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Zor Primus

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Everything posted by Zor Primus

  1. Saw it on Friday as well. Overall I'd put it under LOTR and Harry Potter 4...definatly not in the same class of film as it pushes more towards the kiddie crowd (Disney movie duh). The FXwere really good, glad to see that they spared no expense. I was pleasently surprised they got Liam Neisen to VA the lion, and yes the Witch's actress was perfectly cast as well! I haven't read the books yet, and quite frankly probably wont get around to them for some time. All in all I'd give the movie a 7 out of 10 and will probably want to get the dvd when it is released. EDIT: I REALLY liked what I saw for the Pirates of the Carribean sequal...
  2. No it makes no sense to me at all. You spent money on a game because you saw a number tagged to the FF title? Were you expecting to play an actual story arc? Or hoping to race chocobos for Knights of the Round? Sorry if your actually gonna expect to have a good first time mmorpg xp your first time around, seems to be the consensus here that your about to enter a world with pretty graphics but very little content. Wish ya would have read some of the reviews here before dropping the $30.00 + if ya got the expansion. Best of luck to ya, seems like your gonna need it after you pass lvl 40.
  3. Who the frell is talking about pen and paper games? I am talking about the graphic novels and books. So piss on you and Anatole Leonard
  4. Also missing...Pearl Harbor or for its time Tora, Tora, Tora!
  5. I already ordered the TPB for Homeland and will definatly be getting the Exile series next. I'm currently reading Servant of the Shard novel and have Sea of Swords and Hunter's Blade trilogy warming up in the bullpen. I still think a trilogy set of Drizzt movies would blow away LOTR, imagine the Icewind Dale trilogy on the big screen!
  6. Tolkemec is being voiced by Mark Hammil, wonder if that means the character is gonna sound like the Joker. Looks pretty good, I'd buy the DVD.
  7. Thanks UN...there was a Picard DVD with episodes centered around him and was pretty sure the episode in question was on it. Found it at Best Buy: Picard DVD I am sure the other episodes are well worth grabbing this dvd.
  8. Not telling you what to do with your game time, personally I can care less. All I have pointed out was how in my personal opinion WoW is a superior game xp. It started with my simple observation on how I felt the FF title to begin with should have just stayed an rpg. Moved on to my gaming xp in WoW with opinions on what players of FFXI had to say. You feel so strongly about FFXI hey great! More mana to ya...rehashing your argument over and over again is like trying to talk to a sponge, no matter how much you absorb it all leaks out eventually. Let the thread die, the votes are in and FFXI lost (again)...
  9. LOL that was harsh and direct...well done! Seriously though if the game is not fun why waste more hours playing it? When WoW came out I had invested tons of hours playing SWG, I dropped that piece of crap like a bad case of the runs on pepto bismal. Like I said Dean, not too much into fps so I play RC on and off.
  10. Damn, here I thought the original Macross had better animation and "Wedding Bells" was just a hack done for the US... Can I get a discount on the set if I dont get this ep? Seriously, what the hell happend there?
  11. Friend sent me that one ages ago.
  12. Comes with a free month membership, might as well spend a month playing it. 351659[/snapback] /agree I dont play Battlefield 2 to often, not really into fps as much. Although I do like playing Republic Commando.
  13. Question for any resident trekkie...looking for the name and season of a TNG episode where Picard was transported by some probe into a world where he ended up living his entire life, had a family, but the planet was going to be destroyed by a supernova or something. He had learned how to play the flute in the episode. Probe ended up being some sort of "time capsule" made by the race long destroyed. Very powerful episode I would really want to see again.
  14. Sweet armor! My hunter is only missing two pieces for the Beaststalker set. My mage however only has the robes, gloves and pants for Magister set.
  15. "Well, of course not, don't be ridi-cool-us." 351126[/snapback] "Who is your Daddy, and what does he DO?" 351128[/snapback] hehe...Kindergarten Cop.
  16. You would watch 5 min of that and shut it off... I think you guys are forgetting how bad some of these shows were. 351108[/snapback] I agree the show ended horribly and had lost its touch a long time before that. The first two seasons were the best...the humor sucked afterwards. John Laraquette was hillarious. Perfect Strangers? That was crap, I find Belkis to be a rip off of Andy Kaufman's Latka Gravas from Taxi.
  17. First of all, getting to 60 is great and all but I do not solely play the game to get maxxed out in 2 months (Togo, did you eat at all when you did it? ). I've had the game since launch and have two chars that are 60. Point for me is to get together with friends and have fun, I am passively collecting set pieces of armor and weapons, and havent even sniffed an epic item but I dont care. The raising of our cap level has nothing to do with being any lesser of a game, it has more to do with the in game content that is going to be released thats probably going to warrent an increase, if there is gonna be an instance with a 20 man raid of 70's I tremble to think whats inside it. Having a "wide arrange" of jobs...you mean like blacksmith, enchanter, herbalist, alchemist, skinner, leatherworker, engineering, first aid, cooking and fishing? Yeah we might have two choose only 2 core ones but who wants to sit all day long doing all that other crap? There are plenty of zones I have yet to explore fully, and more maps in FFXI I hear is just full of mobs that are carbon copies of other places. Sorry thats not more content, its just clutter and eye candy. So you build up an xp debt when you die? Meh for that reason alone I'd shy away from the game, better to repair your armor then have to pick up and grind again.
  18. Excuse my ignorance, but what are "Haydonites"? Are they followers of Hayden Christiansen? Graham 350637[/snapback] Great reply...those are the "other" Haydenites that worship small hands though... The RT version are like a race of synthetic life forms along the lines of Data and I, Robot only taller.
  19. Speaking of dvd's that are movies that come back to haunt us, my nephew works at Best Buy and came home last night with this. Thats right, a 4 disc set of "Breakin" and its sequals. Now I have nothing against the first movie, Turbo's poppin with the broom to the tune of Tour de France is one of the best dance scenes ever. I mean we get our first glimpse at Ice-T rappin and a not well known cameo by Jean-Claude Van Damme. The sequals however were horrid and should be burned at the stake along with the Golden Girls Collector DVD set.
  20. Thats a bit of a reach if your trying to critizize the movie based on that...
  21. Ya know what I find interesting is that all these years have gone by and Mckinney's Sentials books have never been considered "cannon" yet these three comics have taken key elements from the books and just jumbled them together after spinning it in a blender for 1 minute on puree. I'll put good money that the "mysterious" enemy in the new movie will be the Haydonites who are acting upon an Awareness from their homeworld a la EOTC...
  22. Anyone else notice the "fastball special" clip in the teaser? A true X-fan would appriciate and applaud that as a well placed tie in to the comics. Yes I'm a dork who saw it frame by frame...
  23. Sure looks that way...I would have thought they would have gone with a "hulked up" look as it should have been Damnit I hate being an X-men comics geek...
  24. Dont forget Angel is too short also! I read somewhere that Berry wasn't happy with the fact that comic book geeks kept asking her why her part was so small since Storm is such a bad ass in the comics. In truth Storm should have a larger role, she was leader of the X-men and later the X-men Gold team. They have managed to shrink away Cyclops' importance in the last two movies so a more emphazized Storm might be refreshing. However I wonder about this romance with Logan...this just to prop up Jackman and Berry? It never happend in the comics...in fact Logan and Grey hooked up at some point in the Dark Phoenix Saga if I remember correctly.
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