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Everything posted by jenius

  1. I think it just comes with missiles and a stand... Maybe I'm not seeing anything else on my phone.
  2. I opened it to be safe and can confirm that my second VT-1 arrived with no broken vertical stabilizers. Woot.
  3. Omg, I tried to watch that recently, I was 40 minutes into the first movie and only 5 minutes into any actual story. I gave up.
  4. LegoLand is great when your kids are too little for most amusement parks, like 2-6 years old. They can still get some mileage out of it 6-9. I rode the Matterhorn for the first time in 20 years. My daughter is 9 and she was at the park before I arrived and had ridden with her cousins. I said I wanted to go and she said "okay, but it's kinda scary" and seemed a little reluctant. We went on and I totally understood why with the Yeti yelling and chasing you. I had forgotten just how bumpy the ride is... One time was enough. Celebrated my anniversary at club 33. Wonderful experience.
  5. Maybe they'll make some improvements! J/k
  6. I think both heads look silly.
  7. 100%, I also would have preferred that.
  8. My second is on its way from AE, normally I would leave a second one totally sealed but I will probably make an exception in this case to confirm the backpack is safe.
  9. I have to rewatch some Delta, when did he have this version? Is this from the second movie? If so, it doesn't last long.
  10. Truly unexpected.
  11. Probably too much to hope for English subtitles. Oh does it have them?
  12. I've still had zero luck getting in touch with customer service to update my invoice and reissue it... But since they didn't seem to be shipping to the masses yet, I'm not too concerned.
  13. I can't check right now so just going off memory, but I was pretty lucky with my nightmare plus for a long time. It took a while before it completely crumbled... I was wondering what everyone was complaining about... And then the knee shattered followed by so many other parts but well after the initial review. I'm keeping that sad trombone handy for future let downs!
  14. You can do that easily enough on your own.
  15. Ooh, wonder if they'll be shipping those out while the rest of us wait for the pilot before ours ship.
  16. He said "hoping", not "expecting". I think we'll see a 19S sooner than later and if the Kai and S sell well, maybe an F and a P. If we get to a P, I'll get optimistic about more Mac7 HMR. A YF-21/VF-22 would be higher on my hopes than a 17 but I'd love 'em all.
  17. Not soon, but eventually. After the review posts I'm going to move on to the VT-1.
  18. I think I'm talking myself into buying this. It would be my first purchase from ShowZ which means it takes more to convince myself to do it.
  19. In my first transformation guide, I rotated the hips all the way up into their fighter position for battroid which is not correct... slightly more line art accurate but it causes handling issues. I've corrected the video and made it more clear where the hip should stop.
  20. Yeah, that's the backpack locking pin. It's mean to be removable. See my transformation guide above.
  21. I have no real issues with 30 Seconds to Mars, and I liked Leto in Dallas Buyers Club. He seems to be on a real losing streak though and has become associated with stinkers. Ten years ago I would have been like "Oh, it's got Leto in it?" Now I'd be like "Ugh, it's got Leto in it." A few wins and that would change though. I went through something similar with Joaquin Phoenix. Remember when he did that stupid "I'm Still Here" movie? He basically 'pretended' to be an awful person for years for Casey Affleck's amusement or something.
  22. Besides saying one will exist, can anyone remind me what hints we have about the pilot figure? Could they just send a fetal position figurine or did they promise more than that?
  23. Given the remarks about the HMR being a copy of the Arcadia, it stands to reason that battroid will look too small. In fighter mode the Arcadia toy is about 1/56 scale but in battroid mode it is 1/66 scale (going off official measurements). This might be one of those rare occasions where Kawamori's math on what battroid mode height should be, was flawed. It seems like actual height should have been 14.1 meters (the height of the Arcadia toy *60), not 15.5. Edit - of course, if it were 14 meters, then it would be the same height as a VF-1 (14.2) and everything would make sense. Edit 2 - If you want 1/100 scale, the original Hi-Metal toy with its much longer proportions is 1/100 scale in battroid but is 1/88 in fighter.
  24. Well I won't freak out for another week. Fortunately I have my first VT-1 to work on..
  25. Ah, that explains why the price on the ol' secondary market hasn't dropped as precipitously as I was hoping.
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