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Zor Primus

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Everything posted by Zor Primus

  1. My bad, yeah the set of 26-50 I tried to get was from Lunar. I had gotten 1-26 from Anime Keep.
  2. Not sure if many of you remember this movie, Victor/Victoria with Julie Andrews and James Garner? I get a laugh everytime I see this flick
  3. Magical Mystery Tour with The Beatles...I fell asleep in minutes. Avoid this one and Hard Days Night. Help and Yellow Submarine were great
  4. Got home and my folder contained 4GB of junk...unplayable files... animesuki was my source, any other places I may find a package dl or do I have to suck it up and get them one by one?
  5. I should be ready to watch 27-50 tonight!
  6. Re-read it. 12th word. This is in episode 17. I didn't expect to see it there. A clear departure from the original show. 357427[/snapback] Either that or its a typo.
  7. I will now have nightmares about fat cylons chasing me...and that "colonial warrior" next to it must be from the Overweightica. The 14th forgotten gluttonous colony.
  8. As much as I think it would be a good thing for SWG to fade away into the night, mid-Feb is too soon. Completly failed games like Earth and Beyond was able to at least give their players a few months heads up on a closing. Then again look at what happend to MXO.
  9. Well I have seen so far eps 1-26...I really enjoy the series. Characters are very well done and the story so far is great. I'll be watching 27-60 soon so I won't be able to comment on this ownage your all talking about, but considering where Ichigo and crew are now I can imagine its an all out throw down. It has elements of DBZ, however unlike DBZ an episode is not wasted with the two opponents staring at each other and talking smack the entire time. I hope that Ichida gets a bit more serious. His character was introduced as this serious bad ass but he's become somewhat a comic relief type.
  10. This actress looks good for Psylocke except she's gonna need a boob job...come one you all know Jim Lee drew her the best!
  11. Great pics! The shot of the baseship getting blasted is awesome. Last pic kinda worries me, that looks like some serious damage to the Pegasus. Unlike the original series I don't want to see another suicide run by this Cain.
  12. I would want in next year! Found this thread a little late in the season but since it has resurfaced jot me down for the league next season.
  13. I think I started a topic like this one not so long ago. My vote will stick. REMAKE CLASH OF THE TITANS!
  14. Saw it the other day....as far as space movies goes I'll give it a 7 out of 10. I could see that there is some stuff I probably would have gotten more if I saw the show on tv. Nevertheless it wasn't so bad. Riddick was better imo.
  15. Sat down and watched Season 2.0 in a day. Bravo! Very well done! This show only gets better and better each episode. Hopefully I can really dedicate the time for the second half of the season, Fridays are tough since there are really an infinate amount of other things to do. However there will always be more dvd's! Who else thinks Cain is a lunatic in command of a Battlestar?
  16. I think after all of the uproar over The Passion (which, after seeing the movie [which wasn't very good], I found to be totally unfounded), I think its his way of moving past all of the craziness around that movie; poking a little fun at himself while having fun doing it. From everything I've heard he's a known praticaly joker, this seems to be his way of saying, "Hey, its just the same old me". 354521[/snapback] Ya know I don't really see what the whole deal was with Passion. I saw it...with the exception of the more then usually graphic nature of the whipping of Jesus by the Romans there was nothing there we havent seen before. Was it the whole blame it on the Jews thing that got people upset? Meh...religon. So this movie is about the fall of the Mayan Empire? Should be at least something to watch and talk about from an anthropological point of view. Wonder how ethnocentric he is gonna go with this.
  17. Woot! I am getting Season 1 and 2 on DVD, I'll be able to comment on this thread! I slack off during the season since I figure it will be on dvd anyways.
  18. Agreed. WTF is winging? Do I need to talk to my wife about it? 354162[/snapback] I think it really should be spelled: WINING... hehe Sumdumgai my girl roxxorz too, but somedays this remote would come in handy, if not for the entertainment the boobs buttons provide!
  19. So after 5 years my fiance and I will finally be getting married next month. Our plans nearly collapses thanks to both Katrina which condemmed the building our reception was going to orignally be and Wilma which anhilated Playa del Carmen where the honeymoon is going to be. Luckily we managed to get a new place for the reception and the resort where we are going is still standing! So why am I wasting valuable space here to post about this? Well I thought I'd ask...well hope really...if a collection could be made for the following item. I know money is tight with gas prices and what not, but a friend of mine sent me this and I think it may help not only me, but any others out there who are married or plan on getting married. Feel free to email me if you are willing to throw in on this product:
  20. Its the end of the world as you know it! However you get to choose how it all comes crashing down. You want quick and painless? Nuclear winter? Starvation? Invasion? Constipation? 1) 4,800,000 alien ships appear over our planet and decide to fire their weapons destroying over 70% of the surface. Nuclear winter and fallout wipe out the remains. 2) A huge alien mother ship dispatches city ships that systematically vaporize all major cities on the planet. A massive ground invasion destroys whats left. 3) In response to a terrorist attack all nuclear weapons have launched in a freak misunderstanding of international policy. 4) A meteor the size of Texas is making a beeline for Earth, in 17 days. 5) The crazy son of a wealthy Scientist releases a virus on the planet that wipes out the population. 6) Climate shift! New Ice Age! Three huge cyclones form and freeze half the planet. 7) The core of the planet stops spinning, when it stops...well I guess something bad happens.
  21. Very cool video...well done!
  22. Kinda like Goliath, except no clay animation...
  23. A whore and you still have an animated avatar Some people... Enjoy your timesink, whatever floats your boat I guess.
  24. Yeah...I'll admit its funny, the various levels of geekdom...partaking in some of it but then get smacked in the face with response that makes you think "Holy shiza, did that guy ever leave his bedroom as a teenager?"
  25. Salvatore's unique and I'd say phenomenal writing style is what got me hooked to his books. I didn't even read any of his Forgotten Realms stuff until much later. My first xp with his books were the Demon Wars series. To be honest I would not expect the graphic novels to put a dent into any of the character developments we see in the Trilogy books. It would require at least a book for each character! I am just stoked actually seeing how the Underdark and Menzoberranzan look and compare it all to how Salvatore wrote it. We all know we probably wont see the graduation ceremony of Melee-Magathere A few duels, principally Drizzt and Zaknafein's sparring and also when Drizzt takes ownership of Guenhwyvar would be awesome to see drawn. I never played any of the D&D games so to be honest I have no idea what the debate is about. 1stDevil, coming in and not only not have a clue at what this thread is really talking about and then thrashing out like a baby at what others have to say is pretty fracktarded. Don't derail the thread on account of what I consider petty and totally off base from whats relevant here. If you have nothing to say about what this thread is really discussing then do us all a favor and move along. Oh, there is no way in hell this thread has risen any geek temperatures, tempers maybe
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