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Zor Primus

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Everything posted by Zor Primus

  1. QFE Hiatus or stuck in some harbor or becoming prey to an economic crisis, all RT fans have gotten in the last 5 years is a calender, a unfinished previously animated short, arm bands, and a re-release of a 20 year old RPG. Oh yeah and a re-re-re release of the series on blu...DVD... vs. Macross Frontier series, 2 theatrical releases, Macross the First, toylines for MF...does this dead horse have to be beaten again??? I was thinking about this while talking to a guildie in swtor the other night, we got into talking about anime and how he had no idea there was more Macross other then the original and that it was a shame he couldn't buy it in the US. He's not much into fansubs so I suggested just ordering it from Japan directly. Then we went into other series and I realized, wow...Macross fans are the only fans I can think of that are barred from watching their favorite series in the US. Gundam, Ghost in the Shell, Naruto, Bleach, etc...all can watch, buy, collect on a whim. While we sit and curse HG for our misfortunes.
  2. Agreed...but Sheryl Nome's? SIGN ME UP! Regarding the Sentinels novels, I always found it funny how the RT staff did their best to squash the entire series from being canon to basically retelling a cliff note version of it in the Prelude comics. They couldn't even make up something new to replace something that was already done for them.
  3. I hope they get at least this exactly like the comic book. The resolution has a surprising deciding factor
  4. One thing this recent topic did was make me watch SDF:M again. Off the top of my head one line in particular that comes to mind is when Hikaru is asking Roy about Misa when he first arrives on board the Macross. In the original Hikaru says, "Who's the old lady?" in RT he says "Who's the old sourpuss?" This is one of many I noticed last night through 13 episodes.
  5. It was so long ago I can't remember why I joined...but will say its been great meeting everyone here. For ages after seeing RT as a kid I wondered not only about Macross but also Southern Cross and Mospeada. The immense wealth of knowledge I've been able to tap here is amazing. This particular thread is funny at times, forehead smacking, rolling eyes too...but all in all this is not the end all be all of MW. If you pay a visit to the toy section you'll be buying a Valk eventually, I did. Read enough threads about M7 and its actually something worth watching...to at least expand your mind in Macross lore...Macross II (represent! lol) Macross Zero, Macross Frontier...I mean come on, there is so much to talk about...and actually so much to look forward to. Anyways, my Macross rah-rah rant is done.
  6. Agreed, best episode of the season....the kettle is defiantly boiling now.
  7. Yeah...I dont think the farm is in the cards much longer. They showed snippits of walkers swarming the land and a shot of the prison.
  8. Yeah...you'll also find out Revan's fate if I'm not mistaken...you have to play Sith to do so.
  9. Still playing, my main is level 44...mostly because I have so many alts! lol...I feel the Force!
  10. Good ep, not sure I like the Lori car crash...especially if its an out for the pregnancy. I wonder of this group outside is related to the Governor? Guess we'll see.
  11. If its locked how can any of the rt.com lurkers find out anything new about Robotech before its announced on rt.com?
  12. Second half of Season 2...tonight! There is a marathon going on right now on AMC! Don't forget to tune in
  13. Ya left out how many days in port that cargo ship with the battelpods was on
  14. So did this guy have the vision enough back as a kid to think...one day there will be a worldwide method of instant communications that will branch off into different services, one of them will be the ability to sell items to anyone in the world. Let me keep this Christmas present safe and secure until the year...2012...then I can sell it for quarter of a million dollars.... Seriously...kudos to keep this rarity so new...I never could have.
  15. Random non topic Engrish comments...yadda yadda yadda...Robotech in Japan.... See here for proof: http://w.livedoor.jp/harmony-gold_japan/d/%A5%E9%A5%F3%A5%C7%A5%A3%A5%F3%A5%B0%A1%A6%A5%D5%A5%EA%A5%B2%A1%BC%A5%C8# More random Engrish.
  16. So this plot to get the Chancellor, end game to Ep 3 or the first in many attempts?
  17. Absolute crap...its worse then a series about Gun-Gun's mating with Ewoks while Vader screams NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! There is no time travel in Star Wars period. Time travel is what ruined Star Trek, why the hell would this even be considered???
  18. I'm up to issue #72...crawling along...is it Feb12 yet?
  19. The debate is over...Robotech and its lore is based on fact...please refer to this as proof: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I7GJ-8SY068&feature=youtu.be
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