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Everything posted by jenius

  1. Not "TV" version, just not the "movie color" version. Man I haven't handled mine in ages.
  2. There's something very curious happening with the lower leg. I wonder if it pivots instead of sliding out to extend.
  3. Insert "I got a bad feeling about this" images here.
  4. I don't agree with that take at all. These firms hire designers that work with multiple companies. I remember hearing during the VF-17 and VF-171 days how the same team was working on both and trying to determine ways to differentiate them. During the V1 vf-25 days, Bandai tried to do things in house... It was not so good. Also, the toys you site have significant differences from their predecessors. The DX VF-1 is VERY different from a V2 while being the same vehicle, the 19 also has pretty dramatic changes. Let's not forget Bandai made an amazing VF-31 toy with no toy to take inspiration from. The 21 might turn out to be a clunker... But it's not because the only way Bandai can make a good toy is if they have a good toy to work from.
  5. No trade at wonder fest? I need pics!
  6. It appears my Switch controller was made by a company that doesn't sell switch controllers anymore, Ralthy? Probably just a cheap 'prop' controller but I still love it.
  7. They forgot the heads on the Angelbirds... so ... maybe?
  8. I look forward to doing the line art comparison
  9. I haven't played the first remake because of TOTK. Looking forward to it though.
  10. Not a color difference, a lighting difference.
  11. Bandai did it first!
  12. There are a bunch, but mostly color related and the head is a ball joint.
  13. I find it very unlikely it will have changed since it's debut. Other than very minor tweaks, Bandai usually stays the course.
  14. Jotun is different... I wonder if we'll see some HMR conversations of the Orguss that would be closer to what we see in the show.
  15. It's the other modes with the super far out intakes that turn me off... A little overly ambitious here.
  16. Gotta catch em all!
  17. A HMR at MSRP is about $60 before shipping at the current exchange rate and shipping will be less. After market prices are higher, and armor adds to them of course. A much closer comparison are the KC toys.
  18. To damn with faint praise, I bet, as far as RT comics go, this will be one of the better ones.
  19. I imagine it's just because the math doesn't support 1/72... But it doesn't for KC either. Three zero used to be known for beautiful paint on fragile toys but I hear they've come a long way.
  20. Agreed that's it's not important but I would interpret it the blue puck as the tire/wheel and the gray puck as the pivot point for the whole mechanism. Tough to say though, maybe the gray puck would be part of the heel and the landing gear pivots out from an internal mechanism. It still bugs me that all new toy manufacturers use the Gakken solution of having the sensor array sit on a door rather than having the sensor come out and sit next to the head without a big door under it. If I made a Legioss, I would also have the shoulders be much farther toward the front of the chest than most toy manufacturers do (or leave a slot there so the shoulders could be slid forward when a pose required it). Everyone loves to put them toward the back (like this line art) but then the arms can't reach in front of the toy because fo the huge barrel chest.
  21. They do but they don't compete with the Yamato V2 articulated hands... very thin.
  22. The landing gear are there, under the four red missiles you can see the tire and the mechanism attached to it.
  23. It's going to be $149.99 and go on sale in 2-6 weeks. Everything about it, with the exception of the leg panel that allows a bit more foot movement, looks like a mini DX toy. Maybe this will convince KC to stick to the $99 price point going forward. The KC perfect transformation hands look terrible so maybe that's why they just went with good looking fists instead. Depending on where that measurement goes to, that's about 1/60 scale, less than a cm shorter than the Yamato V2 (21 cm) and .6 cm taller than the KC.
  24. So the success of this means there's definitely going to be a Robotech movie right?
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