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Everything posted by realdeal

  1. Saw the 1st episode of Log Horizon season 2 on Crunchy Roll. Loved it much more than Sword Art online so you guys should check it out.
  2. Hey are you going to sell aftermarket stickers for the 19? I think I bought a bunch from you before.
  3. I'm going to assume they brought in a different fight choreographer because the fight scenes were not really that good. Hit Girl also lost her edge and one liners
  4. All mine are pretty good with no yellowing except one which was exposed to direct sunlight.
  5. You can farm for parts in bases and caverns. Also doing quests helps.
  6. I think they should have kept the green bits on the nose, it's green on the Alto version.
  7. I got bored, so I threw on some leftover custom stickers.
  8. Hey guys, after about 3 transformations I have loose leg/hip joint. Is there any way to get them tighter?
  9. If you friend doesn't have one I should have extras lying around. PM me your address and I will mail it.
  10. I recently watched the X-Men Anime on Crackle, the story and the art were damn good. Emma Frost was extremely sexy. I also watched Clannad and Clannad After Story, and I have to admit it made me cry and I've never cried watching anything ever. Seriously I cried like a pussy LOL!
  11. When people said NY i thought everyone was making a road trip to New York or something.
  12. It looks pretty good next to a v1 VF-1S.
  13. I just got this yesterday, the yellow is a golden yellow not the bright yellow that's in the promo pics and the box. The sculpt is flawless, I just wish the IR sensors were red instead of purple.
  14. They hid his crotch area as they are apparently unsure whether he wears his underwear outside of his outfit or not.
  15. Maybe its an animation error.
  16. I think that pic is fake if I remember correctly.
  17. He also invented proper sparring gear for us martial artists. Truly he was a genius.
  18. I think he was actually a trap as he was the humans only way home, which is why they rigged his ship to explode. Really there was no reason to keep him alive other than to use him as bait.
  19. Well the magazine is for people who lift weights, so most people who subscribe are ripped somewhat anyway. I subscribe to the magazine, lots of good stuff in it.
  20. Glad I'm not the only one who thinks so. Why the hell does Dwayne Johnson do crappy movies, he's way better than that? The Tooth Fairy? Is his agent high or something? The Rock should be doing violent kick ass movies like Schwarzenneger. He was suppose to be Arnold's successor, what the heck happened? In either case Conan has to be ripped, antimidating, and look bad ass. Maybe the studio doesn't want to shell out the money for him. It makes me wonder if this movie is really getting studio support, or if its going to be a movie straight to DVD.
  21. Come on! Conan isn't exactly Shakepeare. He doesn't look that bad here:
  22. This guy is terrible! Is there any reason they didn't use the Rock?
  23. Thanks for ruining the movie for me!
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