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  1. Just got my order in at Amiami. yay me!
  2. godaiking

    Hi-Metal R

    Mandarake. Anyone use a Tamashii Nations Act stand with the GBP yet? Pics?
  3. godaiking

    Hi-Metal R

    About to pickup the VF-1J armored Hi Metal R. Had a question: will the Tamashii nations Act stands work with these in displaying in full armor mode?
  4. Thanks for all the tips, guys. I think I'm going to have to alter the back piece (and the optional clip piece that came with the fast packs) a bit as it's still a bit unstable. I'll post some pics later on. Kyatsu: I got it from the Chinese guys (I can't rember there names) on the second isle with all the Gundam models, Yamato Macross/Votoms stuff and bishoujo Anime/Game PVC figures in the black fence around them. The Hikaru 1S had some water damage on the box but the figure was brand new. Got both the armor and the valk for $175. I'm still fairly new to Yamato 1/48's (I was primarily into Vintage Macross items) but I finally gave in when I bought the armored VF-1J.. Here's a pic of it: I plan on customizing the Strike when I'm done with the Armored Valk. -Joe
  5. Hi, I know this may be a newbie question, but I couldn't find it posted above on the stickies. Anyhow, I just bought me a 1/48 VF-1S Hikaru and 1/48 Super/Strike parts set from the infamous Frank and Sons. I'm currently trying to get the back thrusters to stay on, but they keep leaning back. I noticed there was a part for the Valkyrie Backpiece to hold the back wings in place for the thrusters, but its keeps plopping out. Any help appreciated. Thanks! -Joe
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