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Everything posted by jenius

  1. jenius

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    Affirmative, same plane, less accessories.
  2. I change the scale to make them all the same size so they can be compared to each other. I think both comparisons do a good job of showing the DX shifts the mid point of the line art forward.
  3. What KitzConcept figured out, and Arcadia has shied away from, is that if you're going to have the factory produce toys, like the VF-1S Focker/Ichijo reissues, there's usually only a small outlay to tell the factory to produce another 100 with a different tampo process. So, if there's enough market to warrant pumping out Hikaru and Roy, it's a golden opportunity to do a TV Roy and a Max 1S in very limited numbers. Maybe make those "premium finish" only and do 100 of each.
  4. 1) I hope it pays zero attention to the movie universe and it's timelines/fragments and just does its own thing 2) I'm curious how the choice of medium will be leveraged. My guess is that they'll go hyper gory at times. My hope is that they do some cool future scenes. I'll probably check it out after a season 2 or cancellation is announced... I never have enough time for shows these days.
  5. Isn't Arcadia basically one guy at this point and he does it as a hobby?
  6. jenius

    1/55's revisited

    I put silica packs in all my closets and tubs to keep humidity down. If you're somewhere hot, your AC is probably also dehumidifying for you. A food grade vacuum sealer is an interesting thought if you're really putting things in deep storage.
  7. Well this isn't really helpful at all but I told Photoshop to make white white and black black and this is what happened: I think I would go a little darker than the image you posted above.
  8. I grabbed one from anime export.
  9. Convert this to a poll thread and let's vote if Robotech and KO toys should all just go under one 'toy' section. I assume you would put Mospeada in 'other anime' still?
  10. You mean the HG model kit.
  11. Well now I might preorder a reissue of the VR-052F to see if they revised those joints like they had on Houquet. I don't have a buddy at Sentinel anymore that I can ping for info I haven't reviewed the Houquet because I have very little time for reviews these days and a massive backlog. I'm chipping away at it but these new reissues may be out before I get to Houquet.
  12. Good, I'm glad it wasn't supposed to be a baby all along. It generally looked like odd floating shapes in bubbles but obscured and dark. So it was just a blob of nebulous Star Singer tissue that coalesced into a Freyja-like baby when Freyja and the Windermerians moved it with their singing. That's a new twist on the usual Macross ending. Alright, so you describe her as "Clone soldier Mikumo", so she's not a pure star singer clone then, rather some sort of almalgam? I didn't think the crimson SV-262 looked too heroic compared to the others but whatever... they went with a lame paint scheme for a mostly unlikeable character so not much of a loss. One last question... runes bloom? What does that do/mean? Did they know that happened? Stuff got weird. I thought, when they did the scene with Hayate going berserk because of Freyja's song, they were going to explore some sort of a symbiotic power the Protoculture devised as part of their effort to bring people together. Like, the fact they had Hayate with Freyja would have them overcome New Sharon Apple because she didn't have a matched pair. It kind of worked that way but more incidentally. I could really pick this film apart but instead I'll just say that I look forward to the next Macross.
  13. I finally watched this last night. It feels almost like an overreaction to criticism of Delta. I was never really a fan of the Lady M storyline and this... i don't know if 'resolves' is the right word, but certainly leans heavily into it. So do I understand this correctly: Epsilon steals Star Singer DNA, clone it, make a baby, sort of connect that baby to a newer Sharon Apple (but one that also has a robot body), and the New Sharon Apple is able to amplify its sound energy because of the baby? Meanwhile Wright got some of the DNA also, cloned it, but they made a full grown Mikumo to counteract whatever Epsilon would do? The baby at the end threw me off a bit.. was it gestating still in the pod? Also, shouldn't the baby grow up to look more like Mikumo than Freyja? Bogue should have been given an all crimson VF-31AX with gold accents like his 262.
  14. I'm looking forward to doing comparison shots. Ooh maybe I should build my 1/20 model finally.
  15. That works out to 1/23 scale so we can probably round to 1/20.
  16. You don't need to keep arguing your opinion.... it was settled.
  17. Definitely this. The VF-25 metal ball joint shoulder definitely has not aged well.
  18. Quantifiable? You're not doing that at all. In fact, you're going out of your way to avoid "Quantifiable" because it refutes what you say. How many countries did it have to air in to be "large"? How many markets did it have to penetrate? "I think not a lot of people like it today" is as close as you've come there... That's a very convenient thing to say since any cursory google search of Robotech will define it as a "Hit show from the 1980s that aired over most the world." That's helpful. Bizarrely, if I run a search on these things my numbers are very different. Maybe Seto draws the line for "large" at something that would have 15 million hits or more and I would say something that hasn't had a successful sequel since 1985 and still generates about 9 million hits was large and impactful (my Robotech search results in 14.5Million hits, Thundercats returns 20.5 million). There you have it, a quantifiable end to this debate and we can all choose where we fall.
  19. Whoa! Loving the little pilot figure. What's the side by side picture saying? They made the thighs larger or it has an extension gimmick?
  20. It will be mine....
  21. Have you offered definitions of "large" and "Impactful"? The sense is that your idea of "large" is like "top 10 of the decade" and "impactful" is specific to today rather than in its era. You speak of the 'declining fandom of Robotech', a show that was on almost 40 years ago and has had a continued (though declining) fandom since then as proof it didn't have an impact... but it is the opposite. The fact there was such a large fandom from 40 years ago that it is measurable by any means today shows it had impact. The fact there are volumes of merchandise, failed attempts at sequels by a company that had a history of only being motivated by quick cash grabs, proves there was a "large" audience there. This is just haters trying to hate.
  22. At least the super parts are included.
  23. It's the last paragraph where you continue to be wrong. It was a modest hit, created plenty of fans who craved more, and comic book creators tried to cash in on that. Their failure to produce quality products, much like HG's sequel attempts and Matchbox's merchandise ushered what could have been something bigger into an early grave. Saying "yeah but today not many people care about it" doesn't mean it never did well. ALL of my friends owned at least one Robotech product, or Jetfire. Your idea of "large" and "impactful" is not "bigger than average" and "generated a lot of merchandise, developed a robust fandom, and inspired a lot of kids and writers". You have some other definitions you're playing by but I disagree with them.
  24. It seems like a part that can be drilled out and replaced with a metal dowel if you could find one of the right diameter. Really good to know about this issue though, seems like it will be a widespread thing.
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