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Everything posted by jenius

  1. Regular retail release. When I check the Tamashii link, I still see it listed as all regions though it looks like grogall is seeing something different.
  2. Happy about this... but it probably means I should re-buy a set of the old armor so I can compare it to the renewal version.
  3. HMR is like 1:90 scale. The Yammy V2 was 1:60... haven't looked at mine in forever to see if there are color variations.
  4. Are you looking for a source for the 'he decided to undermine it"? No, at that point it becomes my observation of how the force evolved over his films becoming less a spiritual power that could be tapped by true believers* and more a biological construct. I believe it was an interview with Spielberg where he says "I told George that The Force was so popular it could become a new religion!" but there are hundreds of similar things that were said. * Clearly there was more to it, even in A New Hope, but it's delightfully ambiguous.
  5. George Lucas got spooked after A New Hope when people started telling him that the idea of "the force" was so compelling it could become a religion. He then decided to undermine it with stuff that made it less and less compelling and/or inclusive before going full anime trope cliche with Anakin's "his magic score just hit 20K!" I just showed my kids The Phantom Menace last night.... OMG it's bad but the kids were mostly entertained and that was what George was going for. I just want to give them some primers so I can watch the animated Star Wars stuff with them.
  6. It's swappable.
  7. I bet this one can stay WWM. It's not DYRL (technically) and it's not SDF Macross so it's probably in the clear. It being WWM is the only thing I can think of that justifies it being done.
  8. Maybe now that this is out, Arcadia will finally be allowed to do a reissue.
  9. jenius

    Hi-Metal R

    When we were excited about BW going international, we didn't realize it meant a bunch of boring reissues.
  10. Definitely copied from kits, not sure if they paid the kit makers something but I would hope so. That doesn't impact the licensing though or that the toy versions were made and distributed by Toynami. Still, all these DYRL releases were more than a decade ago. Toynami has been off the DYRL license for a long time.
  11. No, Toynami did DYRL superposeables and 1/100 way back in the day, and Popbox did the DYRL Hikaru and Max figures, but that was well before the licensing issues were settled and HG was left only with Robotech specific rights.
  12. Nah, Toynami hasn't made anything new in a while. I think their only product since the updated BW settlement has been the 3" character figures from the Macross Saga. They haven't done DYRL designs in a LONG time, well before the settlement with BW.
  13. Remember, BW gave a license to Kaiyodo to make Revoltech toys at the same time they gave Yamato a license to make the Gnu Dou toys. Again, I think it comes down to the toy makers not thinking it was worth spending on exclusivity... And it didn't turn out great for either of those toy makers. If you don't want competition, ya gotta pay more.
  14. TZ originally called it 1/72 somewhere but then they stopped listing a scale and listed a size instead. That size, is very similar to the KC, which is technically too large to be the 1/72 KC calls it. I don't think that has much to do with licensing. I think TZ just knew nerds like me would do the math and point out that the scale was more like 1/65 or whatever it is. TZ knew about KC so they knew there was no exclusivity. HG might have plans to grant that after KC's deal expires. HG has never been accused of managing their license well. It's believed HG no longer can license DYRL designs so that's why KC hasn't produced strike parts or DYRL paint schemes.
  15. TZ I believe are "non scale" and KC are advertised as 1/72 but are technically too big for that. Scale only matters when exclusive licenses are purchased. Usually it's the toy company that would want the license to be exclusive to limit competition. They could limit it by lots of ways: region, MSRP, scale, or even be the exclusive provider of toys altogether. The license holder charges more depending on how tight a hold the licensee wants on the property.
  16. Looks like there has to be overlap. The TZ is now shipping in May but KC has the GBP and metallic VF-1 scheduled for after that.
  17. Tekering, are you saying you want separate battroid and tank kits? You acknowledge that compromises are needed if the same parts will be used for all modes which is what I thought the goal was.
  18. Fantastic!
  19. They could have easily done more with the head.
  20. Vinyl collectors get fleeced... I'll never understand it. It's like the hardest core niche of the fandom.
  21. Did Mospeada ever get an HD or better remaster?
  22. This release isn't for us. It's Bandai's way of seeing if there's a big international market that was shut out before WWM. They're using their most popular toys to do that, not their most obscure ones.
  23. It's such a smart move though because they will pair perfectly with the Sentinel toys. They should include a 1/48 version with each to go along with the Legioss toys. A 1/48 Jeep as a PO bonus for one of the figures would get my money.
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