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Zor Primus

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Everything posted by Zor Primus

  1. Welcome to the Deculture!
  2. He's talking about the zombie outbreak in Miami from earlier this year maybe...
  3. From wiki: Fast moving zombies....
  4. LOL true! The walkers in full riot gear were awesome. All in all it sets the pace for what is going to be an epic season!
  5. Season 2 available to view on Netflix. 13 days and counting!
  6. Who wants to see this in a sequel???
  7. Congrats! Next time I'm in O-town I'll definitely check out the shop! Would you be able to do online ordering and shipping to Miami? I'd rather give ya my business. Right now looking to buy a VF-171EX Nightmare...pm me
  8. So they are going to introduce Logan's one true love...Mariko Yashida. Should be a great story if they don't screw it up. I can't wait to see who they cast for the part.
  9. http://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/2012/09/03/oscar-nominated-actor-michael-clarke-duncan-dies-at-54/ This totally floored me He's was a great actor, very versatile and entertaining. Sad to see him go so young and suddenly
  10. Thats really cool! Thanks for sharing!
  11. Eta-2's = Awesome....very excited seeing Onderon getting a nod. Curious to see this planet outside the Knights of the Old Republic comic series. Seems that Ahsoka and Ventress are going to feud in this season more than ever. And yes, Sidious in action is going to rock.
  12. Great....haven't gotten that far yet in the comics...anyways lets hope it doesn't translate into the show this season...
  13. I hate myself for reading the spoiler...and I hate even more the content of said spoiler. I hope its just a rumor and not fact.
  14. Played it on my iPad already...little quirky sometimes as the graphics slow in some cut scenes, but the story is just as fun and suspenseful as the TV show. Definitely worth getting if you're a fan. Only 2 months to go!!!
  15. This one is next on my list...was going to get a VF-25 but this fighter is too sweet not to pass up.
  16. Think you guys are missing out on the fictitious movie fact that the Naughty Koreans used some type of EMP Superweapon to initiate the invasion. That said, a 9mil strong army would have little difficultly in flying in on gliders if they wanted to. I'm sure the cards will be stacked against the US like in the original. Fighting wars in the Middle East, low recruitment because of the wars, financial calamity, and the Euro's turning their backs on us again...yeah thanks for sitting out in the first movie too punks Now I'm not defending this remake, I'm also tired of the lack of creativity in Hollywood...but I'm gonna give this one a chance regardless because somewhere hidden in this movie, like the original is the possibility to wake up that Patriot in all of us. Don't deny it! America...F' Yeah!
  17. Found a site that had the trailer for viewing...sadly its already been removed. It premieres with Batman this week. Here is an early synopsis of what was revealed:
  18. Had a little Supes marathon yesterday. Saw I, II (Donner Edition), and Returns....I had completely forgotten Donner's ending in II was Superman flying fast around Earth to make time move backwards, AGAIN?! I'll have to admit that was pretty cheesy. Basically he can reboot whenever he wants to make things right. Oh! I sneezed on Louis' skirt, brb need to fly fast and change the space-time continuum.
  19. Great movie, liked the way this kid Garfield took Parker's part away from Tobey...Emma Stone is hot...Leary was great, and Lizard was....
  20. I'm assuming the first few pics show Jor'el's Kryptonian gear, looks pretty sweet I agree with azrael, we need to divide the costume with a belt.
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