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Zor Primus

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Everything posted by Zor Primus

  1. Wow, I'd have to say that last night's Raw was a wonderful tribute to EG. I admit to definately feeling the strong sadness the boys in the back shared with us during the broadcast. On a differant note, holy shiza Steph looks hot!
  2. A7 that one is priceless!
  3. Uncool to bash your poll with a jab at your other choice...especially since at the end of the day WoW will probably outscore FFXI any day. I know, I started a poll like this months ago and WoW won. Clicky Not to bash SE or FF in any way shape or form, I am an avid fan of the series. However as some may think of Warcraft as just a rts and not a good mmorpg. Well the same goes for my opinion of FFXI, the FF series a single player rpg with a storyline and ending is what appeals most to me. An ongoing world may be fun for some but not me. WoW offers a ton of content and yes relative ease to achieve goals...although having myself already 2 level 60 characters I can tell you the high end game stuff isn't so easy to come by, nor is it a "cakewalk". A few have tried to get me to just try FFXI out but in all honesty I have a life and to waste more of it on another mmorpg would mean that yours truely will not be able to do things infinitely more entertaining. Like spending quality time with my fiance
  4. A true professional, lame WWE writing still didn't take away from the preformer that Eddie Guerrero was. I am glad he had gotten his push and had earned his place as an elite wrestler. Namely carrying the WWE title. I was shocked when I read the news of his death...thinking that simply to find him in his hotel room leads me to beleive that maybe he really didn't beat the demons that had haunted him for so long. Rest in Peace vato...
  5. My thoughts exactly! Is there no originality left in Hollywood??? Off the top of my head I can think of the following recycled titles... King Kong The Fog Cheaper by the Dozen Godzilla The Longest Yard The Amityville Horror The Bad News Bears Ocean's Eleven Night of the Living Dead Day of the Dead Throw in some more, there are plenty for sure...about 90% are crap.
  6. Sandman, Green Goblin...and maybe...just maybe Lizard....Do I see the formation of a Sinister Six here? If so Blackcat would rock to come in and lend a hand to Spidey... Oh yeah bsu, I have notified the authorities about the aardvark. Next time you wish to make fun of fanbois the appropriate animal representative is the chupa cabra.
  7. Was talking to a friend of mine who is a cop here in Miami and he told me that the production crew would actually take real homeless people from areas of the shoots and put them in as extras. Playing of coarse...homeless people. Party time under the bridges that night let me tell ya! This just in...
  8. My chars in WoW are in Argent Dawn. I have a lvl 60 NE Hunter and working now on a lvl 55 Human Mage. Unlike SWG, WoW's beta was more akin to a real game then the live version of SWG. Great game, with the only gripe being the endless waits to get into Battlegrounds.
  9. Planet Harrier...meh...not much from these screens.
  10. De-Railed is going to have Xzibit as a main character...along with Anniston and the dude from King Arthur. Plot looks decent, verdict on movie is not in yet. On the flip side DMX wasn't so bad in Belly.
  11. I had Afterburner for my Sega Master System... *Missile Lock Beep* FIRE! *Beep* FIRE! *Beep* FIRE! Mom: "Turn that down or I'm gonna get the belt!"
  12. Word is January EXO...what year is still in debate... I am thinking a good bet would be 2040, to commerate the actual events of the series. MCOCK is lurking for sure...he always does.
  13. If Sega is gonna go retro and remake games I cast my vote on Space Harrier. That game pwned, there were none better at the time.
  14. WOW! Awesome! Afterburner was one of my favorite all time games, ever! Pics looks sweet.
  15. SOE's standpoint on subscriber opinion:
  16. Sony does not own WoW Blizzard does... Two things come to mind when I think about why I left SWG. First the continued thrashing of continuity and storyline destruction. Second the game was essentially released as a beta and with all these changes and "revamps" and "upgrades" are more akin to code updates then anything else. There has never in my knowledge of mmo's been a game to see so many changes to its core game done over and over and over again... SOE dropped the ball on what could have been a flawless MMO. Instead they have taken a franchise name and done whatever they felt like with the knowledge that just because its Star Wars people would take it. I guarentee you that if this had been an EQ title it would not be handled this way. I was talking about the SWG dilemma over the weekend with my best friend who like me beta tested the game months before it went public. We agreed that had this mmo carried any other name it would have died a horrible death when the CU was thrown at its players. We also came to the conclusion that this time even the die hard fans of the game and the Star Wars name will probably depart leaving behind a vastly lower amount of good players left sparsely spread out over all the servers. RP as I knew it was done with the CU, it will probably not exsist at all with this new change.
  17. That was Denise Richards...and you must not have seen Wild Things...who cares about acting when it comes to her Tori Spelling acts?? When? Where? Gotta disagree with you on Charlie Sheen, he kicked ass in Platoon. I'd have to put my vote on worst actor on Jackie Chan...great martial artist, but so was Bruce Lee...
  18. Nice tease of the SDF-3...Thumbs up on the battle sequance...but why is Scott's nose bigger then Triple H's?
  19. "But I was going to the Tashi Station to pick up some power converters..."
  20. Well its only 3 eps I have seen, and yeah aside from the excessive fan service it probably wont last long on my pc.
  21. I got the first episode last night and have the next two waiting for me when I get home. Its a comic anime about a kid who is at his grandma's monastary learning to be a better monk. He's surrounded by chicks that rag on him all day long. Whenever there is a fight he gains his power when he "rises" to the occasion. There are 12 eps in the series, which aside from the perverted humor it is mildly entertaining. Should I continue or save some hard drive space for something else?
  22. Bought the Wally World set, havent seen the bonus disc but I did see the deleted scenes. My question is why didn't he just leave them??? Especially the one where Palps talked to Anakin after the Comittee of 2000 left the office. Lucas can't even tell his own story.
  23. AvP wasn't that bad...I would have preferred for it to have stayed true to the original comic series. As for the Castlevania movie I hope they don't spend too much rehashing the Dracula story...its a broken record imo...
  24. I have no SDFM moments b/c I havent seen it yet *ducks and hides for cover* I do remember the first time I saw DYRL and thought, Minmei is still annoying but at least she doesn't sound like a screatching whiny brat.
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