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Everything posted by obakesan

  1. they are up for PO - AE has them at pay now price of 9,600 yen or pay later for 10,800 - slightly cheaper RRP.
  2. just received my HMR Scopedog and finally had a look and nice. bit of weight too which kinda surprised me from the valks. bring on more.
  3. just got my MP/G Ginrai's - and surprised the cab of Ginrai's truck is diecast. definaetly some weight behind it.
  4. What if Basara Prime is a triple changer? Truck and plane? Looks like he's holding a guitar 🎸 in that teaser too
  5. Promo Page for Missinlink Sunstreaker https://tf.takaratomy.co.jp/tf_missinglink/c-05/ Cordon https://tf.takaratomy.co.jp/tf_missinglink/c-06/
  6. PSA - pre-orders up now - on AE atleast
  7. I don't quite get the 'naming' of this. Like it has popped up in the UK on Hasbro Pulse as a ' Retro G1 Optimus Prime' yet the colour scheme is clearly not the original and is more an anime version. It's also more expensive technically than the TT MissingLink version I have already lol - plus ugh what's with the screw holes on the trailer? Guessing the actual original had a sticker so they were covered up? they couldn't do the same here or plug them maybe. tempting - but I've got enough primes
  8. Shattered Glass Masterpiece (MPG) Convoy (Prime) coming soon?
  9. I grabbed Prime & Soundwave. Speaking of Prime, was tidying up and found my Encore prime - quick comparison shot with ML prime. The sytrofoam makes the box solid indeed compared to the plastic tray of the Encore releaase.
  10. for fans of the og Marcel run of G.I. Joe A Real American Hero (and for new ones) Skybound is doing a new Kickstarter soon special compendium sets: https://www.skybound.com/announcements/g-i-joe/announcing-g-i-joe-a-real-american-hero-compendium-set-kickstarter
  11. Jetfire is still available in the UK (where I am) 😁 but they don't list the MP's on UK Pulse - so I got those from Anime-Export.
  12. couple re-issues of some figures have gone uo on Hasbro Pulse - notable is the Seige Jetfire https://news.tfw2005.com/2024/04/16/po-alert-jetfire-prime-and-ratchet-siege-and-shattered-glass-resissues-available-508783
  13. Ginrai is up on AE if anyone looking. MPG-09 https://anime-export.com/index.php?product=79353 MP-60 https://anime-export.com/index.php?product=79360
  14. Degenki Hobby Articles for: MP-60 https://hobby.dengeki.com/news/2292637/ MPG-09 https://hobby.dengeki.com/news/2292661/ I'm big mixed on this release - on one hand Power Optimus Prime - as I knew him - was my 1st Prime. Not much a fan those arms in trailer mode sticking up - I mean the posts above of the animation and old toy don't stick up that much - and this is meant to be "master piece"
  15. I'm kinda 50/50 on the Turtles. On one hand, I dig it, but on the oher hand I rather have an actual robot that scanned the van and transformered, rather than the van being a Turtle. For me, it's why I was never a fan of those Star Wars x Transformers crossovers, where a TIE Advanced became Darth Vader or looked like him. I prefer the Ectotron or Giggatron style where it's a unique bot that scanned the vehicle and has some nostalgic bits thrown in. MP60 - tempting as most the MPs are, but again dissapointing there is no trailer, etc. Knowing tt, they probably do some MP60+ version with a trailer or anime colours or whatever, but ngl it was my first prime back in the day, so hits a spot for me
  16. PSA preorders up for MP Hoist and MPG Kaen
  17. Masterpiece Trailbreaker official video.
  18. So managed to get around to checking my Haslab Victory Saber, especially given all the issues I've been reading about lately. Thankfully aside some paint spray here and there I think I lucked out and nothing wrong so am happy with him. Hope they improve things with deathsaurus.
  19. so this is like an unlicensed repo right? Kenner was bought by Hasbro right so won't they just stop on this or they don't care. Heck why Hasbro doesn't do a run even limited or a haslab is bizarre.
  20. 10 to 1 they slap normal cobra logo, tweak the paint apps and stick it into retro classified line 😉
  21. he sold out pretty quick on the UK site after he went up - I was on fence then missed out. You based UK? I was in a Smyths Toys and they are carrying the Velocitron line too. I saw like a dozen Cosmos (out of stock on Pulse UK) but sadly no Scourge yet - but worth checking.
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