as closely as one might think, it's more a matter of timing. There's a lot that can stop a project before it finishes so it's best not to start hyping it too early. Too often words from birds end up being just chirps. Also, I heard a member rubbed a lot of people the wrong way here once by letting yamato news slip so clearly companies would rather have a flashy way of telling you then letting the birds give it away. Magazines probably like breaking the news so maybe toy companies get a kick back.. Who knows... But the good news is that if i'm hearing things we probably all will soon!
  13. I don't think the quarter sold all that well so I wouldn't expect another capital ship.
  14. I recall this issue with the 1/48s, you could mitigate it by pushing the legs together but the dangly arms were a common issue. Usually the gun propped them up enough for it to not be noticeable if you weren't going to try to whoosh it around.
  15. I heard from a bird that Bandai is going to give us a nice dx surprise next year... I also heard from another bird that yamato has some tricks up their sleeves too. Muhahaha! finally got my renewal version but i'm hosting a dinner party tonight and won't be able to start playing with it until the guests go home.
  16. So, when will i be able to buy a motherboard with the LGA 2011 socket and PCIE-3 expansion slots? Are we still like six months out before that kind of upgrade is realistic? I hear AMD is supposed to roll out PCIE-3 video cards in Q1.
  17. I LOVE the mechanism for getting in and out. Not exactly sensible (God forbid it rain). I imagine the windshield was a rather expensive item. It seems a rear window might have also made the car a bit more user friendly. Basically, this car looks like it'd make a better Hot Wheels toy than an actual vehicle... but it is neat how outside of the box it was.
  18. I asked a retailer in Japan about the 17S, he said feedback was "Luke warm." He added that most people think it's too fat in fighter, too thin in battroid, and too expensive. Of course, he might not have asked many people about it and just has the misfortune of having talked to a couple people who were vocal about why they wouldn't be buying it. On the flipside, he pre-emptively told me not to try to buy any Bandai Macross Frontier merchandise from him because it was selling so well he was having a hard time getting stock (he runs a small store). I'm really hoping the 17 is a toy that blows the socks off early reviewers and generates more interest after it's out for being a superb product since it's priced too high and not beautiful enough to convince everyone to plunk down cash beforehand.
  19. I just updated my post on anymoon.com to include series 2, 3, and 4. I tried to make it a one-stop shop for all the information anyone could need to know about these toys. Give it a peak and let me know if you feel I missed anything. -
  20. Ugh... do I wait and have this shipped with my VF-17? If I do that I probably won't get my VF-17S, VF-19S, YF-29 Super Parts and VF-19 Sound Booster until mid January .
  21. With discount? Lol... not bloody likely. Maybe you'll find them on sale but Yamato doesn't make a habit of decreasing their MSRP for later runs... unless those later runs come with fewer accessories and these days they're already selling us the bare minimum accessories.
  22. i'm never choosing SAL again
  23. It appears Toynami felt the Battlepod market was super saturated by the first two releases (the second of which was selling poorly) so they lowered the floodgate so demand could build again.
  24. I think I've owned one of just about each 1/55 toy at some point.
  25. yeah... that's what it is... there's a standard, heavy, and now light artillery pod. The only thing that differentiates them are the weapons on the head.
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