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Everything posted by realdeal

  1. I would say one of the greats has got to be Heath Ledger's Joker from the Dark Knight Returns. Definitely badass.
  2. I got one. Mgs2 when you start playing as Raiden. Man that sucked!
  3. I agree, probably because Peter Jackson's imagination is much better than mine.
  4. I had my doubts going in, but I really enjoyed this movie! Don't get me wrong, this movie started really badly with too much of Sam's parents, college roommates, etc., but once it got going with building up Optimus Prime and his relationship with Sam it really took off. I also found the mythology a lot more interesting, that there are more forms of energon so the Transformers are not totally doomed. And they also took time to build up the the villains characters of Megatron and Starscream. The fight scenes were also a lot better, with slow motion when critical hits occurred so you could take your time to digest what was happening. One thing which I found really stupid was the really tiny transformers the size of bugs. Seriously, they need to stick with big bots. But the movie really shines when Optimus Prime is onscreen, anytime he's is in action or dialogue scene he just oozes charisma.
  5. It'll be watchable as long as they have the lady with three boobies and a midget
  6. I for one think that John Conner turning into a robot is one of the most terrible ideas ever! Seriously, we are in a war versus terminators, so we make our leader a terminator? No one on the resistance would allow that, and how could anyone trust it? It also takes away the man vs. machine/technology conflict, and without that would you really have a story?
  7. The smoothing option on the PS3 makes it look exactly as you remember it.
  8. yeah I think you are right.
  9. Hey guys, I saw the movie and it kind of sucked. The plot didn't make a lot of sense to my friends and me, and it was kind of boring. I think you guys will be disappointed.
  10. I hear there are a lot of extra codes just sitting at gamestops. I'm going to stop into one today and see if they have extras.
  11. You can also get raiden with visor, raiden without visor, colonel campbell (mission 1 briefing), otacon, and I think you have the rest. Just drive the Mk. II during briefings and run into people to get the masks. Colonel campbell is only in Act I briefing.
  12. What happened to the VF-26? Did they just skip a number?
  13. How about this VF-25 Magnum VF-25 Devilfish VF-25 Sabre VF-25 Sentinel
  14. It is so hard to tell those pics are CG at all! I'm defintely going to check this out. Did any of you see "Beowulf and Grendel" starring Gerard Butler before he did The 300? It is a pretty good flick and you might be able to rent it still at Blockbuster. It takes a realistic view of the Beowulf and Grendel story and is quite a compelling movie.
  15. It was awesome when Mrs. Weasley put the smackdown on Bellatrix! Grandma Longbottom was also cool. I also didn't expect a battle scene at the end, and I must say the book really exceeded my expectations.
  16. They better put a windshield on that thing or the batsuit is going to be covered in bug stains.
  17. I am totally shocked.
  18. No Chinese people on the cast...I wonder how Jack gets out?
  19. God how did I miss that!
  20. What the...no Curtis?!
  21. Where do you get one of those? I tried a Michael's a while back and couldn't find it.
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