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Everything posted by realdeal

  1. YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. I really hate how they rearrange their schedule. I set my DVR player to tape Eureka 7 at 1:30 am because that was the schedule said, but I ended up taping an episode of Cowboy Bebop. Do these guys even care about their viewers?
  3. It was the same studio but they are in Japan and not American based at all. They do all the Final Fantasy video game cut scenes.
  4. I voted for all too because, well, its our only choice!
  5. I'm going to have to politely rebut your argument a little bit. The Wolverine I know in the comics was an out of control team member who butted heads with authority. I remember in X-men issue #1 when he went into a berserker rage, forcing Cyclops into shooting him with his optic blasts. Wolverine is a violent, dark, almost animal like character from what I remember, and not charimatic to his fellow team members. Sure he's a loner, but only because he was cold and kind of a dick to his fellow team members. I'm sure fans realize after X3 that the Wolverine in the movie is very different from the Wolverine in the comics, and they will come to realize that the movies aren't the real X-men. Sure the next movie will be a blockbuster, but I fear the franchise is moving towards how the first Batman franchise ended (really bad movies that didn't resemble the comics at all). BTW I really like Wolverine, he is one of my favorite characters in the comics. He totally kicks ass in a fight. But the movie version guy became kind of a wuss. He was like, "I love you Jean" and stuff at the end, it was kind of uncomfortable to watch. I kept thinking 'for goodness sake get over her already.'
  6. I think he had a mini flame thrower/lighter attachment on his gloves.
  7. This movie sucked! *Spoilers* Anyway I saw this movie yesterday and from the opening Danger Room sequence and just knew this movie was bad. Everything in that scene looked awkward and kind of fake. For the rest of the movie there were too many story lines going on at the same time which failed to capture my attention. The Angel storyline was especially useless and made no sense. Here's a scene that is especially awkward. When Angel is about to get injected with the cure he bursts out of his bonds and spreads his wings shirtless and flexing his muscles. The scene was totally gay and looked ridiculous. I almost burst out laughing in the theatre. I also thought beast kind of looked stupid, I kept thinking of a hairy smurf. This guy is a scientist and Secretary of mutant affairs, but he just looked like a blue furball and totally out of place! My biggest gripe is how quickly they killed off Professor X and Cyclops. I had no idea they were going to do this. I guess I'm really mad because if this movie is about the X-Men, they should be more faithful to the comic. I heard that in the comics, the Phoenix killed herself because of her love for Scott Summers. That would have made a much better ending in my opinion. Cyclops was so under used in all the movies its ridiculous. Instead she kills off Scott in the beginning, but can't seem to put down Wolverine. It almost suggests she loves Wolverine more, which goes against how she rejected him in the first movie. Since other people are rating this, I give it a 2 out of 5. Some action scenes were decent, but if you looking for a good story and character development don't watch this movie!
  8. Wow that last one looks like it came right out of a movie!!!
  9. If someone could recap that would be great as I missed most of the episode.
  10. This is the sequel to the first GITS movie right? I rented this sucker from blockbuster 6 months ago. Hell, I think I saw it at Best Buy!
  11. I don't think Buchanan was making a move on Hayes (she's ugly anyway). I think they gained mutual respect for each other and became friends. Just b/c a guy asks a girl to breakfast it doesn't mean he wants to get some. Well not all the time...
  12. Oddly enough, I hope Logan stays president at end of season and is around next season to cause further havoc. I know it's not likely, but it would be nice. And by the way, this season need to continue into next season. Cliffhanger, anyone? 401252[/snapback] The RETURN of Naked Mandy! 401253[/snapback] Naked Mandy is so awesome!
  13. Glad to hear you were successful. I won't try until the weekend so wish me luck!
  14. You have to wedge an exacto knife between the two parts of the outer shell of the gunpod and slowly work your away around the entire piece. When the gunpod is completely apart you will have EIGHT pieces in total. You als have to be extremely care full when prying open the barrel, as the gun tip shrouds around both barrel halves and is glued together. I took me almost two days to take one apart just because I was patient enough not to break the parts. Do this slowly and carefully or you WILL break it. I actually have recasted this gun in the past and looks awesome. Come to think of it, I think I will make the LV colored gunpod available. 398151[/snapback] Thanks for the response. I'll give it a try
  15. Hey guys! I was wondering if you can help me out. The gunpod on my 1/48 was put together wrong, the back part of the gunpod that retracts was put in upside down. I was thinking I might just try and pull the sucker apart but I can't figure out how its connected so I was afraid I was going to break it. Do you guys know a solution? Thanks for helping!
  16. I don't think going back AGAIN to the past is going to give us anything new. They need to stick with the next generation universe. I would prefer a new TV series to this movie which will probably bomb. Think about it, no young people know who kirk, spock and bones are. But also, the whole crew on a starship genre is done, I can't think of anything else they could do in this setting that we havent seen before. (Except Battlestar Galactica, I love that show !)
  17. This thing is on tonight on cartoon network. Set up your DVR players!
  18. The transforming figures, mangas and the game are all coming to the US pretty soon so I'd just keep your eyes open at your comic shop. 391498[/snapback] Thanks for answering my question. I'm actually glad the E7 toys aren't out in the US yet since Yamato has gouged me this year by releasing all their 1/48's out so close together.
  19. I just caught the first episode on cartoon network and immediately recognized kawamori's designs. The mecha action was really awesome! The comments on page one were right on when they compared E7 to FLCL, but what is cool is its FLCL with Mecha! Can't wait for the next episode. Any online retailers in the US sell this toy?!?!?
  20. Nerv your avatar is so wrong!
  21. Hardcore elitist foruming at it's best right there. Cut the guy some slack. Did it hurt you? =/ - C 388702[/snapback] All a person has to do is look up any anime store and find the product. Just type in hlj.com and find it. Instead we are bothered by someone's question when they could so easily just find it himself. The guy is just lazy I tell ya
  22. I wouldn't say Family guy is funnier, it's just different type of humor that appeals to you more. It's pretty cool they even animated the Family Guy cast, I wonder if that's legal? In either case I think South Park humor is still pretty fresh after 10 years, and it even got a Peabody. I'm pretty psyched about the next episode, I wonder what would happen if they really did show the Prophet Mohammed? The show is so unpredictable you can never tell with these guys.
  23. there should be at least music i think. I can't think of any moments with awkward silence.
  24. 50/50 There have been promo shots of it with both. The original Super sets did not come with one, but that may be because they were TV style There are a couple of customizers on the boards. Go out to the main site and look in the custom section for references 381727[/snapback] The Hikaru VF1-J with TV packs bundled did not come with a strike cannon. But all DYRL valks bundled with regular fast pack sets came with one, as did the fast pack sets that were sold separately, so I would think the stealth would get one especially since they had pics in the promo. 381806[/snapback] There has never been an offical DYRL Valk that came with Fast Packs from Yamato. The only ones that ever came with Fast Packs are VF-1J MAX VF-1J MIRIA VF-1J HIKARU All of these were TV style valks 381821[/snapback] Now that I think about it, I think your right!
  25. I accidently bought Subsistence without knowing there was a special edition. So is the special addition worth it, and how much is the price?
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