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Zor Primus

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Everything posted by Zor Primus

  1. Seems the comic stuck close to Mckinney/Sentinals storyline, which for fans of the novels is a good slap in the face for the "cannon" debaters. This pic is very close to a scene in the 5th Sentinals novel Rubicon. At least the end result is
  2. Some Prelude Issue #1 Spoilers - The SDF-3 looks like the Sentinals version at first until it's battle with the Regent's Carrier which nearly destroys it. - Lisa Hayes Hunter is wounded in said battle and loses her and Rick's child. - Rick Hunter looks like wanna be Agent-One. - TR Edwards steals a new SDF class ship. - MCRAPX still sucks golf balls.
  3. Well I'm only on the 4th DVD in season one...couldnt help but read the spoilers. Nanotechnology huh... Well its not exactly what I expected but makes some sense. The angle will probably turn off the show for my fiance considering she likes the mysterious "magic" side the show appears to us at this time. Guess we'll see what unfolds this season...
  4. Shadow Forrrrrrce! To the res-cue!!!! 333939[/snapback] ROFL Well Lisa looks better then Sentinals for sure...however I thought she had green eyes? Rick doesnt look any better the Scott...which is crap imo... As for MCRAPX....yeah somethings never change.
  5. I havent seen the series, however the movie looks really good. Would I be totally clueless watching the movie w/o watching the series? Or am I just gonna miss little quirks that viewers could recognize?
  6. I wrote this the day after the hurricane passed over Miami. We only had a fraction of the destruction my neighbors in LA & MS faced, my thoughts and prayers goes out to them all. I lived through Andrew and know how incredible a powerful hurricane can truelly be. At around 7:30pm the weather was pretty bad, wind gusts were in the high 40's. I was on the phone with my brother talking and he was like "Looks like you guys are gonna get some bad stuff..." I denied it foolishly because the center of the storm was well north of me closer to him in Ft. Lauderdale. So after the power went out around or after 8pm and the wind was picking up. Nothing too bad, probably gusts of around 60ish mph. That however was enough to knock out a window. Didn't have time to do much though so we ran to the garage and grabbed an old 30mph speedlimit sign that ironically I've had since Hurricane Andrew to place over the window. We thought the worse was over...boy were we in for a kicker. There was a pause shortly after, drizzling rain with a constant breeze, we all thought we were just in between feeder bands, wrong! After about a half hour things got hectic. We had sat down to drink another bottle of wine and play a hand of dominoes when the wind got VERY strong. We started hearing debris flying around outside. By this time we heard that the storm had made a jog to the south-southwest and that pause we saw was actually the eye and the strongest part of the storm was hitting us directly. Our make shift window blew off and we had to run over there to keep the sign in place while we thought of something. Some quick thinking we got a small table and placed it over the window, bracing it in place with two crutches! Pics to come on that Mcguyver rig! Window secure the house soon started getting flooded, not too bad but enough to take the kitchen, dining room and Florida room. The wind was blowing constant now at least 80+mph. We heard the howling wind and heard the pelting rain. We stood by the front door and watched as the palm trees bent hard against the wind. This was the longest part of the night, about 2 hours worth of storm. Katrina was a slow moving hurricane, 6mph. So we had the core pass over us in about an hour and half then the last half hour the stronger tropical storm force winds. It didnt really end there, just the bad stuff continued to move south while we had the constant 40mph winds with some higher gusts all night long. As we came outside to take a look during a weaker cell we noticed that this huge tree that has stood since even before Andrew was no more. All that was left was half a trunk about 6 feet high. The rest of the tree had peeled off like a banana and shredded to hell (pics coming!). So with no power and little to do we called it a night at around 2am. Woke up this morning drenched in sweat but determined to see the full extent of the damage. My backyard looks like a bomb hit it. We had two gazebos that are more mangled and twisted then a pretzel. There is debris everywhere including two more of those huge palm frongs that luckily this time did not spear through any windows. We're telling the neighbors to the tree down. I went out in my car for a drive, and saw an insane amount of trees and branches down. Some trees uprooted so much they lifted the sidewalk with them. I will be posting pics up soon. My fiance and I in front of my house.
  7. Any word if there is any truth behind a Pegasus episode? I heard it might be for episode 9 or something. Female skipper too...
  8. Beware...the following pic will mezmorize you into a trance
  9. Yeah...Misa vote here too
  10. Cant seem to find the date for rebroadcast...any idea?
  11. Damn...I'm gonna miss it tonight! I'm gonna have to start a fund for me to get TiVo lol
  12. As if there should be debate, Jolie IS well worth the price of admission. And imo Pitt is an entertaining actor. Certainly not Oscar worthy but definatly a good summer flick. Vaughn as comic releif is also something I look forward to seeing.
  13. So looking forward to seeing how the frack Adama is going to come out after that crazy ending!
  14. Wow...two directors? This is not looking good. Although I cannot really think of a decent replacement I am starting to worry about the film itself. Anyone remember Robocop 3?
  15. I love the F-22 Raptor...just the look of it says "Dont mess with us!" As for the unmanned fighters, they look cool but future or not I'd still put my money on a real live ace then a machine.
  16. Guilty as charged... I bought Luke's ROTJ lightsaber when the first run Special Edition VHS tapes came out.
  17. Amazing models!!!! As for the show I have nothing but anticipation for season 2...talk about your messed up cliffhangers!!!
  18. Intersting...the entire game (Guild Wars) is basically one big instance? Must make for hardly any lag at all. If I didnt so much time on WoW I'd try it out, hehe... Surprised that no one has voted on Matrix Online, anyone?
  19. Blue Angels rock! I saw them years ago at the Air Show in Miami. That 5th pic with the F-18 just over the runway is frackin saweet!
  20. SOE...greedy and shady? There's a understatement if I ever heard one. They completely destroyed SWG with the CU, sad really b.c I played it since beta and over the coarse of almost 2 years I witnessed the game's slow demise. Now they launched the Wookie Rage Expansion while still not getting the CU bugs taken care of. SWG the released game thats really still a working beta lol... At least Blizzard has done so far a superb job with WoW.
  21. Sweet...didnt know they were making a D&D online game...I played some of the Forgotten Realms games, Neverwinter Nights, be cool to see an mmorpg for D&D. To finally be able to play a drow! That alone will make the game awesome!
  22. That Barman Shanker must look sweet! I'd like to see a screen of it. I've got quite a few toons in WoW but my main is a LvL 47 Night Elf Hunter on Argent Dawn. I just picked up the Ravager from Herod in the Scarlet Monastery, sweet arse axe!
  23. Yikes...left out Ragnarok Online also...well if you have others chime in and share your lag nightmare stories or your uber loot grab!
  24. Enquiring minds want to know!
  25. Sadly my console days are either numbered or on extended hiatus. I have been playing online pc games for so long I don't even remember the last time I sat down to play my PS2. I never even finished FFX2 Between work, school and fiance my free gaming time is dedicated to World of Warcraft. If in the future I decide on the next gen console, it'll probably be Nintendo, fiance loves all those Zelda and Mario games hehe... For me, I'd rather drop the cash on upgrading or building a new pc.
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