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Everything posted by jenius

  1. When I first pulled out my Mirage toy, the arm cannons were definitely pointing askew of each other. After going to GERWALK and back to fighter and fiddling a lot with the arms, they now look like they're supposed to. I can't quite seat the rear tab completely to the wing housing, or both guns will point down, but I do have that tab mostly employed and it all looks good! Looking forward to doing the full photo shoot! Gonna try the same thing on Bogue next and then see if I can't make my Hayate first issue look decent. They should have made those arm cannons much smaller, as someone pointed out earlier, it really sucks trying to swoosh the toy around because there's such minimal space to put your hand comfortably.
  2. Are there any good 3D models of a Hovertank that could transform and look decent in all modes? I think that's where we need to start. Then maybe the STLs can be sold and people can build their own.
  3. Just pulling my 31AX toys out and wanted to thank you for this explanation. The first time I had it out, I dont' recall ever having slid the forearm parts... I don't think the instructions even mention that. Now to see if this sliding action is the reason why one of my guns on Bogue points down while the other side looks pretty respectable.
  4. Yeah, I appreciate what Styrofoam does for box stability. Lots of toys have come in Styrofoam without yellowing for a long time (Takatoku for example). I wonder if it's just something new about how Styrofoam is made? Maybe it's also Styrofoam + something else (like heat) that's the issue.
  5. I think it implies that the HMR Scopedog will come with the parts to become the red shoulder version from Uoodo.
  6. They seem to be moving away from Styrofoam so there's a good chance of that.
  7. Big ol' video review is up:
  8. More thought has gone into this thread then went into Super Dimensional Calvary Southern Cross.
  9. That's why I asked if the feet are where the ankles appear to be... otherwise the torso to leg ratio is way off.
  10. Oh no, I think I confused them, should have double checked.
  11. That was Prime1 that teased the 1/28 Legioss. I think they're going for a concept where the rider's feet are where the ankle appears to be? I wonder if there are magnets that will attach the hip armors to the knee. I'm not convinced I like it yet. It's a fun 'ultra beefy' take on the Ride Armor.
  12. I'm a little surprised that every store except HLJ is trying to make the tax mark-up on us out of country folks. Gimme my 10% off!
  13. hlj was up, i clicked on it, got a dns error, then it was gone https://www.hlj.com/vf-171ex-armored-nightmare-plus-ex-alto-saotome-machine-revival-ver-banc657893
  14. Great question. If BBTS gets a pallet full shipped by boat, maybe we can get the best of both... cheaper product and cheaper shipping.
  15. Hmmm, I say it's superior in both modes, not from all angles, but I think that statement may be better in the conclusion than in the sculpt section.
  16. Thanks... the article is also up on anymoon. The full video review should go up on Sunday.
  17. I think it's gorgeous.
  18. Very cool! Looks amazing.
  19. Getting close to publishing this review... so many things to consider...
  20. I never realized how heavily CM's leaned on these old kits.
  21. I love the Ravens paint scheme and I really don't understand why Arcadia isn't doing small limited runs of other schemes when they do a run of a more popular toy. Maybe the costs of paint set-up are too high to warrant a 100 run production of something? KitzConcept seems to be having fun doing that. Even if they did 100 Ravens at the same time as the standard scheme, that's not a ton of inventory to have to stash away for a few months to separate out the releases.
  22. So that's an invitation to join the raffle rather than a guaranteed toy. If you don't win the raffle, they'll cancel your order. I just checked, cheapest air shipping is 9,200 Yen for me in California. Fortunately, it's a pay later situation. Luna Park is about the same price. They don't tell you it's for a raffle item but I imagine they're going to be cancelling orders if they don't get the stock, same as Moehime.
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