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Everything posted by jenius

  1. Well I hope this is as easy as the Tamashii Nation metallic VF-25 Tiny Session to purchase.
  2. I don't know the circumstances but there are no pics of the inside because it's listed as 'unopened'. Maybe it was a cheap BIN.
  3. Looks like a test shot rather than an actual scheme but I'll try to get one.
  4. There has also been at least one VF-1 teased. Hope we see more, this line is adorable.
  5. Have they teased those in Tiny Mission? I would love to see them but I don't remember them being teased.
  6. Man, these toys are making the Yamato toys feel like real bargains at their original MSRP... Cheaper and twice the size with tons of detail and disassembly ability. I had hoped Arcadia would make a smaller Scopedog like their Garland but Bandai and ThreeZero have scratched that itch.
  7. At this point, they should work on an SD 2.0 and address some of the shortcomings then release the gbp. Might as well get is to double dip!
  8. I haven't been paying attention on that but I think the WWM logo is on the box no matter where you buy the toy from, Japan or abroad.
  9. Honestly, I don't know that it is a huge rip off of the Sentinel. The cockpit is doing something different in soldier mode and there are definitely different interpretations at various points.
  10. Oof, I'm going to have to go with a WWM release on this one... I'm sure the Japanese sites will sell out instantly and I'm on the east coast and those hours don't work for me!
  11. It's 1/28 scale.
  12. Will we get a TWE metallic red and gold release?
  13. Looks like the HG model kit expansion 1 effect parts.
  14. That guy does fun intros!
  15. It was a two way street, BW would rather eat it's own face than share revenue with HG. I don't know that it ever could have been different because BW never viewed HG as legitimate in any capacity.
  16. It's possible my Alto is not the same level of whiteness as it was when new but my Luca and Maruyama are a similar hue. I think the revival version might be a little more pure white and the matte finish may also catch the light better making it look even brighter when being photographed.
  17. jenius

    1/55's revisited

    That's cool!
  18. I think it's just a color and finish change. I'll poke 'em a bit more as I handle it with the armor.
  19. I didn't mention it because I have only seen that be an issue on the Nightmare Plus. I don't remember seeing it as a problem for the original Alto, Luca, or Maruyama. Everything is fine so far on both my original and Revival.
  20. Thanks, I completely redid the written review on anymoon also which I think makes it a lot more useful and comprehensive... That's what made the review take so long.
  21. BW has a pretty brutal track record when it comes to foreign interest but the times may be changing.
  22. I don't understand what's not to like about the trailer. It's just a teaser, has a lot of action, has some good actors in it. That's why I would guess it's just review bombing. People going "I hate Disney, you ruined Star Wars" thumbs down. I wonder how close in time the girl Jedi saying "I see fire" is to the events that follow. Maybe she's a bad little Jedi? Honestly, I'm so burnt out on Marvel and Star Wars. I haven't caught up on all the shows for either and don't know if I ever will. For Star Wars, I think I've only missed Andor and Obi Wan.
  23. The designs are probably the intellectual property of TRex and the toy companies lease them and pay a fixed development cost plus a per unit produced amount. Trex probably reduces the fixed cost of some of the engineering that can be carried forward. For the VF-171, Bandai allegedly specified they wanted the you to be as unique as possible and probably paid the full engineering price. They probably have some period of exclusivity included in the initial design work or maybe even a exclusivity ongoing charge they offer.
  24. I think everyone really ought to stick to Acolyte conversation here and not let this prequel teaser clip veer us back into discussions of what was worse, the prequel or sequel trilogies. That has been litigated and re-litigated numerous times on this board for people to go back and skim through. I think that can be summed up as "there are valid arguments in both camps for why both are worse, and elements of both that we can argue are better, so it's okay to be in either camp."
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