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Everything posted by realdeal

  1. It looked like a young girl, might have been. Hmmm you may be on to something there.
  2. I got it, Dualla as Minmay. She looked pretty good last episode. Hikaru of course is Apollo.
  3. I guess you haven't seen Enemy at the Gates then? You should have a look at it...it's a great sniper vs sniper movie. On the subject of an MGS movie, I think it could work. The story of the original MGS1/Twin Snakes would translate well to a movie, if tweaked properly. Sure, you have to make some changes to make a movie dramatic, but that doesn't mean raping the original source material (as every video game adaptation has done up to now). In the hands of the right director and writer, MGS could be fantastic. Thank god it's not Uwe Boll. 370914[/snapback] It doesn't necessarily have to be sniper vs. sniper. It could be snake armed with only a pistol vs. sniper wolf. Now figuring out how snake could win would be interesting. They could build the fight up too, have snake injured earlier by sniper wolf so he's forced to retreat.
  4. That would be kind of funny. A retelling of macross tv!!!
  5. THERE IS A GOD!!!!!!!!
  6. Justice League unlimited hasn't been on in a while, and while randomly looking around the viewing guide I saw that there's a new episode tonight. HOpe it's good, haven't seen a new episode in like a year. So don't miss it!
  7. OMG!!! Somebody hide my wallet!!!!!!!
  8. Kim has been taking care of Chase somewhere in Northern Cali. 367599[/snapback] I think Jack had a line last season that said Chase was working at some private security firm and he and Kim bought a house in Valencia, CA. Funny, b/c when I met Elisha Cuthbert at WonderCon last year she said she would be back...I didn't know it would be a year later... I think its time for Tony to wake up! 367630[/snapback] I can't wait to see her. I wonder if she got hotter? DRooooollllll!!!!
  9. You're not the only one.....I thought that was him too. I really hope they bring back Kim asap because this season needs MORE eye candy. Jack going crazy just isn't enough for me, and this episode was probably the weakest of the season. Did anyone else hate SAMwise's new storyline? 367590[/snapback] Just watched it again and yeah it is definitely him. Kind of funny since Jack tortures a guy this episode.
  10. Is it me or did I see John Mccain hand Audrey Raines some files? It happened after Jack infiltrated the penthouse, after the commercial break.
  11. Man, I wanted Jack to take that guy's eye. I love it when he goes wacko! 365016[/snapback] 365020[/snapback] Good pic! Man that was an intense scene, complete with evil psycho background music! I hope jack loses his cool next episode too, from the looks of the promo there might be some gun battles.
  12. Man, I wanted Jack to take that guy's eye. I love it when he goes wacko!
  13. I also like Lee a lot more. He was just a whiney brat, then came a near death experience and now he's kind of a brooding tough guy. I got a lot more respect for Lee now.
  14. Is it me or is there just no tension in CTU anymore? Sean Astin and the other head CTU guy just seem to agree with Jack on everything. The scene in the medical area where Jack fought the assassin was awesome. I love the scissors and the neck, it was so awesome and nasty! ONe thing I don't understand is why do you stage a hostage taking situation just to grab some nerve gas. You'd think they would just grab the stuff without making a scene.
  15. Give me a 1/60 YF-19 dammit! But I do agree on a new series with some old AND new transforming Mecha. How about something that involves mecha from every generation of Macross set on earth? Maybe a new world war with an Anti-UN movement. That would rock!
  16. I'm sure he will. Remember, he already told CTU that he's not bound by any protocol. He already played jury, judge, and executioner once this season. The best quote this season is when Jack said something like, "Lets get one thing straight, the only reason you are conscious right now is because I don't feel like carrying you." 363416[/snapback] Oh yeah, I forgot he killed that dude. Only one hour to go!
  17. I hope Jack goes wacko and does something off protocol today, like killing someone then chopping his head off in season 2 or torturing suspects. This season so far seems pretty tame compared to past seasons.
  18. I love the seller's warning on their other items: Attention: We smoke. If you don't like it then please do not bid. We know that it is bad, but it gets us through the day. You were warned.
  19. Is Blade really bald? I think I prefer Wesley Snipes.
  20. The Valkyrie exchange is the only place I've ever ordered from. Always great service! Kevin is liquidating some of his inventory towards the bottom of his page. No 1/48 GBP though.
  21. Michelle Dessler was so hot. Too bad she got little screen time.
  22. I got a six pack of Killian's just for tonight. It's cool to watch Jack Bauer kick butt while drinking some brew!
  23. I could probably take three. Depends on price.
  24. I was thinking Gaeta might be a Cylon. It's kind of convenient, I mean if the Cylons guided the fleet to Kobol he would be the one to do it. And if you watch the season finale, right at the end where he shakes the hand of the asian chic the camera zooms in as if he gave her something. Maybe he handed her the gun Who knows, all I know is we have to wait until July and July is still a long ways off.
  25. That movie was pretty scary. The demon had some raunchy lines that made the movie crowd burst out laughing. I enjoyed the movie, but the ending was a little too easy for the hero.
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