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Everything posted by jenius

  1. Are you not locking the leg swing bar in place on you 22S? There's an audible click when you get there. Edit - if anyone is considering the 22S i just did a huge review with a video review on anymoon.com.
  2. Fire valkyrie on clearance already? That's not a particularly good sign.
  3. Finally updated my Yamato 1/60 YF-21 and VF-22S reviews... here's one of my fav pics:
  4. There needs to be a price available for the people who wouldn't buy it so they can place their vote. You need a "Maybe if it were free" option or something.
  5. Hey, I'm playing with my Kai in GERWALK mode at the moment and I have a hint I think might help some others. There are two joints within the ankle, an upper joint which lets you move the whole foot toward the outside of the toy or toward the inside of the toy and then an ball joint lower serving as the ankle in the foot. Move that upper joint so that the foot is as tight against the inside of the toy as possible. You can now use the inside of the bell bottom to give you a little more friction and keep the toy from leaning forward (you can even wedge the point of the bell bottom between the front of the foot and back). I did this with my Kai and GERWALK is now it's stable enough to stand without fear of collapse.. although it's still a far cry from being as stable as some other GERWALK toys out there.
  6. I've been preaching the 1/72 scale for a while... it's a scale with a lot of promise making things like enemy mecha a little cheaper and easier to pull off while still providing enough size for things like integrated heatshields and landing gears.
  7. alto was on sale at 15% off when I preordered ozma. Edit : yes, it was in stock.
  8. I wouldn't worry too much, they still have Alto's version for sale so they'll probably get plenty of stock when it is released.
  9. I highly suspect that we're going to see a lot of Yamato reissues for the 30th anniversary. I suspect we'll have members stocking up on Elintseekers, Super-Os, Maxes and Milias. That's my guess. I just scanned this thread and here are some other notes: oynami has had international merchandising rights for Do You Remember Love for eons now. I believe they celebrated getting those rights by releasing a Hikaru VF-1S Super Poseable way back in the day. Prototypes have painted canopies... production toys do not.
  10. Man, I was going to wait until the inevitable Armor pack giftset... but with how hot these things sale I don't want to find myself missing out down the road. Ha, I thought I was being so smart... Edit - apparently I was the straw that broke the camel's back... now back to order stop.
  11. I suspect ur ankles will never be the same... That pose seems to be what everyone says makes the ankles weak.
  12. I think it's sad people are assuming responsibility for ruining the ankles on their toys because they tried to get the ankle into a position it looks like it should be able to achieve. That sounds like yamato should share some blame there.
  13. Someone post a pic of battroid mode in a stiff position and then ask why people try to get the legs spread apart or move the arms out in battroid. I think the GERWALK issues have officially been blown out of proportion. The mode works 99% of the time... it just could be better... especially in respect to how good the other modes are.
  14. I just had fun fixing the the GERWALK joint on my VF-19Kai. I'd have to take a closer look but it seems like Bandai did way better with that GERWALK joint on their toys, there's a much larger range of motion. I'm sure there's other reasons why the Yamato couldn't get there's that one more click that most other valkyries have and I think would have really helped out their 19'S G-mode.
  15. I couldn't disagree more. It's sold separately at a steep price. It wil be reviewed on it's own and in conjunction of how it interacts with the 19.
  16. I have a review of the booster i'm working on... So far i'm fairly unimpressed but it's still early.
  17. Gol' darnit, I knew I forgot something! I'm missing my bottom pic in the review too. Sigh... Oh well, I'll do an edit tomorrow.
  18. My review is up, not quite as many pics as Swoosh provided -
  19. I have a Max Miria set of VF-22 toys, if you want 'em shoot me a PM.
  20. That wasn't an argument, it was just a statement of personal preference. I really can't say enough good things about these toys in battroid... really phenomenal stuff. Sure, that hump on the chest bothers me a tiny bit but otherwise these toys are just a joy in battroid. For those of you that like GERWALK, which I do not... well, it could be a lot worse... but yeah, it could be better.
  21. lol what?? Yamato's principle of toys that last? I love the ankles in battroid... Just love 'em. Gerwalk is no fun... But i'm biased against it since I think it looks like crap on the 19 regarless. Armpit wings ftw.
  22. I find it unlikely... At least not until the 25 renewals are all out.
  23. lolz, I think the gunpod is supporting the gerwalk's front end in one of those pics... Could be wrong though, i'm viewing on a phone. It also looks like the arms were left back to keep the weight to the rear in the other aggressive pic. I'll have to try gerwalk again with my kai while I do my soundbooster review, I seem to remember it working okay. I think the problems with gerwalk are ompounded when people try to not extend the ankles as far.. Which I understand 'cause the extended ankles aren't quite the coolest.
  24. I don't think I'd say "pathetic/awful". That's more how I'd describe the DX VF-25 version 1's Gerwalk mode. The 19 toys at least come together and look very nice and GERWALK... they're just a whole lot better with a stand.
  25. I'm not too concerned. Even if the Ozma bundle never does get released I'm sure I'll be able to pick one up down the road. In the meantime I'll probably buy the Tamashii limited Alto Armored Parts and Super Parts so I'll have an Alto to keep me occupied.
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