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Everything posted by jenius

  1. it ahould probably be considered last year's macross toy of the year... and that should be the perception of it... although i prefer the 29.
  2. Well that's the thing, you could build it as a Fuke or a Shinobu, it would be up to you. I suppose that's not how things work in the real world though since Yamato doesn't include the other heads in their unassembled kits.
  3. Or one kit with an extra head and camera right (assuming it was resin)? Rumor was that Shinobu (LOL, Shinobi gear... ninja outfit and throwing stars?) was going to be an exclusive (head for your fire and pitchforks!).
  4. It does depend on the lighting though, I have some lights where the color match on both valks is very pronounced. Generally though, it looks good to me and even when you can see the mismatch the parts that are painted are such where it almost seems like the second tone parts ought to be a different color as part of the scheme.
  5. I'm optimistic that whoever picked up the prototype when the crash and burn occurred will produce a resin kit.
  6. Yes, capitalizing on a animation error where a 1A was drawn with additional 1J lasers.
  7. Hard to say right now... I'm having a hard time justifying owning all three of those 22S toys. Maybe I'll sell off the M&M and replace them in a similar pic with a 19F and a 17S.
  8. For those of you that didn't check out my Sound Booster review:
  9. Maybe this means that Yamato has the VF-X license again? Maybe we could get a 1/60 Konig this time around . Certainly a YF-19 and then a VF-19A Ravens is in order? Polish off that VF-11B mold for Skull one paint scheme too!
  10. I said when bandai did the yf29 that we'd see a 171, i still believe this to be true.
  11. Crap, if i knew this was how yamato was going to announce it i probably would have blabbed about it earlier. I hadn't heard they weregoing web exclusive... But i bet that holds true for their next exciting tidbit as well. I was under the impression this was going to be an assembled toy but i didn't think to ask for clarification.
  12. Lol, u just looking for a summary so u don't have to read the post?
  13. Just posted my review on anymoon. The fact more people aren't dissing the sound booster here makes me wonder if I just did something wrong with mine... so please check out the review and let me know what i'm missing. -
  14. It's been a long time since I had to bone up on subwoofer placement but the common thought was always "it doesn't really matter." So, don't overthink it, put it where it fits well.
  15. A V1 VF-25 Super Bundle? Pass!
  16. It's news about the VF.......... oh yeah.. too soon.
  17. Wouldn't you say how Bandai handled the shoulder transformation was innovative? It's definitely something I like about the Hi-Metal. I'm a fan of the toy but that's about the only thing that strikes me as really innovative about it. I dunno about better than the 1/60 V2 but for my money there's definitely no better 1/100 VF-1 out there
  18. I don't know if my ankles are still so stiff that I can pull off all the one-legged poses I did the first day I owned my toy... but they're still plenty stiff for battroid mode. They're not quite as stiff as I'd want them to be in GERWALK mode though, I had to kinda cheat last time I had it in that mode and move the upper ball joint so that the ankle would be as far on the interior as possible so I could use the bell bottom at the end of the leg for additional support. I don't remember ever forcing the ankles to do anything unnatural that would have caused them to loosen up at all but I guess just some normal handling should be expected to cause any ball joint to loosen up a little bit.
  19. Watched this film yesterday and thought it was so-so. I did think the actor that played Thor did a wonderful job. Here are a smattering of observations: 1) I didn't like how the very first time you see Loki on screen it's obvious he's going to be the bad guy. A blonde-haired kid standing next to a brown-haired kid... yep, the brown-haired kid is gonna be evil. 2) I didn't like how obvious Loki's machinations were. It seemed like there was some opportunity here to make him a tricky mastermind type... instead his actions at times felt incongruent... somewhere between diabolical and misunderstood. Meh. I felt the same way about his relationships. It would have been better if he didn't seem so sleazy right off the bat and the movie developed a close and trusting relationship with his friends before he turned. 3) In a very bad moment, when Thor's friends on Earth were looking for him in New Mexico... I had a feeling I was watching an old He-Man movie.... yuck. 4) Speaking of those friends, one or two of them REALLY should have died. If the Peter Pan guy had died in the first attack it would have been a nice start to getting Thor to develop into a better leader. If the dwarf-looking guy died in New Mexico it could have been that final push that made Thor into who he needed to be. Their failure to die also greatly reduced the tension in battle sequences... after the dwarf-looking guy lived it was pretty clear the good guys were invulnerable. 5) On a similar token, I thought the change in Thor felt abrupt. I think the deaths above would have eliminated this criticism. So, overall I'd say it was an average film but it was much better than I expected so in that regard, I enjoyed it. A previous poster said "I need a horse!" was the best line. I liked the line following, after the store clerk says something like "We have cats, dogs and birds" when he responds "then give me one of those big enough to ride."
  20. LOL, I was kind of expecting Kawamori to give Yamato the go ahead to retcon the VF-17 gun into a big pistol. I kinda think that's how Yamato should have gone though. They should have made one very small gun that fit in one leg and featured some fold out mechanism and then they should have given us one much bigger gun that looked like the gun does in the show when the battroid is holding it. They did that for the VF-19Kai's shield, seems like a better solution here.
  21. Yep, that's the one.
  22. No, that's definitely not the NEXT thing you're going to see. I see this thread has come full circle. Yes! Meh! PANIC!!! Meh! Yes! Meh! If you say Meh one more time I'll cut you! Release.
  23. Oh God, I hope that COPO never sees production. Camaros and Mustangs are everywhere right now... and usually driven by the type of people who still ought to be cutting their teeth on 6 cylinder vehicles.
  24. Did you guys see the MSNBC.com cover story the other day about unique snow men? One was a VF-1S Focker.
  25. I don't think he means 'consistent' in the same way you do. He's still arguing about gaps but he means gaps at the shoulders in particular. You can draw a relatively straight line from the wingtip of the 11 to the wingroot and then another to the nose cone, no gaps, very consistent lines from fighter to GERWALK. On the 25 you can't do this and there are gaps around the shoulder, on the 17 those gaps are bigger. I think the 17 deserves an asterisk though as it has that funky quasi-GERWALK mode that I believe is the actual official GERWALK mode.
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