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Everything posted by obakesan

  1. just got MP5 from yesasia.com with no modifications, misb! lol looks cool to me and surprised how "hefty" he feels despite being plastic? Only bad thing was the box was a bit banged up, luckily Megs was ok.
  2. My first real Macross toy was a Takatoku Super VF-1S Valkyrie which I got in '89. At the time, I never actually saw the real Macross, instead being introduced to it via Robotech (no stone throwing please ) and thought at the time it was a cool toy. I didn't even realise it was made by Takatoku until discovering these forums and website. Sadly it was sold in a big job lot auction for something like a few bucks CDN. The inhumanity of it, g thanks ma.... Unfortuneatly though, the front wheel well broke where the plastic held the metal landing gear in place. The force of clicking the button to open the landing gear eventually stressted the plastic housing and it broke. Hmm, I wonder where it is now after all this time, floating out in the world somewhere. ahh memories, nothing more than..... Cheers,
  3. Haven't seen those, but just found a Lego Predaking which looks pretty cool. Always impressed but these creations. check it out. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Custom-LEGO-Transfor...1QQcmdZViewItem
  4. Working in IT. Originally started doing QA/Testing, now some programming, but in reality I'm an IT jack of all and master of none... lol
  5. If anyone is interested I have a few Binaltech transformers I''m selling. More information in this thread: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...topic=18023&st= Cheers,
  6. Ah, interesting, I shall hunt around and check it out. Thanks. I do recall seeing a RC VF-1 at one poing in the forums, probably that one. Was amazed that it flew!! Cheers,
  7. Came across this and wanted to share. pretty cool. video of F-14 RC plane. big one too. RC F-14 Video Enjoy,
  8. obakesan

    Orgami VF-1

    and GBP armour.
  9. Well I'm not IN Canada but am from Canada (Vancouver, BC) ..... does that qualify?? ok then all UK Macrossworlders down to the pub for a pint
  10. Listening now using a PDA over WiFi. Works quite well. digital radio . listening to www.UFM1003.com which is a Singapore station, asian pop stuff. Also find Virgin radio and Jazz FM not bad as well. Cheers,
  11. Mahiu episodes 13,14,15 are out.
  12. Speaking of Alt Optimus Prime, Hasbro has some pictures on their site: Alternator Optimus Prime Alt Mode Robot Mode The alt mode looks ok and is a change from all the sports cars lately, but not about it being "Optimus". Like MP op for that, or why not just make a 1/24 Semi Truck in scale with the other figures. Also, I wonder if this will be Hasbro only or will it be in the BT line as a Convoy or perhaps some other character in BT. If indeed it is Convoy in BT, how will the story be written that Convoy gets this body.
  13. Found this Transformers Movie Reconstructed DVD Review and the results, sadly, dont seem to favourable.... also, the Star Wars things are a disappointment, why do they always do these characters transform thing? It would of been nicer if the ships transformed into either regular robots or characters from the Transformers line rather than Star Wars characters. look at how fugly the x-Wing looks as Luke? The Jedi Fighter though reminds me a bit of Vector Prime in GF.
  14. Transformers The Movie Reconstructed Was just browsing around HMV (UK) today and found this on the shelves: Transformers Movie Reconstructed Looks the long awaited wide screen edition of the Transformers Movie (animated) with special extras, etc. Cheers,
  15. obakesan

    Heads up!

    The GBP is on Yamatos website now. Same pictures are on there that have been seen before, but slightly large I think. see it here http://www.yamato-toys.com/items/detail.php?gid=796 Cheers,
  16. RC robots anyone.... Story here: RC Robots Look pretty cool. now if only that 1/48 valk had RC functions and could walk around as well and transform too oh drool. can dream....
  17. Galaxy Force / Cyberton Primus proto pics and review over at tfans here: Primus Review Enjoy,
  18. drool drool drool. its like in the godfather... "you try to get out and they pull you back in" thanks Yamato.... (starts saving the pennies) A future 1/60 GBP would be sweet too...
  19. Be afraid be very afraid! lol. Maybe we need a masterpiece Wheelie On a more serious note, just read this: Takara Tomy to lay off 15% of work force... Takara Tomy Layoffs Doesnt sound good for the people as well as the Transformers? Well, time will tell how the results of the merger pan out...
  20. FanToFan has some Dengenki Hobby / Figure Oh! scans featuring the following: FanToFan GF Soundwave GF Master Galvatron GF Megalo Convoy etc...
  21. Slightly OT... but check this out: Transforming robot toy from Korea. Who knows maybe one day our favourite Transformers toys will really transform! Yujin Robotics Transbot PS: Pepsi Convoy is interesting, not sure about the pepsi coloured cab though? But atleast it makes it possible to get a Convoy. Cheers,
  22. interesting news. Though bit strange as tried the original link that was posted, but HLJ came back with a page not found error. Did a search and find the figures under a different product number!? http://www.hlj.com/product/CMS65031
  23. FYI: Just noticed that Mahou's version episode 9 is available. mahou Cheers,
  24. Rise of The Machines... X-47B Killer Drone construction begins!!!
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