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Everything posted by jenius

  1. Transformation of this toy is a punishment.
  2. I thought the Frontier movies were missed opportunities the first time I watched them. I would have much preferred them do a two hour long movie that started a little further ahead in the timeline like DYRL. Curious to see how I'll feel after another viewing. I've made it through Zero, then watched the 4K DYRL DVD, it's onto Plus and then Seven.
  3. Nope! Apparently, not their cup of tea.
  4. LOL, a virgin road reissue? That's a LLLLLLLLLLLLLLong shot
  5. I was just watching DYRL wondering why no one ever made the cannon fodder Qrau and boom, here it is!
  6. 1:28 is the B2Five scale so that must be the Pose+. 1/48 isn't that bad, sentinel did a great job with it. Sadly, 1/60 would be too small.
  7. It's that the Pose+?
  8. They ship with Fedex if you buy direct, is that impacted? Roy is on boats already for other stores.
  9. I'm looking forward to diving in but it's going to have to wait until the ThreeZero Roy review wraps up. I had just started that review when this arrived and i can tell this review is going to take some time and undivided attention.
  10. The thighs would be easy to make four pieces with the seams on the side like they do on the Scopedog. The center of the thigh should be one piece and the sides should be another. The knee can be molded as one piece like a toy ring with pegs that go into the lower leg. Then they could use that same trick on the lower leg that I mentioned on the thigh for everything beneath the knee. Maybe they would need two very small seams on the side of the lower leg above and below the side panel but that's nothing compared to the giant seam down the front. If there's no mechanism needed in the lower leg, it seems like getting rid of that seam would have only cost them a few additional parts.
  11. Oh, the fatty leg splits open?
  12. They should do it exactly as they did on the scopedog.
  13. They're cheaping out on those legs so bad. It couldn't take that many more parts to get rid of the big seam down the front.
  14. I'm handling my Roy toy right now and it is very good with one glaring exception.... fighter mode is screwed by those little metal pegs meant to hold the arms up at the interior of the elbow. The fit is so tight that when the arm is pressed up into it, it comes shooting down a moment later. It's the absolute worst way to even try to hold the arms up. I really hope ThreeZero addresses this going forward (but have very little hope they will). I was able to work around it by pressing the arms so far forward that the peg doesn't line up with the slot and then doing a little bend at the elbow... probably causes my arms to droop 1mm lower so not the end of the world. Still, such an easily fixed flaw on an otherwise very good toy. Ways this could be resolved: 1) Put small pegs on the arms that are received by slots into the legs. Bonus points, have a peg and slot on the otherside of the arms so they lock into each other also 2) Yamato V2 style, put pegs that pinch the arms into the right spot on the exterior of the upper bicep 3) Shape the existing metal peg like an "L" and have the arm slide back onto the "L" thus elevating it and locking it. For true perfection, they should redo the backpack the mold to make it thinner so the extra beefy arms could tuck up higher and not droop below the legs in fighter mode.
  15. Been a long time since i handled those! Maybe I'll drag them out when this arrives.
  16. He's the one with the damaged shoulder right? Love that they're giving that to us.
  17. Gorgeous! I'm jealous.
  18. Yeah, i just pulled mine out of the box to look at it for a minute and it's beefy... Makes a good impression.
  19. My point is that there's no discernible benefit from them getting a distributor. They're a small company making products so niche that the people who need to know about them already do. Having them be available for 50% off at GameStop after a year of people looking at it and saying "why would i pay $300 for this things i don't recognize?" doesn't do therm or GameStop any good.
  20. But the people who would buy their expensive and limited toys are already importing them.
  21. It's like a drink company touting their newest product as having 3x the artificial flavoring.
  22. I thought this was a kids logic collaboration, not Kitz Concept. There's a thread for it.
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